I know a dude… – IOTW Report

I know a dude…

I know a dude that constantly parks in the handicap spot. He’s not handicapped, his wife is.

I know a dudette that rides around in her car with a war veteran sticker on it. She’s not. Her husband is.

I hate that.

That is all.

36 Comments on I know a dude…

  1. The guy parking in the handicapped spaces needs to have both his legs broken, then when he really needs one of those spaces, I hope he can’t find one. What an inconsiderate asshole!

  2. If I ever find a disabled guy parked one of my spots, I’ll break his other leg! Just joking. But I see a lot of “Disabled” cars parked at the golf course. It makes me wonder if every relative of any doctor dosen’t have a handicap sticker?

  3. I try not to be critical when people without obvious disabilities and handicapped stickers because my husband looked normal but had COPD and he could not walk far without having to sit down. But I know people abuse parking in these spaces. When they really need one karma may come back to bite them.

  4. This is not a joke
    People have been issued handicap placards for a thumb injury.

    I was issued handicap placards for my vehicles. But no longer need them ( maybe ona rare occasion when I am in a bad way ) therefor I don’t use them. Having gone through 9 or 10 surgeries and knowing what it’s like to not be able to walk very far or at all, I have a hard time not ripping into these a-holes who park there. They think nothing of making and old man or woman with disabilities walk and extra mile. It’s all about them. The world revolves around them because they are entitled in their own minds.

  5. So, the woman, who isn’t a war veteran, is supposed to remove the sticker when she drives? BTW, why would anybody be proud of being a war veteran?

  6. I applied for and was issued Purple Heart License Plates for our vehicles.

    My wife drives the same vehicles.
    She’s not a Combat Wounded Veteran or a dudette.

    And I don’t care what anybody thinks and she doesn’t either.

  7. I have only one request for cripples: Stop driving around with the placard hanging from your rear view mirror.

    It’s bad enough to have mobility restricted, why oh why must vision also be restricted with a big tag dangling from the mirror? That’s the kind of shit that kills motorcycle riders. The placard is for parking – Use it for parking.

  8. We have the Viet Nam Vet magnetic ribbon on our cars. DH is a Viet Nam Vet, I’m not. However, I consider myself a military vet because we were married 4 years of his service when he was deployed. He was serving his country and I worked my a$$ off every day while he was gone.

    @Larry The Bewildered Liberal:

    Too bad you’re not privy to what it’s like to serve our country. You’re here because someone died defending the freedoms you enjoy today.

  9. 78 year old crippled neighbor figured there was no sense asking for another permit, figured he’d get by with permit issued to equally handicapped wife. Went to Costco, took handicap spot. Waited in car until pain subsided. Got out, hobbled over to abandoned shopping cart to lean on. Inspector ran number, saw it was issued to a female. $160 fine. Inspector’s ass hole not happy about having giant shopping cart inserted.

  10. These handicap placards & tags
    get abused in down town Houston
    all the time.Just like any big city
    parking is hard to find even 5 blocks away !

  11. Thinking a lot of people might not know the whole story behind someone’s handicapped tag. Something about minding one’s own business comes to mind…

  12. Years ago, I saw a stereotypical trophy wife hop out of a tagless Caddy convertible she’d just parked in a Safeway crip slot. I asked her, “Hey, what’s your handicap?” Without breaking her athletic stride, she looked at me, grinned widely, and said, “Seven.”

  13. I worked with a guy about 10 years ago who had played on the UCLA football team a few years earlier. One day we got to work at the same time, he parked in a handicap space and I commented on it. He said that yes, he is handicapped.
    Oh, I also have a very entertaining video of him racing around the office with a 6’4″ 250 lb guy over his shoulders.
    Also, he is up on fraud charges and will likely be in prison soon.
    Nice guy, a lot of fun, but apparently believes he is above the law. Found out he is not.

  14. Today I was at the local Wegmans, and as we got out of our car we saw a spry middle aged woman (moving way better than I) come along and start winging groceries into a van parked in a handicap spot. The man driving, who clearly had sat in that van and waited while the woman shopped, was presumably the handicapped person. THIS pisses me off.
    I may qualify for a tag soon, or even now if I start complaining, but I DON’T need one yet. Most days. On the days I do, I stay home.

  15. Well my car has ‘Doctor’ plates. But I can only use them (for parking) in an extreme emergency.
    Like one time I had to cut off a foot to extricate someone who was going to bleed to death and the foot
    was trapped. Got a police escort that time.

  16. A certain strain of minorities used to think the “No Parking Fire Zone” signs at the local grocery store meant it was their own private parking area. I’d call the city fire Marshall and tell him the zone was full of violators. Then, I’d drive down there and watch the fun commence as he wrote tickets. It was better than going to the movies and free of charge and I always enjoyed the show.

