I Love When the Left Disavows Their Own – IOTW Report

I Love When the Left Disavows Their Own

Hey Bill. Laugh it up. This is the product of YOUR IDEOLOGY.

Maher discusses the morons who felt fear and danger when the word TRUMP was written in chalk at an Emory College sidewalk.

6 Comments on I Love When the Left Disavows Their Own

  1. Sometimes Maher surprises me and comes up with a good one.

    Hey Bill, please come visit me in Yonkers. We can spend a day terrorizing the special snowflakes at Sarah Lawrence.

  2. Bill Maher: “What happened in this country?”
    As BFH eluded: The left is now laughing at themselves. Bill Maher happened in this country. Look in the mirror, dipshit, where did you think this would go.

    With your peace-not-war shit during Bush and your anti Sarah Palin rants. Really you thought to foster a more knowledgeable electorate? Bill Maher is just another Jerry Springer, who, every six months sticks his head up and does something like this to validate himself.

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