I Know the Rules, Do You? – IOTW Report

I Know the Rules, Do You?

When I read threads like this on X, I get very depressed. The assured know-nothing is a horrible thing to endure. The fact that they don’t know what they are talking about but are so adamant is very scary.

(My favorites are the people saying it can’t be a ground-rule double because it didn’t hit the ground, as if that’s what “ground-rule” refers to.)

31 Comments on I Know the Rules, Do You?

  1. Home run. It cleared the wall. Doesn’t matter that it was touched by the feller trying to catch it. Same as if it made contact with top off the wall and then went over.
    Has happened many times and will happen again.

  2. One of the prerequisite of being a card carrying brain dead liberal is running your mouth when you don’t know shit about the subject. You should ask these same people about guns and gun control. They will educate you.

  3. It’s a home run. Remember a few years ago a ball bounced off Jose Canseco’s forehead and went over the fence. It was a home run. After the game he was being interviewed and he was asked about that, he replied, “hey, I’m an entertainer”.

  4. Hey BFH, did you catch this one? Here’s a case where a brain dead liberal, who should know his shit, it’s his game, calls the foul wrong because the white gurls be beaten da black gurls.
    The hatred for Caitlin Clark from the Libtards is getting very interesting. It’s separating the adults from the racists.
    By the way every other pro or coach that weighed in called it a moving screen.


  5. Once the ball has touched the face of the wall, it is no longer in flight (OBR 2.00).

    A ball off the fence is considered bounding for the purposes of 7.05f and 6.09g (J/R 8c).

    A bounding batted ball into the stands is a two-base award (7.05f).

    “stands includes over the outfield fence.”

  6. It’s not a home run. The ball hit the fence first. Once it hits the fence it is no longer “in flight.”. If a player knocks it over the fence at that point it’s a ground-rule double.

  7. Had it hit his glove and went over cleanly, it’s a home run because the ball is still in flight. If it hits his glove, hits the fence, retouches his glove and caroms out, same thing, double.

  8. Sorry this is off topic, but these sentences really caught my eye.

    “The assured know-nothing is a horrible thing to endure. The fact that they don’t know what they are talking about but are so adamant is very scary.”

    Fits all the lefty trolls here.

  9. Well, it does make a great distraction from the shit that threatens America since the stolen presidency.

    Not trying to be a downer, I’m just not a sports fan.

  10. “It’s a home run. Remember a few years ago a ball bounced off Jose Canseco’s forehead and went over the fence.”

    Speaking of the Oakland A’s they are now the Sacramento A’s. At least until their new stadium is completed in Las Vegas. There’s been a variety of reasons given for them leaving Oakland early. I and others think it’s due to the out of control crime rate. Attendance has been dropping like a rock. Gee, wonder why. Should be fun. They have an awesome venue here. We will probably attend a few games.

  11. Brad-
    Same reason Fulton County stadium in Atlanta was torn down and the new stadium built further north where they say “season ticket holders” live.

    No, the real reason was that true fans were getting carjacked and mugged leaving the games down in brown town.

  12. woody

    The wife and I were/are A’s fans. The last game we attended was in 1989. We drove there, we didn’t take the recommended public transit. The reason we never went back was because I didn’t think I could keep my wife safe should things turn bad. You can only imagine what it’s like now.


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