I Need To Start a Podcast… WHY? – IOTW Report

I Need To Start a Podcast… WHY?

I’ll tell you why… lol. It’s because I think our side doesn’t know how to frame arguments effectively and falls into the left’s traps and ends up debating them in the wrong arena with the wrong weapon.

I am currently watching the right and left argue over whether Kamala Harris was Border Czar or not.

The left says she never had that title. The right is running around finding past clips or articles where she is called the Border Czar.


Wrong. You’re falling into the trap.

You can win the debate without one second of research.

The question is, “Why do you object to her being called the Border Czar?”

Are you just being pedantic, hung up on “proper terminology?”

Naaaa. It’s because the border is a friggin mess, and you know it. If the border wasn’t a mess, you’d be happy to call her the Border Czar.

The border is a mess under HER ADMINISTRATION as VICE PRESIDENT. Period.


8 Comments on I Need To Start a Podcast… WHY?

  1. It’s important because she is the nominee, not Biden, so direct links must be established between her purview and the shit show the country finds itself in.

    She was the Border Car, she defended Jessie Smolett, she described Jacob Blake as a hero, she facilitated bail money for the BLM/ANTFA rioters, she is the one who wanted to abolish all private healthcare, she is the one that endorsed mandatory buybacks for ALL assault rifles in the nation, and she is the one that applauded church closings (and incarcerating church leaders who rebelled) during the pandemic hysteria. Not to mention her dreadful record as DA of SF.

    She must be targeted for her shortcomings and radical beliefs.

  2. They all do it. Who cares if she were appointed Czar or not? She’s the second most powerful person in the country, maybe the world, and our wide open border, under her watch, is about to destroy the nation. Our side is easily distracted by peripheral bull shit.

  3. “I think you missed the point/”

    No, I got your point, I was just providing a different POV.

    The VP job is titular. You stand by and bark like a seal when your boss speaks and maybe gladhand a few folks but you don’t make policy. Just saying she is the VP of the worst president in history is hardly effective. She is now “The Man” and all attacks should be directed at her, her beliefs, and her fuck ups.

  4. argument now is, how could anyone believe anything kamala has to say? with known coverup of the biden mental handicap. how many exhibits do you want? kamala is now a known liar.


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