“I Regret Getting the Vaccine” – Comedian Tells the Truth – IOTW Report

“I Regret Getting the Vaccine” – Comedian Tells the Truth

ht/ illustr8r

18 Comments on “I Regret Getting the Vaccine” – Comedian Tells the Truth

  1. Deplorable Second Class at 5:25 am

    There’s different degrees of regret, murdered isn’t one of them that gets laughed off.

    I don’t laugh at murder, but I do laugh at people who put themselves into murderous situations. They’re the ones that put their faith and trust in science. The naysayers like myself warned those I knew and even acquaintances….heck everyday I was at IOTW, I had something to say about the horrors. Do I feel bad that some listened and some didn’t? No, but I do miss them. If you want to know what murder is and risk, look to Princeton educated Stockton Rush, he used science like Fauci did. Lucky to be a pure blood.

  2. P.S. Only reason these actors/actresses/comedians/singers got the jab was so they could work. Now some of them can’t work like Celine Dion = “stiff man disease.” Oh yeah, the latest athlete to have a heart attack was LeBron James kid Bronnie. His career is over. Get the jab meet the slab.

  3. He expresses an insight learned at a cost yet unknown. At least he has the knowledge of himself at this point.

    My closest kin took the shot over my (muted) objections with only one as yet non life threatening side effect and two deaths adjacent.

    My insight? They see me as a radical with unserious ideas about government malice toward the people. I truly regret past excesses in speech with them all.

  4. My sister is in her 50’s and working a night custodial job because she was terminated from her desk job –at a scientific research facility– for not taking the jab.

    She told me yesterday she just heard about another sudden death among her former coworkers. That makes 3, plus one left on permanent disability due to a vax injury. She has no regrets, seeing as how it’s only her job that was terminated, not her.

  5. Perhaps not a biggie to many, but the loss of relationships builds larger.

    The last few weeks has had me pondering how I’ve maintained with a couple and walked away from many others.

    The tragic part is those who inflicted it on their kids and now we wait for the other shoe to drop as mom dad and grandparents happily go on about their daily lives and will never accept that THEY DID IT TO THEM.

  6. As this thing runs its course, it seems to me there would be a complete collapse in the medical industry, because of the sheer number of affected people trying to get medical attention? Maybe that’s the plan where you simply can’t get help for anything?

  7. Went to pick up my medication today and the tech asked if I was up to date on my “vaccinations” and would I like to schedule any shots with them.
    I said no, since I have little to no trust in the medical community.
    When I opened my prescription bag, out fell one of the pages they give you concerning interaction and all that crap.
    On one of the pages was my entire shot history.
    Since when is it my pharmacists job to know when I am due for a tetanus shot or Hep shot?
    This was the first time I have ever seen information on this through my F-ing pharmacy.

  8. @Anymouse: I was a big anti-vax advocate (still am), I didn’t care who liked me or not. One such woman who got the jab because she wanted to travel. She went to Italy, came back and started in on the jab she got (2021) with me. I gave her the statistics of people dying and she freaked out. She told me to shut my pie hole because she was a “recovering Catholic.” We met up again the other day after not speaking with her since 2021. I said nothing to her ignoring her. I wanted to ask her if she ever recovered from Catholicism but decided I wasn’t up to argue. What did that have to do with the jab? The jab makes you CRAZY!

  9. Goldenfoxx AT 1:09 PM
    The jab makes you CRAZY!

    Usually an offshoot of the liberal mental illness.

    You have to be somewhat unhinged to continue with getting it/boosters. Some might be understood getting the first one. After the first and with what information was available, then it’s on you regardless of the many excuses or argument they might offer.


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