“I hope you lose your baby” shouts customer at McDonald’s employee – IOTW Report

“I hope you lose your baby” shouts customer at McDonald’s employee

How come it’s a baby? I thought it was a clump of cells, a parasite, a cancer?


According to investigators, Shannelle Hanson purchased the McChicken sandwich around 8:20 PM Friday at the drive-thru window of a McDonald’s about two miles from her home in Norwich.

The sandwich, however, apparently did not live up to the 21-year-old’s expectations.

Hanson, seen at right, entered the restaurant and declared that “her food was made wrong,” according to a customer who spoke with police. Hanson “requested a refund” and “then went behind the counter,” according to a Norwich Police Department arrest report.

The McDonald’s manager, who is 29 weeks pregnant, told cops that she was “slapped in the face and pushed by Hanson.” A male employee said that when he tried to separate Hanson and his manager, Hanson “slapped him in the face and pushed him.”

The restaurant manager said that after Hanson received a refund, she “stated she was going to make the food herself.” At that point, Hanson came behind the counter and confronted the manager near the French fry station. “She got into my face and slapped me,” the female victim said.

The manager said that prior to Hanson coming behind the counter, other McDonald’s workers told her that the manager was pregnant. In a written statement, the woman added that Hanson replied that, “she had bail money and didn’t care I was pregnant. She hoped I lost my child.”


ht/ jd hasty

29 Comments on “I hope you lose your baby” shouts customer at McDonald’s employee

  1. It’s good to know that, in addition to not teaching reading, math, writing or history, schools aren’t bothering instructing children on proper behavior and manners. But at least they all know that trans women are women and men can get their periods too!

  2. Going to get worse as society
    breaks the *UCK DOWN…..
    How many beating,muggings,riots and gun battles
    can your local PD handle at once ???

  3. …let me guess, there were hundreds of customers that saw this happening, and none of them did anything but pull their sail phones out and laugh at the show…and would probably have done the exact same thing if the attacker had produced a knife and started cutting the baby out…

  4. Dianny JUNE 5, 2019 AT 2:58 PM
    “… But at least they all know that trans women are women and men can get their periods too!”

    …they ALSO know that White people bad, Black people good, that Trump be rayciss, that socialism fixes everything, that the only reason their neighborhoods are shitholes is because Whitey be keeping them down, Jews be evil, Musslims be gut, ANY attempt at discipline or law enforcement towards Black people is a Civil Rights violation, and that you should automatically vote for the Black person in any ballot on which a Black person runs against a White person, no questions asked.

    …and this is just in ELEMENTARY school. It gets WORSE if they stay in longer than THAT, and becomes absolutely INSANE at the collitch level…

  5. I had to pull off the freeway in Connecticut once to get some hay fever medicine at a Walmart. Fuck me Kate! If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it. There were even ten year olds among the packs of losers standing around in broad daylight drinking 40s.

  6. From Shannelle’s FB Page:

    “No cocky shit, but I’m too pretty for some of you regular niggas to be in my inbox. 😬 I like hard working men, I like men with money & bank accounts, I like men who wash they ass & keep up with themselves. If you missing one, you in the wrong messages baby”

    She like ‘hard’ men, that’s for sure.


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