I Need To Ask This Question – IOTW Report

I Need To Ask This Question

Are there any iOTWers who believe the moon landing was faked?

126 Comments on I Need To Ask This Question

  1. I don’t know. I have learned so much lately about what I grew up with being false. So many facts that I thought were true but now believe are not (Kennedy, Pearl Harbor, etc.) that I am not sure. I’ve just been lied to too many times to simply accept the narrative any longer.

  2. I have to go along the same lines as ‘efemdy’

    I’ve seen/heard too many lies from those in power to accept anything based solely on their word.
    They are MORE than capable of bullshitting.

  3. Fake. The Russians had alot of questions for
    NASA and Nasa could not answer them.There are no
    actual film. Only “digital” images.I have read alot
    about the landing.One engineer said that no human could
    go more than 300 miles from earth.You would be cooked by powerful radiation from DC to light and beyond.There is not enough lead shielding in the world to protect you.

  4. If the government says its real then its real! After all, they told us that men are women, and can have babies, and that women can have erections and grow beards, and that Crazy Joe is sane and normal, and that Pigs fly! So why not!

  5. It’s hard to be certain of anything. It seems like the Apollo 13 could have been real, or maybe that was also just a part of an elaborate script to make the whole story seem real. When I was a kid I had a couple books about the Apollo Program and everything was described pretty accurately as far as how things were going to happen. And that was well before it took place.

  6. It is impossible for the moon landings to have been faked.
    It is also impossible for the climate change hoax to be true.
    Get your hoaxes and truths straight so as to not sound
    like a BIDEN.

  7. I used to think people who believed the moon landings were fake and 9/11 was an inside job were tinfoil hat wearing nuts. After years of my own in-depth study of 20th century history I find my self on Team efemdy. There are very few people with whom I discuss this. Trust no one in government.

  8. To this day, scientists around the world use lunar laser ranging retroreflector array that was installed by Armstrong and Aldrin.
    Are they in on the hoax?

    Apollos 14 and 15 also installed mirrors.

    Until 1977, scientists around the world monitored lunar seismology from instruments installed on the moon in Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16.

    They track solar wind data from these instruments, as well as lunar magnetic fields.

    Are all of these international scientists being fed bogus data, or are they in on the hoax?

    The fact that every country’s scientists can utilize lunar retroreflectors, and they do, sort of busts the theory that we’ve never been to the moon.

  9. The amount of engineering data that is available to look at to pull off man’s greatest technological feat is available. It’s odd that there aren’t any people from these fields coming forward to say the data is not solid, that it’s wrong in theory. The volumes upon volumes of blueprints and mathematical equations that could be debunked, aren’t. It seems it would be easier to go to the moon than to fake this data. And China and Russia would have happily come forward with the evidence that we didn’t go and land. They monitored us every step of the way.

  10. I agree with BFH – science, engineering, and physics all support the capability. It could have been faked – but it was certainly possible with 1960s technology.
    And in a few years there will be several landings, some with people. And they will be tracked, live, by millions.

  11. If this country was caught, for example, sneaking out the astronauts before Apollo 11 lifted off, it would destroyed us as a country. Those astronauts took off, the rocket was tracked until it left our atmosphere. Where did they go? Every country tracked it, including our enemies. The capsule was tracked re-entering our atmosphere and landing the ocean. The astronauts got out. Magic trick? Was there a plane that evaded radar and dropped them in the capsule from a great height for them to parachute in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYU04LNV1B4

  12. Aside from the technical stuff listed by BFH

    I had a chance as a geology student in the 70’s to study the lunar rocks. These rocks could not have formed on earth, and there would be no way to ‘manufacture’ fakes.

  13. I am a pretty cynical guy, and I don’t swallow any narratives or debunk any narratives without delving in in a way that borders on being an autist.
    I arrive at my opinion in the same manner as the people on the other side of the opinion do. So, we are at an impasse.
    It doesn’t make me a bad person, nor the other side of the coin. After all this time on the site, about 15 years, I thought it would be a good question to ask.

