I Invite Commenters To Send Jim McDermott Off With Their Well Wishes – IOTW Report

I Invite Commenters To Send Jim McDermott Off With Their Well Wishes

The jerk is finally retiring.

The obvious fear here is that Seattle will conjure up a representative even worse than the execrable McDermott. Their bench is deep like that.


McDermott has drawn attention, not always positive, for sparring with Republicans. He was involved in a long-running legal battle with former Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), who would go on to become speaker, after leaking an illegally recorded phone call with Boehner and other GOP leaders. McDermott wound up paying Boehner over $1 million in damages under a court order, but insisted he was defending the First Amendment.

In 2002, Republicans labeled McDermott “Baghdad Jim” for comments he made during a trip to Baghdad, saying that Bush “would mislead the American people” but that Saddam could be trusted.

He also once drew attention for leaving out the words “under God” when leading the Pledge of Allegiance in the House, but later said that was an inadvertent omission.

14 Comments on I Invite Commenters To Send Jim McDermott Off With Their Well Wishes

  1. Alas, their bench is indeed deep and getting deeper. The are busy recruiting more illegal aliens, Mooselum terrorists and the dead buried in the new DemoRAT memorial cemetery, municipal cesspool and and goat shearing station! Old Turkey face will barely be missed!

  2. !!! LOL !!!

    I honestly will hurt myself scrambling for the remote’s volume control when her angry face pops up on the local news. “Boeing should make busses for the peoplesssssss!”

  3. GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAGHAD JIM! It’s about freakin time this liberal POS retired. Are the voters in King County dumb enough to elect another jerk that could even be worse than McDermott has been? I know some of my relatives on the West side of Wash. state would vote for Satan if he was a democrap.

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