  17. Too many variables to be always certain if there is a scofflaw
    involved. Example: My wife is crippled by a bad knee and finds
    driving painful. I do most of the driving and when she is with me I park in a handicap spot though at
    times her pain keeps her in the car and she may or may not decide to
    enter the store right then. I leave
    her to make up her mind and go in to
    do the shopping. If she decides to
    stay in the car I don’t worry about it. She’s handicapped and has the
    right to make up her mind based on
    how bad her pain is at that time.

  18. @Larry the Limp wristed Faggot

    Of all the emotions I possess by being a war veteran, Pride is in the top 10.

    Pride falls behind sense of Loss, sadness, survivor’s guilt, betrayal, anger, bitterness, fidelity, thankfulness and grateful to have survived when better men and women didn’t.

    So…..What it all boils down to Larry is that your words and opinions mean absolutely nothing to me. You know nothing of sacrifice, service, loyalty, patriotism or pride. You are non-existent, a zero, a non-entity. Larry you aren’t even up to the lowly standards of being a piece of shit.

    When you reach that lofty level of being a POS I may recognize your accomplishment, until then you are not worthy of any further comment.

  19. If the handicapped person is in the car with you while you’re driving, you can park in the handicapped spot even if they stay in the car, as far as I’m concerned.
    But the guy I know shows up at places without his wife and he takes the spot right near the door.
    There is nothing wrong with the guy… physically.

    As for war veteran plaques and ribbons on cars, I think they are on there to receive a larger level of respect because of your service, maybe getting a free pass on being given the finger when you do something silly on the road, or maybe a cop gives you a break.

    Is it fair if you’re not a war vet?

    I understand the point about being a vet’s spouse that was married to them while they were in the service. I think that’s a valid point.
    But what if you’re spouse number 2 and have nothing at all to do with the military?

  20. This is where personal pride and integrity comes into play. If you don’t have any to begin with, a placard isn’t going to give it to you, or take it away.

  21. I don’t have a handicap placard….and if you knew me, you would never guess that I have a partially paralyzed leg, ankle and foot….for 32 years.

    About 3 times a month you might think I have a problem and you’d be correct…

  22. I’m an old viet vet living in north georgia, basically living on soc. sec. because of stupid decisions made in my life.. I have Viet Vet plates on my truck and a vet lic. in my wallet..and qualify for HV sticker but didn’t want one….So, it really frosts my balls when these obviously spry people take the spots reserved for the truly needy. To the guy with the handicapped wife who sits in the car while he shops, you are a jerk. To the people who drive a family member’s car into a handicap spot, you are a self absorbed ass. If I can walk that extra fifty yards so can you. You virtue signaling libs make me crazy. Oh, and the reason I have vet stuff on my truck and in my wallet is because it is free from the state. I am proud of serving my country but I am also thankful for a few extra bucks. MAGA!

  23. I know for a fact there are 10x more handicap spaces today than there were 30 years ago. The number of people injured in service over the past 30 years I believe has been on the downtrend. The population has not grown 10x in 30 years.

    The number of fatasses has increased 10 fold. IMHO if a fatass gets a placard, so should someone with high BP, smokers, and knee scrapers. Heck, give ’em to all liberals, mental illness is real.

  24. In the same way that we could use a “thumb down” for comments, may I also suggest some icon to pay honor and respect to a commenter, similar to the “thumb up” for “like” (which I’ve assumed is agreement with comment.)

    It’s Cato’s comment @ 17:47, 10/6/18 that makes me wish for such a thing.

    Thanks yet again, Cato.

  25. @ecp, in Ohio it is illegal to drive with the handcap placard hanging from the rear view mirror because it obstructs the view. It supposed to be in place only while parking.

    I don’t think I’ve seen many placard abusers except for an obvious carload of teens using a grand parent’s car. The store called the cops and they were nailed.

    Having had 2 40 yr something friends with MS and handicap placards I try to remember a lot disabilities are invisible.
    When I had both knees replaced I wanted to use one of those motorized scooters at the grocery. No such luck as 2 400 pounders had commandeered 2 and the 3rd needed recharging..
    Pissed me off.

  26. I’m happy when someone like the subject with a handicap hangtag does park in the handicap parking space. That way instead of him/her not effectively taking up two parking spaces someone else (without the tag) cannot use, he/she is only taking the spot we couldn’t already not park in. When a handicap spot goes unused it, and others like it in the parking lot simply are No Parking areas. Put ALL of the cars with hangtags in them rather than taking spots others must use.

    Same goes for carpool cars on days when the carpool passengers can’t be there. Don’t take up a second spot in the non-carpool parking area.

  27. Both my wife and I qualify for handicap tags, and have them, but I only use an HC space if my wife is going in – she can’t walk far. I can – but don’t – use one because there are people who need it more than me. You can’t always tell if someone’s handicapped by looking at them, and people have good days and bad days.

    BTW, the HC tags in Indiana aren’t that big and they can stay on the mirror without blocking sightlines. There’ve been days I wanted to kill the 400-pounders when I really needed an electric cart and ended up hobbling around with level 8 pain.

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