  14. Having said what I said, I admire a healthy skepticism of government, and I know and feel where people are coming from. I just happen to think we did pull off this technological wonder.

  15. Absolutely NO evidence of fakery.
    Same as with the fucking space aliens – absolutely NO physical evidence.

    “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
    (Sigmund Freud)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  16. wait, my above comment is very flawed grammatically. The moon landing was real. As people above have stated, you can use a telescope to see what’s left behind, any country can use the scientific stuff on the surface and even the Russians confirmed it many years ago.

    Hunter’s laptop was real, Hillary faked the love of hot sauce and Pedo Joe wasn’t elected.

  17. Cynic, do you really think Hunter’s laptop is fake? I can see Hillary’s love for hot sauce, and pedo Joe’s election. but all the evidence indicates the laptop is real.

  18. Making phone calls across town is still sketchy. Yet they were chatting like no tomorrow with the moon.

    The temps are pretty tricky on the moon. Impressive space suits.

    Where is the dust on the landers. Nice and clean. Rocket thrusters were smooth back then.

    Docking with the mother ship. No mistakes ever. Super high speeds. More smooth stuff.

    Aluminum foil for walls. Well not as thick.

    Control center looked cool, but they were just tv monitors. What…….?

    Newly landed astronauts being interviewed looking very bitter not jovial at all.

    Russian astronauts could not function after trips. Are guys looked ready for dinner

    ect ect ect. Trust the science. 75% did and they have Myocarditis

  19. I’m in the “Not Fake” club. I had the pleasure of meeting Astronaut Armstrong at a O’culb bar. after a few drinks together, I asked him what it was like to walk on the moon. it wasn’t what he said that convinced me it happened but the passion when he spoke. clearly this man had done something extraordinary and it showed.

  20. Like BFH said, my father in law worked for NASA contractor McDonnel Douglas. He helped engineer parts of the lunar space suits and equipment they took to the moon. He was there on the ship when they retrieved the astronauts to analyze the stuff that came back. If he had any suspicion the landings were not real he would have told me.
    I have a binder of memorabilia he saved and it has stuff from that analysis. It surely doesn’t look fake to me.

  21. I think it was real & also believed The Russians about their Sputniks. I stood in awe when visiting the Smithsonian (and later the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier where the Astronauts were pulled from the ocean, capsule and men rescued)seeing for myself the somewhat flimsy appearance of the capsules with not a lot of wall separating the men from Outer Space & trusting the Engineers for their safety, then parachuting down into the ocean. Then The Shuttle which seemed almost miraculous up until the Challenger Disaster.

  22. Fake. I am an actual space equipment engineer. I worked at LORAL and NASA. I worked with Russian engineers on Xenon ion thrusters. Designed microwave transmitters for satellites, and know plenty. The stupid “reflector” argument! “Moon Rock” argument! Neither of these require that a MAN was physically present. Russia had Luna 16 that brought Moon rocks back, for example. There are NO real pics of any junk on the Moon.
    Now real life troubles:
    Van Allen Belt rads. YES, it is real and very intense. Lethally so.
    Thrusters. The Apollo Kerosene F-1 engines were shit, and no way had the impulse to deliver that much 60’s heavy junk to Lunar orbit. NO way.
    Space Suits. Still no real, walk around in, type space suits. Come on people. Put 5 psi in even just a glove, and see if you can flex it. Now what about bending over, rotating with your whole torso inflated? NO way.
    Energy. The whole thing ran off lead acid batteries. That alone is a deal breaker. I have seen the Lunar Lander electrical schematic. It is full of errors.
    Computers: Did you see that utter junk pile? No way that is calculating an orbital descent in real time. NO way.
    This list goes on and on. Notice I did not bring up the usual distractions of waving flags, shadows, melting or fogging film, impossible rover….Oxygen supply. Vacuum welding of any moving parts in hard vac…..PLENTY more crap.

