“I Rebuke You in the Name of Jesus” – IOTW Report

“I Rebuke You in the Name of Jesus”

Cop’s life is ruined because of a mentally ill woman. The usual civil rights shakedown artists have entered the arena.

33 Comments on “I Rebuke You in the Name of Jesus”

  1. lots of variables. hot water is no joke. my rule of thumb is never give the po po a reason to be nervous. they deal with people I don’t want to be in the same building with so they should be armed and I can go a very long way with very little effort on my part to not give them a reason to be nervous.

    There are bad LEO to be sure and they should be rooted out. However, you tell the po po you are going to splash them with hot water and they order you several times to step away…. we either have suicide by cop or batshit crazy or someone looking to win the lawsuit lottery or all of the above but now they get to play “assume room temperature game”.

  2. I could use a translation from ebonics.

    I have no clue what she said.

    But it seems to me one would back out, or evoke the, “Don’t taze me, bro!”

  3. …well, rightly or wrongly, the prosecutor is going to have a lot of fun with him saying “I will shoot you in the fucking face” just before he shoots her in the fucking face.

    You should probably remember you are not only ON camera, youre WEARING one.

    …and arent you going to enjoy watching the expressions on your juror’s faces when the see the postmortem pictures of your handiwork? I thought cops trained to shoot center mass, not heads. Still just as dead, I know, but not quite with the same dramatic impact postmortem.

    Not sure what the right answer here is, I never trained LEO, but I have found crazy people get tired of holding heavy, dangerous objects pretty soon if you stay out of their attack radius, so maybe back out for a minute until she puts it down and wanders away from it? Once she gets done rebuking you in the name of Jesus, that is.

    …while we’re here, did you hear the cop say “thats a lot of blood…from the head” after the head shot? Thats an incredibly vascular area, so you’d expect that; except, apparently, on a slopey roof at a Trump rally.

    Just sayin’.

    …also, pointless though it may seem, it would probably play better in court if you DO go into rescue mode and at least TRY to do something. He asked AFTER rejecting his partner getting the medical kit if “52” was enroute. 10-52 is generally “dispatch ambulance”, so he expects SOMEONE to go through the motions. Yes, she may CLEARLY exhibit signs of “injuries inconsistent with life”, but with YOUR life on the line it may help if the jury that doesnt know medical things gets SOME sense that you have some human concern for the crazy lady you just capped…

  4. I have heard incidents where people have been boiling water and flung it into police officers’ faces. The only problem was it contained lye or sugar. Then you are blind at the mercy of a mad woman. The police should have a race hustler attached to a pole, so they can use them as a shield.

  5. The Springfield Police Department must have an intervention agency to call for clearly a literal mental case.
    Sure. they can be a hassle and might complicate the situation, but at least the attempt should have been made.
    The cops had plenty of opportunity to evaluate the situation and use common sense to diffuse. Walk away and contact a family member, maybe. She was escalating, so the cop felt he had no choice but to eliminate the threat.
    The family of this mentally ill woman should take some of the blame. Monitoring her by a designated family member might have prevented a confrontation with police.
    A lot of bad decisions added up to this woman’s death.

  6. Justifiable in my LEO trained opinion, Having said that the cop made three mistakes that will not play well with the jury and complicate his defense.
    #1 as stated above by SNS shouting “I will shoot you in the fucking face” then doing just that Aside: training for LEO is shot center mass not the face if possible, aside from decreasing risk of a missed shot it looks bad before a jury when you had the opportunity to shoot at the chest area.

    #2 The cop was between the kitchen and her why did he let her go to the kitchen to turn off the stove why did he not shut the stove off himself? and remain between the perp and the potential weapon? very bad tactics.

    #3 a little slow getting to the medical/first aid response yes she was clearly dead and it wouldn’t make any difference, but a prosecutor can spin that to make it look like malice, when it may be nothing more than poor training and or adrenalin from the situation.

  7. Uncalled for, she was on her knees and he walked and shot over the counter which is why he got her in the head. She was no threat then. Got down on her knees as soon as he got his gun out. And she apologized.

  8. My Hometown….Sangamon County used to have the highest unsolved Murder rate in

    the USA….Lotta Politics in that Town….all bad.

  9. The situation started going bad as soon as the cops knocked on the door. They never identified themselves as the Sheriff’s Dept. I wouldn’t have answered the door because I would have thought it was the prowler banging on my door. The one cop acted like it was a huge inconvenience to even have to respond to the call.

  10. Brad have you ever seen skin melted away from hot water? Ever heard the screams of someone who has had skin melted away from hot water? I have. Accidents happen but if someone told me they were going to do it to me or someone else on purpose and I had a gun I’d shoot them in the head and not think twice about it.

    But that’s me. If you have seen skin melted away by hot water and are down with the screams then that’s were we part company.

  11. Sounded like she was threatening them with a pot of boiling water.
    Burns are no fun.
    Boiling water is 212 degrees.
    Was there a better way than shooting her?
    I don’t know.

  12. 24:12 of the video. It sinks in that his life is forever changed.
    It’s strange that he wasn’t overwhelmed with support from the other cops after the incident. Some were driving away while he stood alone at the back of his car. They usually have each other’s backs after an officer involved shooting.

