I Nominate Angelica Florio as Dips–t of the Year-2019 – IOTW Report

I Nominate Angelica Florio as Dips–t of the Year-2019

Our first nominee.

And here she is —>

What a dumb bint.

What did she do? She, the arbiter of what is acceptable and unacceptable in comedy, has decided that the Seinfeld show is offensive. She’s compiled a list of the most egregious “non-PC” jokes.

-The Soup Nazi.

Just invoking the word “Nazi” is offensive. I guess that goes for people using the phrase “spelling Nazi,” as well.

Here’s her reasoning-

…in 2018 when groups of Neo-Nazis have become noticeably emboldened, using the term “Nazi” to label someone as a joke doesn’t sit so well anymore.

The joke is that the soup guy is an intolerant totalitarian who requires people to adhere to a rigid orthodoxy or else be subjected to his reign of terror.

The people who laughed in 1995 were more familiar with actual Nazis, not basement dwelling losers who have been casually labeled Nazis by other basement dwelling losers.

Florio is being triggered by her own flippant use of the term “neo-Nazi.”

If people who experienced actual Nazis could laugh, why can’t Florio? Because of the scary Base Stickmen?

-The Indian Giver

Florio is too stupid to realize that the entire episode is about Jerry becoming painfully aware that his use of certain phrases are offensive.

So this is offensive?

I’m offended by stupid people. Florio offends me.

-When Jerry Accidentally Gets A Man Deported

How in the world is this remotely offensive?

Jerry is supposed to take care of his friend’s mail, but drops the ball. He doesn’t tell him that his work VISA expired and the friend ends up getting deported.

Seriously, I need this dope to explain how in any capacity whatsoever this is “offensive.”

-‘The Chinese Woman’

Jerry is intrigued by a woman he knows only by phone. He name is Donna Chang. He says he’s interested in her because he never dated a Chinese woman and is intrigued.

He meets her and she’s not Chinese. She changed her name because she liked the way the name sounded.

“If I like their race, how can that be racist?” Jerry asks after telling Elaine that he “loves Chinese women.” Hopefully the issues with that exchange don’t require further explanation for anyone in 2018.

NO. You need to explain further. This is not at all remotely “racist,” on any level.

I’m not going to fisk her entire list because it is futile.

This bint reacts to words and situations that do not add up to actual racism, but is “good enough” to virtue signal her enlightenment, which only makes her look like a joyless, humorless, dummy.

I weep for this generation.

Jay Leno once told the story about how his interns asked if he wanted them to order Mexican food. He said he really didn’t like Mexican food.

They said, earnestly, “that’s pretty racist.”

My God, what have we let the education system do to our kids?









22 Comments on I Nominate Angelica Florio as Dips–t of the Year-2019

  1. Dipsh*t of 2019 will be a crowded race to the bottom.

    Imagine the surprise when these misinformed, coddled, malcontents realize the only population left to wipe the drool from their chins/change their shitty Depends in old age are misinformed coddled malcontents like themselves who are ill-equipped/refuse to take care of them.

  2. Even in 1998 ‘Seinfeld’ apologized and removed the episode Puerto Rican Day Parade because some people were upset the PR flag was used/burned and Hispanic stereotyping. The PC creep was starting and some were starting the slippery slope of caving.

  3. A professor of mine from years ago, now a friend, was an undergrad student at Occidental in the 80s (after Barry). He was active in politics and was on the student board. One evening a bunch of students were hanging out and were wondering what to order for dinner. ‘How about Oriental food?’, one suggested. Someone protested his use of that term, but he stood by it and insisted it wasn’t a racist thing to say.
    It got escalated to the student board, and he was kicked out of Occidental. For saying they should order Oriental, in the mid-80s.

  4. When you are not funny, act like that pig Amy schumer.

    Blow these morons off and do it now – get I their sexually frustrated faces, as Obama once advised.

    The only power they have is the power we surrender to them.

    Surrender nothing and boycott their enablers.

  5. Another liberal killjoy. It’s what liberals do. It’s who they are. They suck the life out of anything people enjoy be it dining, humor, sports, the great outdoors and sex. The list is endless.

  6. Wait until she finds out they are replaying those “So easy a caveman could do it” commercials.

    What a miserable existence. Spending your time looking for something to be offended about.

  7. Since Seinfeld drove around with obozo having coffee, I assume we know his politics.
    I’d love to hear him chime in about ‘his people’ totally trashing his life’s work.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that….

  8. Head’s up to the P.C. crowd: not everyone in any given ethnic group likes the typical dishes of that culture. I know a Japanese woman who doesn’t like sushi . She must be a racist.

  9. Pretty sure that show went off the air 20 years ago. Safe to assume the world is in no imminent danger of soup nazi invasion.

    But we should all be thankful Amos and Andy escaped the withering gaze of this omnipotent vagenstein monster.

  10. @BFH:

    My God, what have we let the education system do to our kids?

    The problem is having an “education system” in the first place, especially one run by the govt when they’ve made attendance mandatory.

    The main purpose of the adoption of European-style schooling in the U.S. was to create a large number of docile and unimaginative workers who would not question those few in authority telling them what to do.

  11. The new WHITE CODES

    Similar to the “Black Codes” of the south, these new ones are to restrict the freedom of white people, what they can say do, and reorganize a restrictive culture.

    Ignore them, and force them to live up to their own rules.

  12. First they say that Seinfeld is offensive and unwatchable, what’s next?

    The Young Ones?
    Monty Python?
    Arrested Development?
    It’s Always Sunny?

    Cast your vote now.


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