I love when people think they are clever and their analogies suck – IOTW Report

I love when people think they are clever and their analogies suck

This guy is mocking people who don’t wear masks.

Ummmm, people wear coats because the cold is uncomfortable. People don’t wear masks because the air makes them shiver, or because it feels different to them.

Who would wear winter coats if a tiny fraction of people died from hypothermia while never feeling it happening?

Meanwhile, during the AIDS crisis, gays fought for the right to have bath houses stay open.


I find that the left have very low IQs. Their logic is continually flawed.

And they can’t MEME.

15 Comments on I love when people think they are clever and their analogies suck

  1. No one is being forced by law to wear a coat in the winter, it is an individual choice that each person makes for himself.

    The reason most people do is because they can see a definite and quantifiable personal benefit to it.

  2. Yep. You right. And this guy proves Scott Adams’ point:

    “Analogies are good tools for explaining a concept to someone for the first time. But because analogies are imperfect they are the worst way to persuade. All discussions that involve analogies devolve into arguments about the quality of the analogy, not the underlying situation.”

  3. I was enjoying a meal at an outdoor patio restauruant in Maine during winter and caught hypothermia. This proves restaurants are breeding grounds for hypothermia and must be closed.

  4. Also, it’s time to fire up the people again and agitate for a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Noted scientists Penn & Teller have proven beyond any doubt that dihydrogen monoxide can and has killed, and is everywhere – lakes, streams, and even in your house.

  5. I have a tenant who is MSN born and fed. He says the most outrageous things, which usually, I just listen to, but speak my view, if he doesn’t run.

    Usually, he likes to open the office and make one of his inane statements and if I respond, turns and as he’s leaving, will say, “Well bless your little heart.”

    Wednesday, he popped in because he had been talking politics with the maintenance man. They had been discussing abortion.

    I stated my agreement with the maintenance man, no late term abortions. He reared back, ‘Well, what if the woman couldn’t get an abortion earlier?’ I said there is no reason a person can’t get an abortion earlier! They even have access to day after pills!

    His retort——‘Well, there is only one hospital in all of Texas, you know!’ Before I knew it, I raised my voice:WHAT? Do you really believe that the whole state of Texas has only one hospital?

    Have you ever been to Texas??? As he left, because I am too dumb to deal with, he said, no he had not been to Texas, he hadn’t traveled as much as I had.

    The way these people deny any logic at all is amazing. And they feel sorry for us. Talk about lemmings. They are all Joe Biden. Don’t you dare question them. And garbled thinking.

  6. Dear Rev Nitwit. The people they have found who died of hypothermia were found naked. You didn’t do your research well. It’s unknown why people unclothe themselves while lost in the snow.

    “People in the final stages of hypothermia engage in “paradoxical undressing” because, as they lose rationality and their nerves are damaged, they feel incredibly, irrationally hot. They strip off their clothes to cool themselves down as they are freezing to death.Feb 26, 2015″

    Wearing a mask is probably worse for you due to breathing in CO2 and causing lung damage, dermatitis on the face, eye infections, and constantly fiddling with your mask then touching surfaces where other people are touching. Keep your hands away from your face and sanitize your hands after visiting a public place.

  7. “Rev. Doctor” is a dead givaway. It’s like the hyphenated name set.
    Always trying to baffle people with bullshit and failing to do so unless preaching to their choir of lefty stupids.

  8. Mm,
    your tenant sounds like the type of dangerous idiot who fries potatoes at 2AM stupid drunk. It’s in the news regularly. They fall asleep and burn the place down.
    Lose him STAT.

  9. I just dropped a grand on a new stylish winter coat keeping warm when you are old is a priority with me.I gave my dad who is well over90 my old 1200 dollar winter coat.
    Yeah.you get what you pay for.
    I have spent hours out in the freezing cold and rain fishing in my dads new jacket.Yeah it works.


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