I hope this is real… – IOTW Report

I hope this is real…

If this is real, the Trump team is good, very good.

10 Comments on I hope this is real…

  1. I tend to think this is photoshopped, but i will keep an open mind until confirmation.
    The giveaway is that the two images have the same camera lens, perspective and framing.

    It seems that an attempt was made to make it look like 2 different photos with the desaturation and contrast, and some manipulation on the vegetation.

  2. …not sure what the top sign is saying, the party is Democrat, (definitely!) NOT Democratic, and our elections are not Democratic either as we vote for representatives and don’t even vote directly for President, but for electors to be sent, so either way, whoever paid for this sign doesn’t know how English works…

  3. @SNS “…whoever paid for this sign doesn’t know how English works…”

    they know how English works, it is how the government works that they don’t understand. They’re living what they learned.

  4. Fur, look at the wire that angles down past the very corner of the walkway on the left.

    The first photo shows it crossing above the corner and the latter shows it crossing right at the point of the corner. The different angles of the tree limbs in that area also back this up. I doubt anyone would try to be THAT detailed in fakery.

    I would wager something it’s legit.

  5. Some one with spare cash could make the sign real. In every city with buildings on fire and people being shot would be prime locations. If the rioters set it on fire it would bring more attention to the signs.

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