I Need More of This – IOTW Report

I Need More of This

I’m not sure the little bully that instantly turned into a shrieking victim is “a liberal,” but I understand the reason for including him. He acts like a prog.

Here’s a nice “progressive skull cracking porn” video. I need more, however.

ht/ all too much

10 Comments on I Need More of This

  1. Bravo.

    Where We Go One, We Go All!!!!

    This, I believe, is just a sample of true evil about to have it’s panty-waist’ ass handed to it on a GLOBAL scale.

    Can we feel it?????

    Can I get a whoop, WHOOP !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Has anyone ID’d that kid or his mom?
    Also, when it comes to AntiFa, if you can, don’t forget to tear off their masks, bandannas, and ski masks.

    We should give a lot more thought to what happens the first 96-hours after the shooting starts. I think we are headed that direction anyways, short of a crushing and demoralizing Dem defeat this Nov.

  3. Forget the masks, concentrate on the ear rings/plugs/circles, whatever the Bohemians call them now a days.
    That was my signature move back in the day, blood pouring from a ripped ear lobe takes the fight right out of them and if you’re lucky, it’s a real diamond.
    Ears bleed a lot, this was before AIDS.

  4. Wow.
    Just Wow.

    I live in America (rural MO) so I never see any of this kind of shit.
    If we (any of us) saw a “Ready of Hitler(y)” bumper sticker, we’d laugh openly, and point at the offensiveness.
    Those punk-bitches may not want to bring that here.

    And, no, we’re not tougher or meaner than the denizens of urban America, but we (seem to) have clarity, both of vision and of morality – and that seems to be a strength unto itself.

    izlamo delenda est …


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