I Rarely Talk Politics in My Private Life – IOTW Report

I Rarely Talk Politics in My Private Life

I rarely talk policis in my private life, but when I do, what Carlson says here is pretty much what I say to people.

It used to be when you argued politics it was about common goals with different ways of getting there.

It’s not about that any longer. I don’t know what it’s about —>

19 Comments on I Rarely Talk Politics in My Private Life

  1. The evolution of political discord is as follows;

    We share common goals but differ on the approach, then

    We have a vision for how we see our country and if the Republicans can’t get on board then they need to get out of the way, then

    The America we want does not include Republicans or their ideas so let’s cancel them, silence them, then and remove them

  2. I really keep my mouth shut. And I know exactly which relatives to avoid. It’s also the masks in the general population. That really opened my eyes as to how many stupid people there are. All I have to do is ask if they vaxxed or not as to when to keep my mouth shut.

  3. Why just this afternoon while walking towards the front door from getting the mail I openly prayed (AGAIN!) to The Lord that He would eradicate the evil and corruption from the political top on down. And that goes for media/Soros types/etc. as well.

  4. Evil and addiction are entwined in the human experience. Each requires ever heavier doses to produce the desired effect. Further, continued doses narrow the individual’s ability to experience life outside the dosing effect.

    Evil is always present, it is insidious, creeping, like rust it never sleeps. The American left did not start as the very embodiment of evil on earth yet it has attained that status in our time. Physical mutilation of mentally disturbed children, permanent destruction meted out by knowing adult figures reveling in their ability to persuade, to coerce, to perform such atrocities on mentally disturbed or, better yet (for the practitioners of this evil) children who are persuaded to accept the atrocity, is a profound exhibition of evil.

  5. I don’t even know how to pray for evil people like Biden, Soros etc. anymore. In my flesh I want to see these bastards destroyed by divine intervention and see them suffer painfully for their evil deeds. But I’m not God and need to let God take care of these bastards rather than what I want.

  6. I don’t talk politics with anybody except Tim, Crackerbaby, and Tim’s older son (my elder brother). My wife’s family is full of massive homo cunts and we haven’t been speaking since 2017. Fuck all those degenerate scumbags.

    I’ve never watched Carlson, or even Trump.

    The proof is in the pudding (sorry for such a lame expression) and I don’t give a tinker’s cuss what they have to say. Trump did a great job. He also fucked some shit up. But at the end of the day we had energy that was relatively low priced, 401Ks that grew, no fear of WWIII, and gold was decently decent. And I didn’t get hammered in my bloody ass by the IRS.

  7. My e-mail to my 3 family members: Hello this is your brother and Uncle Willy…

    I’m 23% down in my retirement funds and that doesn’t include any possible gains that were wiped out by the Democrats that you voted for. Inflation has increased my day to day living expanses by 20-30%……I have maybe 3 more Presidential voting cycles left in my life span based on our male family demographics. Maybe 2 before I might need constant care. Why do you hate me by voting for democrats?….I took you to Chucky cheese and went to most of your soccer games. Baby sat you, went to your Bal de Ballet bullshit. Hell, I busted my ass to be the best Uncle and your only brother. I don’t understand why you want to hurt mr financially in my retirement years. Your only hurting yourselves as your gonna get all of my crap anyway. Treasures that they are….I’ve got pictures and history to pass down to you, yet you seem uninterested. Many valuable knickknacks too.

    If you vote democratic again you will bankrupt me and yourselves too….Be careful with the Republicans as well. Just find the best conservative and monitor them. Your costing your lineage a lifetime of betterment unlike your great grand parents and your grandparents and the great greats before them….Why do you hate me?


  8. willy
    This week end we had services for my wife’s mother. Finally. I’m UB (Uncle Brad)to all the Grand Kids and believe me there’s a lot of them. Day one I’m hearing total Libtard shit out of a few of them. All very educated Biz “fat mother fuckers”. But that’s another story, and the men all married into the family. So uncharacteristically I kept my cool, and during heavy drinking evenings we discussed their politics. I spent some time on the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. A swear on a stack, they didn’t know the difference. I held school. Did I change some minds? Probably not, UB is just an old fuck.

  9. Thanks Erik
    Her husband was a Marine, she went through the Nurses Cadet program during WWII and spent her career being a nurse. Fascinating shit. We are such pussies compared to them.

  10. A dead French guy said that all political discussion would degenerate to the point where different political groups screamed slogans at each other.

    He was right … uhh … correct.
    We have become that cacophony.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. geoff the aardvark,

    Pray like David did in the Psalms. He asked God to kill his enemies.

    I have done that, also. But I ask God that, 1)if he knows they will never turn to him and 2)he is not using them to accomplish his will (dang, that part is hard!), only then do I ask him to remove *insert name* from the living.

    My sister nearly fainted when I told her that I prayed that while Obama was in office. I told her that I’m only following David’s example from scripture.


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