I hope the Dems run on this – IOTW Report

I hope the Dems run on this

The regional director for the democrats in California, David Atkins, tweeted what I’m sure is a heart felt message to rural white America.

“You know who is not grateful enough? Rural white Americans.

They are heavily subsidized, drowning in federal largesse, blessed with political affirmative action & overrepresentation, have all their bills paid by cities and blue states, but they whine and yell constantly.”

But he didn’t stop there, he kept going and going and going on the same theme that’s bound to be a winner for democrats. More

14 Comments on I hope the Dems run on this

  1. You know who isn’t grateful enough? Democrat party officials. They not only PRODUCE ZERO WEALTH, but also they push tyrannical political candidates and legislation that DESTROY WEALTH of those who disagree with their perverted view of the relationship between individuals and govt. All the while, they deposit large paychecks into their bank accounts, enjoy high-value health and retirement benefits at very low cost, and get to make stupendously stupid public statements and see them parroted by the toady left-wing “news” media.

  2. His criticism gave me the sadz.

    He is so morally and intellectually superior that I cannot go to work today to ship food into his Blue cities of Democrat nirvana.

    I guess they will have to resort to cannibalism.

  3. The only shock that comes from this is that one of those stupid bastards was to actually say in public what most feel in private. That and the fact he is he is a fairly high ranking official in the California Democrat Party. I suspect that he won’t be for long and that he’ll be sacrificed into a well paying job working for one of the really rich Democrat dilettantes until this blows over.
    It’s the job of conservatives not to let this blow over, especially the farmers in California that also receive subsidies but at the same time have to fight tooth and nail with the cities (almost all Democratic) for water to grow the food for those former great metropolises now filthy ratholes.

  4. Tell me more, David. Was it always like this with the rural whites? How did it get so bad? How can we fix it?

    I wish more of these elites were as openly honest as David.

  5. Hey, David Atkins! Every single time I travel to the nearest town of substantial size to shop or obtain services like medical & dental care or just want to have a meal in a restaurant, guess what I have to do? I have to make sure I have two concealed handguns on me to protect me and the ones I love from the democrat voting men of color who have turned that city into a hotbed of violent crime. I have yet to see on the local news that a plutocrat shot someone for their I-phone or their tennis shoes or highjacked their car at an intersection or rushed into a large, crowded grocery store in broad daylight to rob the place with shotguns. Screw you, David Atkins! And remember this, it’s us rural folks that have all the guns and we will never give them up because of people like you and the criminal subculture that you created with your sick policies.

  6. Up at the crack of dawn, manual labors all day, repairs and operates heavy machinery, manages business, understands crops and animals, doesn’t rest until well after the sun is down, can drop a lib to the floor with 2 arms tied behind his back. Day after day. All for the sake of feeding said lib who shits all over and hurls derogatory racist terms such as redneck honkey stupid ungrateful mf-er at him. A farmer doesn’t bitch unless there’s good reason to bitch, he simply doesn’t have the time.


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