“I Learned More At McDonald’s Than At College” – IOTW Report

“I Learned More At McDonald’s Than At College”

prager u learned more at mcdonalds than at college

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Can working at McDonald’s better prepare a young adult for life than attending college? For Haverford undergraduate Olivia Legaspi, college taught her that her feelings are more important than anything; but working at McDonald’s she learned that serving others comes first. Which of those lessons is more important? Olivia Legaspi explains.

h/t Rob.

16 Comments on “I Learned More At McDonald’s Than At College”

  1. Both of our daughters worked at a McDonald’s during their teenage years. And, yes they learned a great deal about character, work ethic, responsibility, working with others and the public and self resilience. They both loathed coming home smelling like a french fry and my water and electric bills took a hit due to their long showers. But it definitely helped them prepare for the realities of making their way in successful college and work careers. Our oldest is a partner in an architectural firm. Our youngest is a nurse, budding author, fantastic mother for our grandchild and a strong helpmate with her engineer husband’s engineering firm.

  2. If you send your kid to college without
    their having worked in the private service
    sector either part or full time for a year,
    you are feeding them like sheep into the maw
    of the libshits without the armor of reality.
    Also it’s your money. YOU pick the school; Carefully.

  3. Libshits sounds like a progressive disease spread by the defecated lies of progtards who want nothing but a bunch of sheeple who will merrily fallow them to their destruction. It originates from the oldest of lies told to Adam and Eve by the Devil/Satan (AKA Lucifer, Saul Alinsky’s, barry’s and Hillary’s buddy and soulmate) that, “You shall be as gods.” This is all baloney of course but it’s a very convenient lie to get people to envy all those who have anything more than anybody whether it be material goods, or a better life or are smarter, more motivated, prettier etc. And the progtards are the purveyors of the lie hoping to sucker as many people as possible into believing their libshit ideas and worldview. Having said that I have worked since I was 13, 50 years ago. My first job was as a paper boy delivering morning newspapers for our local newspaper The Spokesman Review. I’d get up at about 3:30 AM or so and deliver papers before going to school, which probably explains why I’m still an early morning person. I also worked Summers for my dad pumping gas at his gas station, so did the rest of my 3 brothers. I was a janitor for a year at Meier & Frank in Lloyd Center in Portland, Or. in 1971-72 and then joined the Navy before I went to college which probably saved me from believing all the liberal bs even though it took me a while to figure that out. I was married at 24, had 3 kids ( and now a granddaughter) and have worked ever since. my kids are well adjusted and have a good life of their own and we did it without help from the govt.

  4. I worked for a few years before going to college. It helped me a lot. While friends were on the 5-6 year plan, I did 4 years in 3 1/2.

    My GPA and major wasn’t all that mattered either. In college I frequently said more than half of my education was being learned outside of the lecture hall. 20 odd years later, I had no idea how right I was back then.

  5. That’s why all but a select few colleges and universities should be defunded, destaffed and re started. Until that happens, higher education is a waste of time and money. All progressive, liberal, gender and feelings based bullshit must be eliminated.

  6. Employer (tourist camp) friend had a young student working one summer who was impressive in her commitment to service until the small grocery within the camp ran out of bread one evening.

    This lovely young lady closed the store briefly,left, went to buy a loaf of bread at the nearby general store returned, sold it for (now) zero profit (plus the loss of potential customers while the small convenience store was closed).

    I believe this young woman learned not only to serve but the reason small businesses are in business in the first place – to make a profit.

  7. Years ago McDonalds was my second job while at High School and everything she says is true. They teach teamwork, good work ethics, care to detail, care about your job and care about customers. They also develop management skills at every level even if the staff member doesn’t realize they are being given tools that will serve them well in real life. Yet the progs keep referring to this place as McJobs with a level of disdain in their voice or writings that I usually see saved for a war criminal. Good for this young lady.

  8. One more thing, Haverford College is a liberal, very expensive ($46k per year tuition) college whose grads include the likes of Chevy Chase, Juan Williams and Judd Hirsch. I wonder whether she’s going to take some heat over the video? Probably but I’ll bet she can handle it because she’s been taught to deal with pressure.

  9. Our nearest Micky D always has service with a smile. Does it make the fries taste better? No, but I’ll give them my business over places that don’t care if they get my order right.

    I visited McD’s HQ in Chicago while on a school club trip as a junior in H.S. Incredibly impressive place. They had a large room in their marketing group devoted to a sort of Nautilus shell in which you wound your way to the center and in the center was an extremely comfortable reclining lounge. The sound system inside this isolation room provided headphones where one could listen to various sounds that promoted Beta and Theta brainwave activity that allowed their creative people to tap into or explore marketing ideas for the company; beta and theta thought to be the ideal state for unleashing creative thought, the way one has that million dollar idea just before drifting off to sleep. I’ll never forget it. Other than the commodities exchange and the Sears warehouse, it was one of the best things I’ve seen in Chicago. To think that ‘Hamburglar’ may have started in that Nautilus!

  10. @Grayjohn; I know how you feel. The standards have dropped simply because of the number of part time jobs has outpaced the growth of a pool of good employees. I worked in the Ottawa and Kingston (while at University) stores 40 years ago and kids were first taught good habits by their parents. McD’s polished these and gave some more. There are still a lot of stores with good staff however the urban pool has gotten a lot shallower over the past 15 years. If you get a real douche at the counter don’t be afraid to complain to the manager or write a letter. McD’s system sales are down and they’d want to address this with the Manager or the Franchisee. It’s still a great place for a motivated kid to learn work lessons that will hold him/her in good stead.

  11. I know two people who praised their entry-level work experience at Mickey D’s. #1 is a guy my age who loved the endlessly flexible hours available to part-timers. Because of this feature, he was able to keep the same job from senior year of high scool right through grad school–a span of more than a decade. Grad school was M.I.T., which he attended on a National Science Foundation fellowship. He went on to work for a major pharmaceutical company for almost three decades before hanging out his shingle as a consultant.

    #2 was a fellow Court Assistant in New York City until she took the promotional exam for Senior Court Clerk and got bumped up five pay grades. By 2022 she will be pulling down $72,000 annually, plus whatever Andy Boy Douchey-Douche gives us in our new contracts–if he ever bothers to settle them. This person found that her teenaged McDonald’s experience taught her valuable lessons in customer service and handling cash.

    I think McDonald’s greatly underrated in many aspects.

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