I must be wrong- I’m agreeing with Piers Morgan – IOTW Report

I must be wrong- I’m agreeing with Piers Morgan

DM- Piers Morgan

I’ve watched the video multiple times and cannot conceive any sensible interpretation that he is committing any kind of deliberate assault.

…if a male reporter cried ‘battery’ after such a trivial incident, he’d be an absolute laughing stock.

Why should a female reporter be taken any more seriously?

By making such a grotesque mountain of such a tiny molehill, Michelle Fields has embarrassed herself and let down her profession.

Toughen up, young lady – or choose a different job.


Yikes. I’m agreeing with Piers Morgan???  This is the worst experience since my father’s death.

Women want to be treated equally, paid the same, and not looked upon as a second-class citizen. When it suits their agenda they will twirl their hair and draw circles on the ground with their toe and talk in a baby voice.

Men agreeing with Fields, that this is assault, are patronizing women like they are made of spun sugar, and Michelle Fields is gladly accepting the patronization.

Either men will have to adopt a girly view of the world, and accuse their Lewandowskis of causing “the worst experience since their father’s death,” or women will have to toughen up, you know, for the sake of equality.

70 Comments on I must be wrong- I’m agreeing with Piers Morgan

  1. “Pierced Organ” did another interview with Trump, earlier this week…. Strange. It was supportive of Trump. I thought “Pierced” had reformed…? Can’t recall. Weird. ….Lady in Red

  2. Worse than that, Mark Levin, whom I have followed for years, has made a total ass of himself defending this fruitcake,Michelle Shields. She lied about being beaten with a baton at Zuccotti Park by the NYPD in 2011; she lied about being groped by Alan West, ans she is lying now .Get your head out of Ted’s ass Mark ,

  3. MoeTommy, according to a couple site Levin’s new streaming broadcast is being paid for by Anti Trump super pacts. So is Ericksons new site, and that little pussy that just quit Breihhtbart.

  4. The video came from Trumps security.
    Someone needs to tell Trump that his cameras aren’t great.
    Even though he said they were great.

    In fact more frames per second is typical and necessary these days.
    His system likely still records in VHS format.
    And sadly, no, I am not joking!

  5. @MoeTom OMG Mark Levin has lost his mind. He’s as unlistenable as Michael Medved and Glenn Beck now. I can only think that he’s exhausted from producing a radio show and a TV show. Lack of sleep had made him punchy- like Trump’s campaign manager.

  6. Illustr8er – Medved. I ould not agree more. I’ve written Salem Media about his insanity. He’s lost his mind.

    On point here, the proseutor filing against Lewandowsky is a HRC campaign supporter. Go figure.

    “NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.

    An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

    The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.””


  7. Okay, to all the men who say Michelle Fields is making a mountain out of a molehill, I have a question. If you were walking along with your significant other at some public place, and some guy came up behind her and jerked her arm back, stopping her on the spot, leaving marks on her arm, would you:

    1. Keep walking and pretend you didn’t know her;
    2. Stop and see what her problem was, then tell her to toughen up and stop whining, because guys can do that kind of thing;
    3. Figure out what happened, then get the attention of the rude asshole who just who just jerked her arm, and demand an apology on her behalf.

    Call me old fashioned and sexist, but I would choose #3, every time. And I wouldn’t give a damn if the guy worked for my favorite presidential candidate, either.

  8. So it looks like some of you are digging in so hard for trump that you will lash out at anyone.. did you hear what Levin actually said? Corey rightly should be arrested for a misdemeanor offense that does not mean he has to shove her to the floor or get really violent. The fact that she has a bruise, caused by him is all that is needed for this minor charge. Stop creating straw men and then knocking them down like this!!! your man trump plays dirty and always has and the lack of civility here at IOTW is really sad. How exactly do you expect both sides to get together in the general and if we do not stay together, we hang separately!!

  9. Golly, go review the video. The before and after frames that FUR posted will do. Notice her right hand with her cell phone in both frames. It’s total bull shit. No more women on campaign floors. Their too tender.

  10. Golly G, you’re scenario is unfair.
    Michelle Fields wasn’t simply walking along at a public place and had her arm jerked back by some random guy.

    She is a reporter that broke through the secret service ring and was told 2 x to stay away from Trump. Trump actually pulled away from her and made a face.
    Trump’s campaign manager caught up and grabbed her because she wasn’t doing what she was told.

