I Know Black People Afraid of Black People – IOTW Report

I Know Black People Afraid of Black People

No, all black people are not like this. But profiling at this point is not the profiler’s fault or bigotry.

18 Comments on I Know Black People Afraid of Black People

  1. This is not new.

    “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps… then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
    Jesse Jackson, 1993

  2. These feral animals will ALWAYS use the sucker punch because they are genetically cowards. ALWAYS be aware of who is around you and remember the seven magic words, “I was in fear for my life”, then pull the trigger.

  3. The percentages are definitely different, but by looking at their eyes and expression there are plenty of black people I see on the street that I don’t feel any danger from, and plenty of white people that I am not going to lose sight of out of concern they may do something. Any other ethnicity as well. Point being that I am not judging by the color of their skin but by their expression – but also that the stereotypes tend to exist for a reason.
    There was a ‘mass shooting’ yesterday at the beach on Isle of Palms, here in Charleston. I don’t think any major injuries. That’s one of the ‘nicer’ beaches around here. But ‘the color of their skin…’ – yep.

  4. Nature or nurture…or perhaps complete lack of nurture?

    Anyone born into a hostile environment, without parental or family support, will rely on the baser instincts to survive. When this happens generation after generation, base behavior becomes ingrained in the culture and celebrated.

    Thug cultures exist throughout the world. Many have been firmly established for hundreds, some for thousands, of years. It is difficult, but not impossible, to break the cycle, but it is generally only successful when the subject instigates it and then finds or is provided an escape.

    The Democrats’ re-enslavement of blacks and other at-risk populations, through the New Deal, Great Society, BLM, etc., has created a new semi-domesticated thug culture that now dominates those populations and is spreading to the mainstream.

    This new enslavement is more insidious because, after destroying family bonds and positive socio-cultural norms, it simply provides free stuff in exchange for votes. There is no purpose given to life, except to descend to base instincts. The Dems don’t care, as long as the votes can be relied upon.

  5. A woman who is a neighbor of mine drove to the beach on Bolivar Peninsula years ago just to sit on the tailgate of her pick-up and reflect by herself as she watched the waves roll in. She noticed a black man camping in a tent about 100 yards down the beach. He kept staring at her and she got nervous. She then realized he looked like the guy who had been on the national news. They were looking for a black man who had killed several white women up in the northeast. She called the police and half an hour later, several police cars swooped in and surrounded him. It turned out to be the guy. Knowing her, if he had approached her, she would have blasted that bastard with her concealed gun.

  6. Reparations is the tool which longtime KKK associate Joe Bidn uses to trick them into slavery and onto the Biden plantation. DA Alvin Bragg is just one (obese) example.


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