  23. There is the science that BFH has pointed to but here is the other thing to factor in. Had we faked the landing the USSR, the ChiComs would all have made the claim that they made moon landings themselves and who could contradict them? N Korea would claim they have the first and only Spa & Polo club up there and again, who could call their bluff.

    The mere fact that no other nation pulled it off is proof that we did what we claimed we did.

  24. Having worked in the aerospace industry in the early 70’s, I knew people at North American Rockwell that worked on the command module for the Apollo Project.
    There were way too many people involved to maintain a conspiracy.

  25. You won’t find anyone anywhere with a deeper distrust of and disdain for govt than your Uncle Al. That’s true for all levels but particularly at the fed level. If there’s anything to be gained by those bastards by lying or faking or otherwise scamming us ordinary people, they wouldn’t hesitate for a moment.

    That said, I don’t see the benefit to faking the moon landings that would justify either the huge cost (they could have raked off more doing other things with all those bucks) or the large risk of being caught out.

    In my life I’ve known two people who worked smack in the middle of the Gemini and Apollo programs, and all of my experience with them tells me they were honest men as well as highly competent men. I don’t see any kind of hoax being put over successfully on them, and I don’t see any possibility of them being in on it.

    So, yes, I have long concluded that the moon landings did indeed occur as claimed.

    p.s. As for the evidence put forth to support the hoax claim, consider this: In any highly complex endeavor there will be myriad details, and some of those will be unlikely events or outcomes. Think of the normal distribution of probabilities, a bell curve of likelyhood. If all you look at is the thin tail of low probability events and ignore the much larger number of expected outcomes, it’s a form of denial of the way the real world works.

  26. Moon landing was real.

    Now Joe wants to send our astronauts to land on the sun.

    People everywhere tell him it’s impossible. He has a great idea to pull it off, though: Go at night! Makes sense to me, I think we can pull this off.

  27. @Anonymous AT 4:36 PM:

    A lot of posters here just lost all credibility, if they had any to begin with.

    Well, duh. One half lost credibility with the other half, and vice versa.

  28. I’ve had the great honor to be introduced to Harrison Schmitt (currently 88 years old) one of the last astronauts to spend 75 hours on the moon (25 hours EVA’s – walking and driving on the surface). A geologist. 1976 Republican Senator of New Mexico.
    I e-mailed Harrison this video, which he never saw, and he got a great laugh about it.

    To be a Moon landing denier does a disservice to all those astronauts that put their asses on the line to achieve one of man’s greatest achievement.
    Hopefully we’ll be back with more brave men and women to finally colonize the Moon. I hope I get to see it done. Also would love to experience space and zero gravity.

  29. The Appollo rockets were 36 stories high. About a million people watched in person as each Appollo rocket lifted off. If NASA could put a 36-story tall rocket into orbit, the Moon landing was within NASA’s abilities.

  30. @ Doc: “There were way too many people involved to maintain a conspiracy.” Watergate couldn’t be kept secret when about 5 people were involved. This would involve thousands of people telling the same lie their whole lives. I think this is probably the strongest argument for the moon landing.

  31. I believe that in the 60’s America Could do anything.

    In the “2010’s” America Pays People to do things for them.

    Neil Armstrong is NOT the TYPE to Lie.
    Buzz Aldrin is WAY TO CRAZY to KEEP a SECRET (I like him)

    You Guys Did it Right back Then

  32. Neil Armstrong did lie. Buzz Aldrin did lie. Many from this generation believed the lies were necessary to save their country, their families…”democracy.” I’m starting to think the moon landing is a boomer sacrament. Just because someone meets a liar who lies, does not make the thing true. I had the “privilege” of watching government lies play out via news channels while being in positions to know it was all lies. Unless the American people realize every narrative held by government is a lie, there will be no possibility of rebuilding a nation out of the ashes. The USA of our lifetime was and is evil. Moonlanding is 100% fake.