    Trump is the front running candidate for the president of the United States.
    You may not respect that, but the people surrounding Trump are supposed to.

    So, no. You’re not going to demand an apology, you’re going to tell your significant other that maybe she shouldn’t have done what she did.
    And if you made more of a scene the secret service will take care of the situation. Quickly.

  11. Ultimately it could have been handled far better.

    Lewandowski lied about grabbing her.

    I sit on the fence on this but I don’t think Trump has anything to gain by denigrating the woman.

    Fair or not she is a woman.

    Trump’s numbers with women continue to fall.

    Yes he has Lady in Red, Plain Jain, and Gladys to vote for him but from what I understand unless he bring in Matthew McConaughey as VP he is doomed among the women’s vote.

  12. From what I understand, it hasn’t even gotten to a prosecutor yet. Michelle Fields filed a complaint with the police department which put them in a no win situation. Apparently, unwanted touching of any kind can be considered “battery” under the law. If the cops didn’t take the complaint seriously and act on it in some way they could be accused of being “bought off” by Trump. So they filed a charge and dumped it in the local prosecutor’s lap for him to deal with whatever accusations get leveled by either side now.

    Hopefully no prosecutor in their right mind would actually attempt to prosecute this case because the video shows the whole thing to be a non-event with no real damage done to anyone physically (nor intent to cause anyone harm). The “bruises” she showed on her arm were so slight as to not even be noticeable if she hadn’t called attention to them and there is no proof that the extremely minor “bruising” was caused during this incident. “Battery” laws weren’t created for extremely minor situations such as this and shouldn’t have any application here.

  13. Talk Radio is going to self destruct and the only one left standing will be Rush Limbaugh.

    Rush-still AOK
    Hannity- tries to be balanced, Trump and Cruz. I’ve started listening again.
    Ben Shapiro- #NeverTrump. I’m devastated he’s part it. I was a big fan girl.
    Michael Medved- listened for local opinion but he hates HATES Cruz and now hates HATES Trump just as much. Advocates openly for a brokered convention.
    Savage- Trump. Unbelievably, rather listen to him than Levin.
    Levin- Cruz. He’s quickly losing a listener- far gone-not sure how he’s going to repair the damage to himself.

  14. Well
    I saw a photo of an arm, with what appear to be bruises.
    It it her arm? I can’t tell.
    A Police number on the bottom of the photo would have helped me believe her, meaning if it was that bad why weren’t the cops involved on the first night, instead of after she was pissed
    Her not dropping the cell phone is a tell.

    Why oh why did he not just take the high road and apologize.
    Sometimes with women you have to eat crow for no reason just to keep peace in the house. It is the way of the world.
    Beck and Levin are annoying to me now.
    Beck because he’s become an insufferable ass
    Levin because is losing his gravitas

  15. True enough about the difference in my scenario, BFH, but I was trying to put the physicality of the act into perspective for men who say it was nothing.

    I have heard the anecdotal information about the Secret Service warning her, but the last thing I read said there is no independent confirmation of that. And, frankly, Trump and his entourage make shit up to bolster their stories, so I don’t believe it. I mean, really, Corey Lewandowski thought he would get away with saying he never touched her. What other lies are they telling?

    I have watched the video, Brad, and it appears to me that he clearly stopped her progress by pulling her backward. I suppose she could have colluded with a corroborating witness beforehand, and then made bruises on her own arm to sabotage Trump; but who would have guessed that the Trump team would handle the issue so badly that there would be an opportunity to sabotage him, anyway? All the idiot Lewandowski had to do was say, “I’m sorry, I got caught up in my duties, and I overreacted.” Issue over.

    And THAT is what made this a huge story. Because Trump and his team have taken a complete nothing-burger of an issue and turned it into several days of negative, worldwide publicity. I can’t wait to see how they handle international relations!

  16. @dapenguin, “if a cop were to show up at a residence for a domestic dispute and one of the people had such a bruise, the cops would almost always haul the other one away!”

    Sad. It’s called 2016 neurotic feminism. Men: try Camille Paglia’s post-feminism reality.

    Women are not puffballs. ….Lady in Red

  17. I like how people are saying that Trump is deliberately sabotaging his campaign because he doesn’t want to be T’preezy.

    I disagree, Trump is Trump.
    What you see is what you get.
    Flaws and all.

    Actually I don’t think that is such a bad thing.
    If everyone came to terms with that and we just let things shake out.
    Problem is trust.
    Nobody trusts shit anymore.

