I Post This With No Comment – IOTW Report

I Post This With No Comment

You can stop this after you’ve had enough, but I urge you to keep watching until you get to the part where you’ll say to yourself, “ahhh, this is the part BFH wanted me to see.”

The fact that Alex Jones didn’t say, “we have to cut to a commercial,” and then tell the viewers they lost his guest’s satellite link, is the reason I could never take him seriously.

(Paul Joseph Watson, disassociate yourself from this guy as soon as possible, unless, of course, you agree with this theory. Then I’d have to disassociate myself from you.)

35 Comments on I Post This With No Comment

  1. How the hell do we have a colony on Mars when the Moon landings were fake?

    I used to laugh at people like this and then Obama was elected. Those eight years almost made me a believer. Yes, I know that some of the conspiracy theories make sense now, but God help me if I go this far!

  2. I wonder if Jones got a ratings boost from Me-Again’s nothingburger.

    She definitely didn’t pick up any new fans from the InfoWars crowd last week.
    And without those one-time IW viewers who tuned in just to see the Jones bit, tonight’s MK ratings may hit single digits.

  3. He doesn’t believe there is pedophile colony on Mars. He didn’t want to argue with his batshit guest, supposedly a former “high level CIA operative.” Get what you can, keep moving and the dogshit you just stepped in will wear off. Except there’s the internet. But he never went the UFO, remote viewing, shadow people Art Bell path in all the years I’ve (intermittently) monitored his show.

    He doesn’t use a teleprompter. He sells vitamins and conspiracy theories. Occasionally he is early and accurate with news. He’s not a commie. He lost a lot of audience with the 9/11 Truther bullshit, yet he’s still in the game.

    I’ll leave it at that.

  4. OK, Boomer Nostalgia here: Long before Jones, back in the 80s, there was this crazy guy with a syndicated interview show that usually aired weekends around 3 AM. His shtick was to interview guests who were all raving tinfoil hat lunatics.
    UFO abduction survivors. Guys who personally manned the cameras for the fake moon landings. Guys who could prove JFK and Hitler and Elvis and Marilyn were still alive.
    The silver haired host was an older Morton Downey/Jerry Springer/John McLoughlin, without the chair throwing. His demeanor was always “Shocking, hard to believe, but if this is TRUE, then President Reagan is actually an Alien Imposter From Planet Zarstra, and the American people must WAKE UP!”
    Weirdly entertaining, and he developed a cult following. His name escapes me. Can anyone recall his name? Because he was Alex Jones, but with more grandfatherly class, and Jones oight to be paying royalties to his estate for using his TV formula.

  5. Back when I worked on the Viking project we used to sit around the conference room table and discuss what some fruitcake is going to make of all the crap from the orbiters and landers we sent up! 🙂

    I don’t know who’s more wacked out Jones or the people that believe his shit?

  6. Rufus, I know who you’re talking about but can’t remember the gray-haired goofballs’ name myself. I think I saw maybe 5 minutes of his show. Had USA flags on the set. Did he wear a flag patterned suit?

  7. My favorite was the guy from Milwaukee who called Jim Bohannon on his Saturday night syndicated radio program on Mutual every Sat. night in the late 70’s to sell alien abduction insurance. But there was a catch, it paid out 1 million dollars over a million years and only if you had a notarized statement form the alien spaceship Capt. giving the details of the abduction by aliens. The guy was batshit crazy and JB played along with him while my wife and I listened howling with laughter. I miss Jim Bohannon, I don’t even know if he has a syndicated program anymore or not, the last time I heard him was 10 or more years ago early in the morning while driving.

  8. Just out of curiosity…
    …about WHEN did this “discussion” take place?

    P.S. TO FUR
    Thought you’d like to know if you want/need to contact them about any issues.

    Using Chrome are ya? – bfh

  9. I thought they were talking about Ziggy. Ziggy Stardust, and the Spiders from Mars. “There is a Starman waiting in the sky, he’d love to come and meet us, but he thinks he’d blow our minds.” They were kinda strange, IMHO.

  10. @aharte & Rufus — that does sound like Art Bell. He got wackier and wackier .. grew a long scraggly beard and lived isolated in a trailer in the Arizona dessert. But he was entertaining if you were up in the middle of the night.

  11. Czar-
    If the bookmark you’re using is https://iOTWreport.com

    change it to
    https://iotwreport.com and bookmark that.

    Chrome acts as if every site should be https:// as if you’re doing banking on our site.

    We’ve been http:// for 9 years and suddenly they put in alerts to people that our site is not secure.
    When I asked about it they want a lot of dough for a https:// extension…

  12. Let me clear up some rumors.
    JFK and Hitler really are dead. JFK is a member of the Thursday night poker gang down here which includes Arlen Specter, Al Capone, and Ernest Hemingway. Hitler pretty much keeps to himself since breaking up with Mildred Gillars over who’s on top.

    I’ve yet to see Elvis or Marilyn, so they could be still alive.
    No, there is no Heaven, so they’re either here or they’re nowhere.

  13. Used to listen late nights to Curtis Sliwa on WABC, and for a while he would go off on ” looney kazooney Art Bell.” Pure gold, and I’ll always love Curtis Sliwa, with his unapologetic NY swagger.

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