  33. I believe they are real. The only thing that bothers me is that we haven’t been back to the moon since 1973 or so. The recent plan was to send astronauts to the moon last year, but apparently it was put on hold or cancelled. The media made a big hullabaloo over it because it was to have a female astronaut.

    I’ve read some things on the internet about why it was aborted but it seems like aluminum hat kind of stuff. But it’s a huge mystery to me.

  34. “A Matter of Risk” by Roy Varner and Wayne Collier

    This book, Old by now explains an extremely small part of what was normal disinformation for our gov.
    I even remember reading about it in the (Weekly reader) in school. I knew it was false but could not say anything.
    My father was involved in this project. He by matter of knowledge NEVER trusted the government. I by matter of my education Never trusted the government.

  35. I suppose you Moon Landers also think building 7 just “fell down” too? Or that there was no group effort to lie to the whole world about Convid 19? My God, they are still arguing about bat caves and Wuhan labs. The proof is that no one, including USA has even come anywhere near to going “back” to the Moon. To any engineers out here; only consider the energy utilization. Think how ridiculous to carry every bit of fuel and consumable all the way to the Moon and back. A real project would involve pre-placed supplies. Just land some spare tanks and batteries anywhere near where you plan to land humans later. Of course the REAL way is to use a LEO space station as a 1st stop.

  36. All that with just slide rulers. Yep.
    To many people would have to be in on it.
    On the other side of the coin we have a media and governments that have made a world without truth carefully crafted in the news each day. Why shouldn’t we question everything? I’m with you on that. But this one thing is true, personal experience separates facts from opinions and fake news. We’ve been flooded with lies and deceit for so long nobody is even listening when you tell them the truth until the house is on fire.
    Case in point, Day One when Trump was asked to run. It never stops. The house is on fire.

  37. This is one of those things that, if the moon landing weren’t true, I would allow myself to believe that it was. I’ve recently watched Eric Metaxas’ Socrates in the City in which the guest was Charlie Duke, an astronaut. If he’s lying about his experience with NASA, I should trust no one.

  38. 100% real.

    It’s sad that the hoaxers in this world have the IOTWorlders so cynical that this greatest achievement of exploration in the 20th century is so doubted as some would say 100% fake.
    sad …
    Besides there is no way the Russians and Chinese would let us get away with this, were it a hoax. But it is likely that they would work to discredit it afterwards as fake.

  39. Just another question for a Saturday night… We accomplished so much from 1900 to 1970 concluding with the moon landing. Could we do anything like that now? My answer is no and the reason is we are way to risk averse to accomplish anything great.

  40. Any of you ignorant muther fuckers want to sell me your soul? Got more proof of a moon landing than the existence of that.

    5 bucks for a standard soul. 750 for redheads.

    C’mon. You don’t beleive in nuthin’ but in the empty space between your ears. I got 5 bucks for each of you miserable, inbred, stoopid half human ape children.

    You dumb shits conflate 1969 with 2001 for Gods sake. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I will buy every worthless soul on this site.

  41. We just watched the “Moonfall” movie. Free MAX on demand this week. It was a fun watch. The moon loses its orbit and it is discovered the moon is a hollow sphere put into orbit by an ancient civilization. Their AI went be zero and destroyed almost everything. An AI monster kicked ithe moon out of orbit. Two former astronauts and a geek use a retired space shuttle and go to the moon.

  42. My dad worked on Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. I have his marked up technical manuals. Just posting this question is not only offensive to his selfless service as a Lt Col USAF, he’s also responsible for you breathing air by averting certain nuclear destruction in the 80s. I thought this was a conservative blog. Show some respect by posting this crap elsewhere.

  43. The moon landing was real; questioning it is nothing more than distortion, like saying the earth is flat.
    There have been a few elections however, that very definitely weren’t real.
    Also some suicides.

  44. way too many people involved …. someone woulda talked by now, or someone’s report, or paper woulda showed up, or hell, even relatives squawking about “uncle Charlie’s babblings”

    I’m w/ Legit Soul Stealer on this one … ‘specially for the redheads! …. yow!