    Brad accuses Mark Levin to be a sellout.
    That is as ignorant as you can get.
    It takes a certain amount of pessimism to want to absolutely destroy those that have the big picture in mind.

    It is a sad time indeed. 🙁

  18. Oh, and according the lawyers hired as experts by Fox News today, any intentional, unwanted, harmful OR offensive contact is battery. Harm or injury does NOT have to occur.

  19. It is unbelievable that this story still has legs. And Cruz is a bit of a worm in this as well, saying he would be firing his guy over it. In the mean time, the crimes Hillary has committed gets no real press.

  20. @dapenguin – I don’t disagree with you about the cops hauling someone off with fresh marks (although even that is sometimes suspect based on my own experience). If I remember correctly, it was a couple of days after the incident when she sent out a picture of the bruising and it often takes minor bruises a day or two to show up, so the bruises may indeed have come from this minor incident. But honestly, if that’s the worst bruise she ever gets she will have lived an incredibly sheltered life of minimal contact with hard surfaces.

    My ex-wife was a klutz when she was sober, so when she was half drunk she was even worse and bruised easily on top of it. She didn’t have to hit anything very hard to leave bruises on her arms or legs, so when she bumped into anything (like a doorway) even lightly, she often had bruises appear a day or two later. She would get mad at me about something and claim she was going to call the police and tell them I had hit her and point to a random bruise as evidence. Thankfully, she never followed through on her threats, but it has made me a bit leery of women claiming that bruises were put on them by a man assaulting them in some cases. And even more thankfully, she is my EX wife.

  21. Well hey Loco, we have a ways to go. Pay attention to what Levins saying. Just watch him with an open mind. Report back in 4 weeks. He’s been bought. I listen to him about three days a week.

  22. Seriously Brad, not everyone is ‘bought’.

    Months ago Levin interviewed Trump on the radio.
    It was a veritable love-fest.
    Trump mentioned that his family listened to Levin a lot.

    Then things slowly soured.
    Nobody was bought.
    Trump was Trump.
    Levin was Levin.
    Simple as that.

    Just like World Trade Center 7 collapsing after burning all day.
    Not everyone can be bought nor everything a conspiracy.

    Occam’s Razor.

  23. I’ll throw the anti-Cruz bunch a bone, here: I wish to hell he had just stayed above the fray, instead of trying to milk just a little bit more out of the issue. He comes off looking petty, and actually loses points, in my book. He has done that a few times. He always errs on the side of saying too much when someone else has screwed up.

  24. Illustr8r,

    Yes,Rush has remained pretty much neutral. And been getting beat up by both sides. Smart guy. All the rest, except Savage, are in the bag for the GOP. And the GOP is using Cruz as a useful tool and he’s just too fing dumb to see it. I draw the line at listening to Savage.

  25. Golly G, I agree.
    Cruz doesn’t need to play politics but I suppose if he were ahead of Trump he would chill a bit more.
    He needs to catch up before Trump runs out the clock.

    I do have an issue with double standards though.
    Politics is a filthy and immature business.

    I give Trump credit for controlling the narrative with the MSM.
    Cruz has done far better than I expected, considering the press that Trump commands.

  26. dapenguin, Yes, somewhere between all this bull shit is reality. It’s might be CTH, they’re one against many. Sundance and teams have done some awesome work. The majority of sites are anti Trump. By far. Don’t believe me, fire up Bad Blue and read the leaders.

    I hope this means your going to stop tuning into The Right Poop. That Fing rag of a site is rabied. It kills me when they run a poll and Trump always kicks ass. They’ve gotta be getting into some serious self abuse over there. Soopers gotta be a wet back.

  27. You guys are missing the importance of the biggest and first lie of this case.
    Fields said she was almost thrown to the ground.
    This is what Lewandowski was asked about and he correctly said, “I don’t remember that.” He never pulled a woman towards the ground.

    If he was asked, “do you remember pulling a woman’s arm back when she was dogging Trump?” he probably would have said yes.

    And he still wouldn’t apologize because Fields needed her arm pulled.

    This really does show the power of partisan thinking.
    The video is hilariously innocuous, so much so it has to be analyzed frame by frame to see “the assault.”

    Get a grip people.
    You’re looking kooky.

  28. All you doubter watch ^^^^^^that video. I think csteventucker might be sleeping with Mr. Pinko because he’s the only one that talks to him anymore. Sniff. LOL, Watch out for that Dutch Rudder Shit. Weird.

