I saw Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party – IOTW Report

I saw Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Cain– This past Saturday night, my wife Gloria and I were honored to accompany Dinesh D’Souza and his wife to a special screening of his film, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, as a theater in the Atlanta area.


Dinesh does an absolutely amazing job of chronicling how the Democratic Party amassed power over the course of many decades, and how they were not on the side of the people they claim to support. Not by a long shot.  MORE

11 Comments on I saw Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

  1. Loco,

    In a sane and just world Hillary should have been finished in this election when she asserted that unborn babies didn’t have a constitutional right to protection.

    The only way Hildebeast will go down is if either a rogue mercenary force takes her and her family out, or the people vote her and her cadre out overwhelmingly.

    DeSouza, like the man running Project Veritas, is making valiant attempts, but justice is elusive in an unjust country.

  2. I saw Dinesh’s movie yesterday. What an indictment of Hillary and the Demorat Party. The ‘Clinton Cash’ movie along with ‘Hillary’s America’ ought to be required of all voters. If you are black then you really need to see the movie. It shows the true sins of what Demorats believe. If you know a racist, just ask them what party the support. They will tell you they vote Demorat.

  3. @Pushy Galore — Get a bunch of your friends — or call up your country Republicans — and all of you contact a local theater to request a screening. If there is enough local interest, they’ll do it. That’s how we started getting films like this screened in King County (Seattle). In progressive geographies, unless theater owners hear from you, they’ll assume it’s not worth the expense.

    Also, the film website may have something set up for you to let them know where you live and they can act on your behalf, too.

  4. @Pushy:

    It’s not in one single theater in all of New York City population 8.55 million). I have to go to White Plains to see it.

    Luckily we have public transit where I live.

  5. I saw it on Sunday with Pom Mom. The DC corruption is so deep, Shrillary will never be held accountable. It will take an irresistible force to prevent her power grab, at this point.

  6. When D’Souza mentions in the film that he has to rely on us to keep Hillary out of the White House since he no longer can vote because of this prosecution by Justice, the audience — as one voice — grumbled with rage.

  7. Dianny, I didn’t know he lost his voting rights. Thanks for that information. Haven’t seen the movie yet but sure look forward to seeing it.

    They really wanted to shut D’Souza up. Truth causes so much pain for prog-socialists.

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