  45. I had a skunked beer one afternoon, and rode the flatulence to the moon in my sleep. I woke up and was like, what’s THIS malarkey? How do I get back?

    Well, the Selenites helped my with my swibble machine, and the replicants got me back to Jersey safe and sound.

  46. Back in the day I believed the MSM and the government, over time that trust has bit the chit, crashed and burned. Through no fault of my own, government trust can’t be resuscitated.

  47. This is great, almost 100 comments, many different opinions and no name calling. (except Burr, I don’t know what his problem is tonight) I think this is how it is supposed to work. As for the landing, I’d like to think it was real, but I have my doubts.

  48. Real

    I’ve seen to much Tech attributed to that event to discount it. Particularly in metallurgy.

    “Where is the dust on the landers. Nice and clean. Rocket thrusters were smooth back then.”
    Dude. Where are yo even going with that? Smooth is a relative thing. Especially when your comparing it to relative particle size of dust. What was it, a 125 RMS, 64, 32, 16? wAS IT REFLECTIVE? Did it have a static charge? Yikes.

  49. My problem is that I have such terribly high expectations for everyone.

    But you’re right. Everytime I get mad at you guys I go away for a few days.

    I’m sure I’ll see you all next week sometime…. I may even have a much brighter disposition.

    Possibly a better developed concept of time.

  50. Fake or Real, who the hell cares? The trip or the myth has done nothing to improve life on Earth.

    Also in 1969, the Mansion Family slaughtered nine people in LA.

    Now Leslie Van Houten is out on parole. After a brief stint at a halfway house, Lulu will likely live with film director John Waters at his home in Provincetown, MA.

    Was the Moon Landing real? Who cares, when sh!t like this is happening today?

  51. “Here is where I had a very distinct pause with believing, after hearing the conversations from Houston to the astronauts on, or at, the moon. The conversations were almost instantaneous, as if they were talking to their neighbors next door on the phone.

    The speed of electro-magnetic waves through space is 186,000 miles per second.

    The distance of the Earth from the moon is approx. 238,855 miles – ONE WAY!…SO!

    A one-way com trip for Houston to ask an astronaut on the moon of, “Can you hear me?”, it would require 1.28 seconds for the astronaut to hear the word “can” and for the astronaut to answer, Yes!”, and then it would require another 1.28 seconds for Houston to hear the astronaut’s answer (“yes”), or a total close to 2.356 seconds round trip “down time”.

    So, why were we not noticing the 2.56 round trip gap of silence every time Houston and the astronauts communicated? Were they able to bend time? Or, did they secretly record the total conversations in real time and then play it back publicly after shortening the conversation time between the earth and moon speakers?”

    © 2012 RCJ


    I’m Glad you posted it.

    You Went.
    You Conquered.
    & the residual benefits of the tech are EVERYWHERE TODAY.
    esp Tang & Pop tarts.

  53. The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners.[38] The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them.[5][6]

    Astronauts’ overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth’s magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission-to-mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads (1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv)[c] per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.

  54. No way we landed on the moon unless it was a full moon. And the moon moves around all the time, and sometimes it’s jut a sliver… I mean, if you missed you’d just fly into outer space.

  55. Ever see the reaction of these “astronauts” when asked to swear on a Bible that it is real?

    Ever notice the body language of the 3 astronauts on the panel when all 3 were questioned on the event by the media? They looked like if they gave the wrong answer them and their families would pay the price.

    They clearly didn’t want to be sitting there.

    The first time I flew an airplane or a helicopter I was bouncing off the walls. The only time I flew in a P-51 Mustang I had perma-grin for a week.

    These guys went to the moon and are somber as shit.

    Something wasn’t on the level.

  56. Yes joe6, it is by far my favorite conspiracy theory.
    It came along right when the internet started to bloom.
    Thank God for Al Gore.
    Extremely long threads about the WTC-7 collapse after 8 hours of burning due to flaming 767 parts crashing through it’s roof.

