This “conservative” phuktard decided that “murdering” a business based on a tweet was a good thing, embracing the tactics of the political left.
He tried to get a ground swell going against Domino’s pizza because they tweeted a thank you to Kayleigh McEnany after she complimented the business.

Turns out the tweet was 8 years old.
What a knobhead.
He was also called out for accepting money on Go Fund Me, with fellow knobhead Ben Howe, and not doing the project they drummed the money up for,
Trump has really caused a lot of elitist globalist swamp trash to out themselves.
I wonder if we can/ talk the President into touching SfB Wilson a few times!
hmmm….notice that Rick Wilson totally avoided explaining where the $64,000 went to that he stole from Leftist suckers?
This was Domino’s twitter response–perfect!
Domino’s Pizza
Replying to @TheRickWilson
Welp. It’s unfortunate that thanking a customer for a compliment back in 2012 would be viewed as political. Guess that’s 2020 for ya.
11:00 AM – Jun 16, 2020
This guy is a dick with ears.
I’m really tired of these tools thinking they can shrug everything off. They should think about their spawn, and whet people might say to them, as adults of course, about daddy or mommy’s stupidity. Enough is enough. Screw fighting fire with fire. You fight fire with water.
I hear he’s slightly taller than a leprechaun and he needs deodorant.
@ Karma,
No this fight requires firearms……
If I ever wanted to get stuck in an elevator with someone, it would be this guy. The cleaning staff would have a really bad day….
hey dick head rick wilson, answer the question, where’s the 64 k you solicited from you fellow travelers??
we already know you didn’t look it up or find the tweet congratulating dominoes, you aren’t that well informed or smart.
I think I may just pay Domino’s Pizza a visit tonight for an extra large. 🍕
Some people looked into Rick’s Twitter history, turns out there is some damaging stuff there. For those who care.
I’ve said it a million times. There is no one else on Twitter more deserving of having has face kicked in to a bloody, oozing pulp, than (p)Rick Wilson.
Actually, there are at least two lefties who are more idiotic that he is: the two fools who donated to the film project just 4 hours ago.
When you can’t answer the $64,000.00 question you lose the game.
If GWB and FDR were/are conservative then Rick is as well!