“I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I”- Now Biden devolves into stuttering mess during attack on Trump – IOTW Report

“I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I”- Now Biden devolves into stuttering mess during attack on Trump

American Mirror: Did Joe Biden catch the stuttering bug from Barack Obama?

During an appearance on behalf of Hillary Clinton today in Nashua, New Hampshire, the vice president stuttered repeatedly as he launched an attack on Donald Trump.

Riffing on Trump’s answer about the Wikileaks revelations, Biden said, “Last night, when Hillary pointed out that a total of 17 agencies — that’s the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA — 17 different intelligence agencies, which he’s briefed on because we brief on the major things.

“Both candidates, they’re briefed so they’re ready the day they’re elected to be up to speed,” Biden said.

“And he said — she said 17 different intelligence agencies, civilian and military have concluded that the cyber attacks have come from the highest levels — the highest levels of the Kremlin.

“And they are designed to influence our election. She said basically, she, she started to say, Donald, Donald Trump spoke up and say, I think it’s, uh, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I don’t know how you know that,” Biden said, stuttering repeatedly.  MORE

10 Comments on “I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I”- Now Biden devolves into stuttering mess during attack on Trump

  1. “Both candidates, they’re briefed so they’re ready the day they’re elected to be up to speed,” Biden said.

    yes that was the last security briefing barock had right? the one before he was elected. he hasn’t had one since by the way things are going. I guess you can’t delegate security briefings or someone else would attend it for him.

    wait until the wall of silence breaks down about the obamas in the white house. we have heard about the clintons now we will get to hear about the obamas and all the shit they pulled.

  2. Crazy Joe just being Crazy Joe! What is sad however that even though the idiot will be gone from the government in January (hip hip hurray) he will still be biting the taxpayer tit for yuge sums of money and SS protection for the rest of his miserable life!

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