    I could never get someone to answer why it would be intentionally imploded?

    Bush War room:
    “You know if we take down the two most iconic structures in New York, (Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, & Statue of Liberty notwithstanding), we will be on the precipice of declaring war on whoever we want.
    Yet if we take down WTC-7, a building 99.99999999999999999% of the planet doesn’t even know exists, we will have carte blanche…”


  57. “Yes, let’s implode a building that planes DID NOT crash into.”

    WTC-7 nuts, don’t ever change!

    Seriously though, prepping a building for implosion can be done so fast and without anyone noticing.
    Those dudes in Vegas taking weeks to prep are fucking amateurs!

  58. Buzz, you did an Omega Watch poster a few years ago that belongs in The Smithsonian.
    You and Chuck Yeager had the biggest balls on the planet.
    Fucking planet could not contain your balls so you took them outside the stratosphere…
    I salute thee!

  59. Hold the phone… BFH you didn’t say WHY you needed to pose the “Fake Or Not” question?

    Is it that you’re bored sitting in your Hand-Basket-To-Hell?

    Sure, it’s hot down here…but it’s a dry heat.

  60. My question is who started this conspiracy theory that the Moon landing was fake? Who does it benefit and what purpose does it serve? The Deep State seem to be the culprits. The are psychotic about controlling everything. The Moon Landing was something they couldn’t get credit for, so they are gaslightimg as many as possible.

    I believe the Moon landing was real. Based on what I’ve researched, there is a lot of physical evidence and authentic testimony of everyone involved that confirm it happened. Just too many moving parts that would need to be coordinated to sustain a lie. Over time the network of lies would fall apart.
    Also, As others have pointed out our enemies have no incentive to support a fake Moon mission. It would make them look weak and stupid. Even co-conspirators would lose interest.

    Despite the current conspiracy debate, some of us experienced how incredible the concept of the Moon landing was for people in the 1960s. The fact that this milestone was achieved by the United States of America is outstanding and as an American Im so proud of my country.

    I remember sitting on the floor and my dad on the couch watching the Moon landing together. We were the only ones in my family who stayed up late to watch. It was amazing, even if we were watching snowy images on a black and white tv. History and a wonderful memory was made. That moment in time gave hope and inspiration to generations of stargazers and future space travelers. Nothing can take that away.
    So, yes I think the Moon landing was real and the incredible scientific achievements based on it is proof enough.

  61. We don’t know with certainty how the Pyramids were built, nor for what purpose. We could not build them today. Therefore the Pyramids are fake. All the palaver about them is just a huge millennium-spanning exercise in self-delusion and cover-up to hide their true origin and purpose which is known to a select group of Illuminati of which group John Kerry is a member.

  62. Hello Mr. Fur! Havent posted in forever, but still visit frequently.

    No one mentiond the bright side of the moon is 280 deg. Those were dam fine AC units on the lander and space suits. Anothe fav was the diametere for the hatch on lander was almost the exact size of the suits. I forget the exact sizes.


  63. I worked at a satellite tracking station for 15 years. I worked with people who worked the moon landing.

    they loaded the MOON program into the tracking computer, the antenna pointed at the spacecraft, they sent commands to the bird, an echo cameback seconds later. they sent ranging signals – a long number sequence – to the bird, the bird sent the signal back, and they received the signal afterthe predicted round trip time

    the astronauts installed a seismic array named ALSEP on the moon. ALSEP was operational into the ’80s. we tracked ALSEP and gathered housekeeping data and scientific data about once a month.

    there are layers upon layers of things you need to know to fake a thing like this, and the people who operated the front line equipment are smarter than the average bear. Imagine working with 60 sigma males, then going back to town and dealing with dullards.

  64. I am open to the possibility. Everything of consequence they have told us for the last 60 years has been a lie so why not the moon landing.
    Problem I have with the fake moon landing is it is a central tenent of the flat earth cult, which of course maybe the whole reason the CIA created the flat earth cult, to smear truth seekers.


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