  13. First saw this on the “Civil Rights Lawyer” on YT. A little backstory on this upstanding example of lahr enforcement; has 2 dui’s, shuttled between 6 departments in the last 4 years.
    He clearly lies about the situation after murdering the woman. She called the cops for help, they come, and they kill her. How anyone can be sympathetic towards this monster is beyond me. There is a nationwide crisis with law enforcement. There are endless videos on YT of cops violating civil rights on camera. It seems to be the culture among law enforcement. I’m conservative and I see it plainly.

  14. …I can’t tell you what a LEO response to this could or should be, I was not trained as a police officer and did not do police officer things.

    I can tell you though that there were other ways this could have been handled that would have reduced the risk of injury and death to everyone involved.

    My Life Squad service started right around when the deinstitutionalization craze (thanks Democrats) hit, and because of this I got WAY more opportunities to deal with
    mental patients than I ever did want, and yes, some of them wanted to kill us. My team was threatened with everything
    from evil spells to rifle bullets, and the loose nuts also often had an affinity for fire as well (which helped with the rifle bullet guy who made his own situation untenable), but never did it end with our officers putting someone down. While many of our mentals were “tagged” by the
    officers prior to our arrival, by no means did that mean we weren’t sometimes first-in on someone wildly swinging the remains of the guitar he just finished clubbing his minister with; and lacking pistols ourselves we would have to explore other avenues than simply shooting dude in the fucking face.

    You do have to recognize that truly crazy people do not give the sorts of cues trouble is brewing that “normal” people do, and that violence can explode out of seemingly nowhere, where a person can be talking quietly one minute and throwing a heavy glass ashtray the next. In all situations you remain prepared to run, fight, or talk fast as the occasion demands.

    You HAVE to recognize that a crazy person is capable of ANYTHING at ANY TIME, is not bothered by personal injury or death threats, and may well not be capable of processing them.

    And from MY point of view, while I had some TKD training and some self-defense our LEOs taught the FD, anything I broke on them I was going to have to both explain and fix, so I would rather NOT break anything on them if at all possible for the sake of my OWN sanity.

    While everything is situational and it’s desperately important you read the room and understand other life hazards such as crying children and biting dogs, one thing that usually happens if you start pressing on a mental is they do get angry because they can’t/won’t process what you are saying or doing as quickly as they would like, so they interpret you as a threat and react accordingly. Backing away while being mindful of what they are near and what their hands are doing often itself “de-escalates” as the kids say today, as the person doesn’t feel as threatened and may believe they are now in charge, which does open some avenues for getting them to do helpful things, like putting down pots of boiling water, by talking soothingly instead of offering to shoot them in the fucking face.

    This woman probably had limited coping skills to begin with, and is already in a adrenaline heightened state from the issue she called you for in the first place, so probably not a great time to crowd her. While yes, the pan of boiling water CAN do grievous and permanent damage, this was a slight woman in an otherwise empty apartment that probably wasn’t going to be able to fling it very far, and it’s pretty much a single-shot weapon if she does. Options could include simply backing away into the hall while observing how she reacts to that, misdirecting by saying something like “your dress looks pretty” or “something you’re cooking smells good” (you’d be surprised how often saying something complementary and unrelated in a crisis situation buys you some calm as they try to process you saying something nice), chanting along WITH her
    as though exercising demons from the apartment (but don’t forget she probably thinks YOU are the demon and keep your distance), looking PAST her and saying “THERE’S THE PROWLER!” to both distract HER and make her see YOU as being on HER side…there are many options that again depend on the situation and your “read” of the person involved, but the point is that there ARE options that don’t involve shooting her in the fucking face

    Although I will grant you that there MAY be reasons to shoot, like if when you back off she gets a knife or a gun and becomes MORE aggressive or if she tried to burn the entire apartment building down, but that doesn’t mean that EVERYONE in the room needs to empty a mag on her at close quarters if she raises her pot. There are two presumedly qualified LEOs here, ONE could holster his weapon as his partner fades to the side with his still drawn, and distract the woman with calming talk as I suggested earlier, it doesn’t even have to make sense, just say placating things and see what makes her relax.
    Because you moved back and kept watching her hands and her focus is on YOU and NOT your partner, he has PLENTY of time to use lethal force if she begins to offer same.

    …Crazy people are crazy. None of this may have worked, and she may have ended up dead anyway.

    …But it would probably help you not lose your job, your freedom, your family, and possibly your life in prison in the current political climate if a jury could see you at least TRIED them…

  15. This murderous cretin should never have been allowed near a sharp object, never mind serving as an armed policeman. He ruined his own life with his disgusting display of violence.

  16. Or possibly she was talking to the pot and stove “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus”, was it possible that she wasn’t even saying that to the officers? I understand the “I’m not taking a pot of hot water to the face” aspect in the heat of the moment (no pun intended), but in my Monday Morning Quarterbacking thought process it seems like she most likely wasn’t even talking to the officers. Seems to me that the officer completely misunderstood every single thing she was doing and saying.
    Could the officer have been influenced by any of the government reports about how vets, conservatives, & christians are a deadly threat to society and ‘our very survival’.
    It would be interesting to see what materials had been presented by what government agencies to this police department regarding potential american groups as threats.

  17. This LEO entered her house without a warrant and without invitation just to fulfill his overwhelming need to obtain her ID (a.k.a. Cop Crack) which would most likely NOT be required for the call. Had he just stated “No one in or around the yard. Have a nice night.”, he could have gone on belittling other citizens and she could have gone on breathing.


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