I Like Seeing Our Wonderful iOTW Community Meeting Each Other – IOTW Report

I Like Seeing Our Wonderful iOTW Community Meeting Each Other

Got this from Roger F –


Left Coast Dan and I got together for dinner tonight at a good Italian restaurant named XXXXX, in XXXXXXXXXX, CO. 

We had to sit outside, but as LCD said when we were setting things up, “they have pods!,” and they were heated. 

Two good hours of conversation and some very good food.

Here’s a picture, but we ask that you pixelate the faces.  We decided we are OK with you seeing what we really look like.  I am the one on the right.


If any if the ladies want to see what these handsome guys look like, that’ll be 10 bucks a shot. – bfh

14 Comments on I Like Seeing Our Wonderful iOTW Community Meeting Each Other

  1. Sadly, since LCD lives in Boulder and I am a teacher, the pixelation is almost a must.
    But it was fun and if anyone is coming through the Denver area, would love to throw more of these.

  2. Speaking of wonderful community and being pixelated, it reminds me of the bar scene from It’s a Wonderful Life when George Baily and Clarence order drinks. Nick the former bouncer owns the bar now, and Clarence orders a Flaming Rum Punch. That didn’t sit well with Nick.


    After overhearing more conversation that caused him suspicion, Nick had had enough and said, “Okay, that does it! Out you two pixies go, out the door or through the window!”

    Wow, that was a long path to get to the punch line. 🙂

    Not that I’m calling LCD or RogerF pixies, or anything…I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with that…I mean, how do I extract myself from this situation?


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