I present this with little comment – IOTW Report

I present this with little comment

Cortez Rice is George Floyd’s nephew,

It was claimed that in April he had a “massive stroke.”

He had no function on his left side and had “brain bleed the size of a baseball.”

He made $5,670 on GoFundMe and has made a remarkable recovery, it seems.

20 Comments on I present this with little comment

  1. PHenry, that’s just what this mouthy, ignorant fool wants. He’s just pathetically trying to bait and Instigate the law into making him relevant. But if the Blank Painters couldn’t get Zimmerman offed with a bounty on his head, no way does this clown goad anybody into atttacking jurors for acquitting Rittenhouse of the most serious charges of murdering white trash. This retard should be ignored.

  2. @Thirdtwin

    This guy isn’t mouthing off about about Rittenhouse, he is talking about the Kim Potter trial which is being tried now as well;


    Another high profile trial going on now has to do with the killing of Ahmaud Arbery.

    I really feel sorry for Officer Potter. That Fuckwad Keith Ellison upped the charges against her to first degree Manslaughter which requires specific intent to kill. She made a bad mistake but in the end it was a mistake, an accident and no intent to kill existed.

  3. Worthless lying race-baiting scamming POS.

    If ‘he had a “massive stroke,” ‘had no function on his left side and had “brain bleed the size of a baseball”’ then his prior starfish-like cognitive function would have dropped to somewhere lower than a coral polyp.

    Come to think of it, there’s no hard evidence it hasn’t.

  4. Sorry, didn’t even bother to listen to the spew from the retard. No matter which trial, these pothead clowns are all bluster and trash-talk, and they should not be given any publicity beyond their sad socmed rants.

    Except maybe by defense counsel, who might use it as grounds for a mistrial if they see it as advantageous to their clients.

  5. One of these days we’re going to get tired of these nogoodniks threatening us until we comply with what they want. And what they usually want is good for them and no good for us. Once we have been threatened we should be able to retaliate. The law of preemptive self defense.

  6. I see more Kyle – like activity as one solution to the problem – note TX Sheriffs are deputizing the locals to help control the border – just doing the jobs the worthless feds won’t do.

  7. This idiot can barely put two sentences together – correctly. No doubt he has a wrap sheet that rivals Uncle George’s. He wouldn’t dare get near a courthouse. Other dimwits are doing his dirty work of illegally recording the trial.
    Given his family’s drug issues, he was probably born with crack in his system, resuting in the attention span and intelligence of a gnat. The genius will more than likely get away with his veiled threat – thanks to “Unk G.” successful legacy of miscarriage of justice. What proverbial maroon.


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