I received an email from a longtime reader stating that they secretly hate me… – IOTW Report

I received an email from a longtime reader stating that they secretly hate me…

… and that is why they send me stuff like THIS.

I don’t hate my readers, but if I have to suffer SO DO YOU. That’s the way it works.

Sent by Michelle’s Questionable Big Beaver

51 Comments on I received an email from a longtime reader stating that they secretly hate me…

  1. Perfectly serious question :

    What are the judges judging? What aesthetics are not considered verboten to judge? Why are there winners and losers? Isn’t being judgmental, about body image, hurtful?

    I’m as confused as they are.

  2. I do appreciate web sites what use article titles to build URLs. In this case, I could see that the Navy Times story is about a Petty officer who wins a transgender bodybuilding contest without having to read the article or see the photos!

    Sufferin’ succotash! (but NOT sufferin’ Uncle Al!)

  3. LOL, apart from this I love when people say “I hate you” and then continue looking for attention from whoever they said that to.

    Why don’t they do what the rest of the people in America do and just ignore the person. It’s the worst insult.

  4. BFH,
    Quick weather alert
    Gilligans coconut Radar Radio calling Harbourmaster Lucy.
    Hurricane Mike is in the Gulf.
    Is Dock one five hundred sixty three available for berthing?

  5. This kind of stuff always confuses me it had what I’m assuming is a female wife while a female and still has the female wife as a male.
    If the female wife was lesbian and it was lesbian, what are they now?

  6. I don’t even know what I saw there. I nod off with these transgender stories. The score keeping is too taxing and I lose track when former men wear bras and former women go topless.

    Let’s just drop Trou as the dystopian distortion is just confusing. If I see a wanker I know what it is. If I see a gash I know what that is. If I see a wanker that looks like a cocktail weeny and it’s supported by one or more toothpicks. I might guess what that is.

    I’m officially Archie bunker.

    Or maybe an enlightened hippie. Suppose they gave a sex change and nobody came.

    See? Even that’s complicated.

    I’m gonna go lie down now.

  7. Wow, they must really hate you. I save that kind of hate for Hillary, Obama, Libs in general, TSA agents, #MeToo, My Senators, my Governor, DMV……well, you get the picture.

    Pumpin more than iron I bet. What’s with the bikini top? I’d be more ashamed to admit I’m Trans than I would be to show my boobies.

  8. I hate to be the contrarian, but…. ….smile…. …as somebody said, “Somebody has to do it.”

    These “men” are not hurting anyone. They are not marching naked through the streets. This is (almost) a private affair with *dozens* (of loving family members?) in attendance.

    They bother no one. They are grown-ups.

    I am very against children being transformed, but like Chaz Bono and that Caitlyn Jenner person, these “guys” know what they want.

    You may prefer fucking between bodies using a hole in the sheet; some don’t.

    I detest the left’s attempt to impose morality and fascistic rules on me. I hate it on this side of the “church” as well. Do what you want. Force your daughters and grandaughters to birth. I don’t care.

    But, stop imposing your values and morality on other — private — adults. It is not pretty and it is not conservative or libertarian.
    …..Lady in Red

    PS: And I especially find your supercilious smarm offensive. Just be real.

  9. And the Big Beaver has not come over to defend that.Coward.
    All of them are trans.
    If I were you I would not open any links he sends you.Send them to Pinko titled “Girls with Guns” make his eyes bleed too. That has to be one of the worst I have seen here I have seen alot.

  10. ” This is (almost) a private affair with *dozens* (of loving family members?) in attendance. ”

    You got a lot of smug dontcha? Yeah? Well, now it’s on the world wide web, and we get to say whatever the hell we want. You don’t like it? Leave.

  11. Forced birthing is as evil as the fascism on the left, Mary Jane. You just cannot see it, as yet. But I have hope. …smile…

    And, on a good day, there is a lot of wit here. ….Lady in Red

  12. Yeah, you have a hard on for abortion, 6 weeks up to birth, we get it. We’re bored with it.
    I know, you cannot see it’s murder, but hey, that’s between you and your goddess Margaret Sanger.

    No one here in actual civilization is force-birthing. But, try the middle east. You and your pussy hat sistas may wanna pack your bags and help those bitches out.

    Oh, “And, on a good day”, you’re not here. lolz.

  13. The mentally ill should be immediately taken out of all U.S. military ranks. They are a distraction, unstable, security risk and can be easily manipulated by our enemies. That makes them a very dangerous liability.
    Barry’s agenda of social engineering in the military should be stopped.

  14. Actually, Ms. Anklestraps, I’m not as fond of cig burns and smashed baby skulls as you and yours seem to be…. …..allowing you to cluck and prat about what an *awful* mother she was…. …ah, and how’s about that step-father, eh?

    Prison for the rest of their lives!

    How’s about that dead baby, eh? Or, maybe they don’t kill the kid and the state gets to support him for a decade or so until he’s ready to rape and murder, with no sense of soul.

    That’s not your problem, eh? You just need to spit ’em out the birth canal. Think, lady, think. …..Lady in Red

  15. You’re O.K. in my book, kid…….

    Man… I’m such a whore for properly cut sammiches.

    M.J., use one of those toothpicks that’s shaped like a pirate sword to hold my sammich together and I’m back on your team.

  16. What are these pictures of? And… age… 60? This is too old to be a petty officer in the Navy.

    Has a wife of How many years… now competing as a man…

    I’m confused…

  17. Without argument, aborting a baby that could survive outside the womb is murder, let’s not kid ourselves. You have to be a friggin moron to think otherwise.

    This is WITHOUT argument.
    If you want to argue about when life begins and different trimesters in order to obfuscate the very obvious murders, hey, ya gotta live with your beliefs.


    Back to the “awards.”

    Of course this “hurts” people. It, again, is an assault on science.

    Thinking people are being forced into accepting that men can be women because they have surgery and hormone treatments, and vise versa.

    Then we have to judge their scarred bodies and hoist a trophy because they are MR. Naval officer.

    And let’s not even begin to discuss how trannies are given a dispensation to allow the “judgement” of bodies, and have winners and losers, when these concepts are under attack when practiced in the “CIS” world.

    Give me a break.

    It’s leftist asshattery and it deserves being mocked.

  18. LIR, so your solution to preventing child abuse is to kill the baby ahead of time? Ghoulish, to say the least.

    And please stop with the “smile” crap and putting your handle at the end of every post. We already know it’s you.

  19. So… Uh, if the ‘winner’ is a ‘MAN’ now and all, why did she have to tape up her nipples?
    No one cares if a man’s bare chest is exposed at a body building contest.
    How do they explain this?


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