  29. Levin just bashed the shit out of Trump again tonight. So I cut him off off when he started on the greatness of Reagan.Like Trump is no Reagan. Well fine, neither are the rest of the pack. Meanwhile Killary and crazy Bernie are not even mentioned in the news> The FOXy Kelly is on to another Gen. Petreaus scandal,to help Killary.
    Folks. at my age I just don’t give a fuck anymore. Eight more years of Killary or Sanders, and one hundred years of Sharia Law, is on the way. I’ll be down there with FDR and Eleanor just
    watching the fray. Keep dwelling on whether Lewandowski grabbed Shields and pulled her to the ground and raped her, or whether he just brushed her aside and bruised her arm (Mark Levin says ” Black and Blued” like any good lawyer would) and everything will work out fine for Killary. You are all digging your own children’s graves. Keep dwelling on mindless bullshit fed to you by the media and everything will be just fine. As the song goes, be silent, shut up. As the Pope says, Be nice, show love, as if love and kindness will stop the beheadings, rapes, and carnage. perpetrated upon us by a vile and backward tribe
    of ignorant bastards. Go ahead investigate this guy Lewondowski
    and cover the airways with him and the fruitcake Shields. But forget about Benghazi and Killary’s crimes against the United States. Good night.

  30. All I see is a reporter overstepping a well established boundary (do noy touch the candidates and do not fricking sneak past the SS!), followed by a campaign manager protecting his candidate by firmly steering away said reporter by her UPPER arm/SHOULDER, before continuing on his way because NOTHING of significance happens.

    Her ‘black and blue’ bruses (they’re actually yellowy) are on her lower arm, how did they get there if Mr Lewandowski never touched her there?

    Also, isn’t it cute that IMMEDIATELY after their ‘encounter’, Miss Fields proceeds to rally a couple of reporter friends and cook up this embarrassingly week dialogue about how she was ‘shook up’ and ‘shocked’ because ‘how could he just slam her to the floor like that? (I mean who d0es that?)’
    (Btw, I’m a voice actress and her ‘distressed’ or ‘worried’ voice needs a lot of work, she sounded like a pathetic fandub off of YouTube for godssake.)

    L A M E. I hope she crashes and burns.

  31. If you are any kind of man you do not touch a woman that is not a threat to you. Then after you do grab a woman lie you did not. Then lie by saying you never met her before. The woman did exaggerate on how roughly she was handled but she was handled and it shows like Trump he keeps thugs all around him.

  32. what I want to know is why lewandowski is doing the job the secret service is supposed to be doing?

    why did they let this women get so close to trump with unknown items in her hands?

    why did they let this women touch his arm so trump had to “pull his arm away” from her?

    was this the practice run for the upcoming assassination attempt by the central bankers? showing how easy it was to penetrate his space?

    you know the establishment will not surrender power to the public at any cost. we will be forced to take it back.

  33. It is clear in the overhead video that he grabbed her left arm up high and you can see his hands on her arm at the end after he yanked her away from Trump. Find a video that zooms in on here left arm. It is obvious. If he never touched her it would be apparent in the video and the police would’ve done nothing. Technically this is misdemeanor battery.

    But I will say Michelle exaggerated on Twitter after this happened by saying she almost went to the ground. But Cory was much worse by outright lying and saying he never touched her.

    Bruises and video evidence says he is lying. If he would’ve done this to any man’s wife, g/f, or daughter he would’ve had his ass kicked. What he did was not cool. If he would’ve manned up and apologized to her this would’ve not come to this. However he instead calls her a liar and says she is delusional and the Trump camp starts to trash her, thus she filed charges as pay back and I can’t blame her.

    So I’m tired of the whining by Trump people that everybody is out to get you. Running as a Republican and a “conservative, evenybody is out to get you, no matter who you are. I think Corey was a douchebag on 2 counts and I can’t blame Michelle for fiiing charges as a pay back for trashing her. A simple apology would’ve made this go away.

  34. There are good reasons men and women are treated differently and live under different expectations.
    Those of you who are not aware of the differences between men and women need to start paying attention, you will be pleasantly surprised.

  35. JohnS,

    Your whiteknighting is way out of date. You do so much more damage than you realized by sniffing yourself so hard like that. Women are running the country over and ruining it because of guys like you with your head up your ass so far.

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