I Just HAD to Share… – IOTW Report

I Just HAD to Share…

23 Comments on I Just HAD to Share…

  1. The problems of today could be solved by doing what the government did in past- NOTHING.

    Americans scream FEMA camps are the only solution for natural disasters, but San Francisco recovered from the 1906 earthquake without government help.

    Americans insist concentration camps are the only answer to viruses, but the government did nothing about a cholera outbreak in 1832.

    Americans say the only possible solutions to deal with illegal immigrants are to build a wall and build concentration camps, but the US used to have open borders.

    Americans say the only solution to recessions is to give billion dollar bailouts to bankers who commit fraud and give welfare to the lazy, but the US recovered from the Panic of 1893 without government action.

  2. @Free Speech Forum

    Thanks for throwing a wet smelly blanket over what was an enjoyable thread about the good things in life.

    You may need meds to correct your thinking problems.

  3. Dachshunds are great. If you’ve never had one, you don’t know what you are missing.

    Everything that you do, they will do with you and act like that is the best thing in the world to be doing right now.

    Swim, sleep, go on a car, boat, on the beach, –whatever, they’ll do it with you.

  4. Pets, boats. I have a good one for you. About 10 years ago, middle of summer, the wife and I hook up the bast blaster and head for the California Delta. Gonna do some Frog fishing on weed mats. For those of you not familiar with Bass Boats, they’re pretty damn fast. A big fishing platform, and efficient hull and a big outboard. Mines been radar at 78.
    The Deltas a huge body of water and that 100 degree plus day we ran most of it. At the end of the day I pull up along side the dock, the wife takes her life vest off and opens the storage locker right behind her seat to stow her life jacket and what pops out? Our house cat. We’re both like WTF? The cat road home in the cab of the truck shook. We got home and I don’t think that cat ever ventured outside again.

  5. When I was a kid We had a 14 foot speedboat and a Scottie Pomeranian Cross that loved boat rides he would get out on the front of the boat and stand there. We had to get him a little life jacket after he deiced to chase the boat from the shore. Picture an orange kapok life jacket Infant size on the back of the dog.


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