I See Dangerous and Stupid People – IOTW Report

I See Dangerous and Stupid People

33 Comments on I See Dangerous and Stupid People

  1. Those of us who chose not to be vacinated after our own research have been villainized and called all sorts of hateful names by our (so-called) Leaders, Talking heads from every network, Medical Experts and Hollyweird celebrity.

    But we remained true to our decision, we were not swayed by those who ignored the Science, thankfully.

  2. I will not comply.

    They can stick their clot shots in their butts. Those people and their ill are the reason I just added a new ‘tool’ to my small collection today.

  3. Cosmic level of stupid. If the vax actually worked this wouldn’t have been a topic at all.The vaxxed would have just gone about their business knowing they were protected. But they weren’t and they knew it.

  4. Try this little game. Randomly click around anywhere in that video and see what network you land on. By a wide margin it’s mostly MSNBC (MSDNC) or CNN (the Clownfart News Network where all the “news” smells funny)

  5. But now the vaxxed are whining because they are dying and WE, the unvaxed, didn’t tell them that they were in danger.

    I think I won’t say what I want to say. Ok, nevermind. To remain silent is to let them have their hypocrisy unchallenged.

    WE DID WARN YOU, but you wanted us dead. You know what separates us? We don’t want you dead. That’s why we tried to warn you. Your deaths are ON YOU!

  6. Conservative Cowgirl

    And any other Cali residents. AB481 goes into effect on 1-1-24. The created CGC 7070-7075. In effect your local PoPo now has to creep track of your military type equipment purchases. I think Red Maga hats are included.
    I didn’t even know about this bull shit until our Sheriff told me about it. It’s worth checking the list out. Careful what you purchase.

  7. Taking away freedoms? That’s just nonsense, it’s perceived non-freedom restrictions these morons put ON THEMSELVES. Our rights and freedoms come from God, it’s not my fault these frickin morons don’t recognize THEIR OWN freedom and put THEMSELVES in that position. Projecting asshats.

  8. At 1:10 in the video the black guy sez “The unvaccinated are beating their breasts running around the country going ha ha we don’t care…”

    Yeah, well at least they’re running around and not flopping around on the asphalt dying!!

  9. Seeing that Lemon faggot upset, is the highest level of hypocrisy. The fags wouldn’t stop their actions that spread Aids and contaminated the blood supply. Democrats refused to close the bathhouses, but the Democrats shut down churches where practitioners were in cars and clergy preached over the radio

  10. I hate with a passion those that forced this on the public, while I really feel for those who were forced to comply. Those who accepted the lies without question I can’t feel one way or the other.
    I pray for my family members who fell for the lies.

  11. I might have conjured up an iota of sympathy for those who were gulled and believed the lies except for one thing. We tried to warn them, and rather than debate the facts, the jab thugs did everything in their power to silence and ruin any and all voices raising legitimate alarms. Their whines and cries for understanding today are falling on my own deaf pureblood ears. And I’m not proud of this, but I have to admit a touch of schedenfreude: their anguish at times gladdens me. Yes, that’s a character flaw.

  12. They’re also removing non prescription medicine from pharmacy shelves that we’ve been using for years and decades citing sudden hazards.
    Looks like they’re going to make it a choice between vaccines, natural remedies or tough it out.

  13. I have to wonder how the vaccine was distributed to the states and who got the “real” vaccine and not saline. Many people have phony vaccine cards that were signed by their doctors. The roll out was never securely documented as it was given out. I read that some vaccine makers never gave it to their employees as did other special “groups of people”. This is just more government BS.

  14. “They’re also removing non prescription medicine from pharmacy shelves”

    We have a Compounding Pharmacy here locally. What an awesome place. You can get what ever you want. Most the time without a prescription. And if you need a prescription they can take care of that too. They are really cool places to find.

  15. Brad,

    AB481 sounds like someone is preparing for a war of sorts and they want to make it illegal for the average citizen to protect themselves.

    Kinda impresses me that “The British are Coming”.

    The next shot around the world won’t be ambiguous, I think.


    Well also 1-1-24 AB2 goes into effect essentially prohibiting you from carrying concealed. They tried this in New York and it got shot down by the courts. But our ass hole had to waste more money and give it a shot. The week they announced when it was going into effect they had a rash of armed robberies in the parking lot of our nearest mall. The little black kiddies would follow the dumb white people out who just made a large purchase and take it from them. I’m sure the legislation will stop that from happening. I’m going to carry anyway as are all my friends. GOA filed a law suite as before this was even signed into law but I have no idea where they’re at with it.

  17. Ohh,Lookie!! The people who have the microphone are wrong, again. Hey,Schwartsnegger,, didn’t I see you on your knees on a desk in a Senate building? whose Staff are you on? The rest of them? Get stuffed.

  18. @ Harry, that guy is Michael Steel who was R Lt. Gov. Maryland and followed up by being Head of the Republican National Committee. At one time he was being pushed as a Republican candidate for President. He’s so conservative he backed Pedo Joe for President. Beyond a Rino and in the land of loons.

  19. It felt so good to be part of something bigger, to have a clear direction and purpose in life.

    This is what The Pandemic was for a lot of otherwise lonely, miserable, rudderless people; The Pandemic provided some level of a religious-conversion experience. People were, for the first time in their lives, connected to a larger community in a meaningful way. The doctrine was laid out for them to follow and they felt empowered to enforce it upon their neighbors. It all sounded so reasonable and was supported by science:
    – “Wear a mask!”
    – “Six feet apart!”
    – “Avoid family gatherings and crowds!”
    – “Get vaccinated/Get your booster!”

    Oh, how good this new-found sense of purpose felt!

    Never forget those who pointed the finger of authority at you and saddled you with the deaths of your fellow countrymen because you did not comply with their dogma. Never forget how they blamed you – and shamed you – and so easily called for your excommunication from Society. Never forget how cold and callous they were in calling for you to be stripped of your livelihood, your ability to earn a living. Never forget how it was all politicized. Never forget that it can and will happen again.

    “How does this make you feel?” Like buying something in black, chambered in .308, as a Christmas present for myself.

  20. I’ve been treating the plandemic the same way I treated the Oblowme years and the O’Biden years. I stay busy, read stuff that is interesting, watch stuff that is interesting and ignore just about anything to do with what anyone says about their covid angst/regret. We lost our dear friend Gerard this year and his birthday is coming up in the next week. I miss him a lot and think of him nearly every day. Over the plandemic my mom died — not of covid, but fearful of either passing it along or getting it, so she didn’t want a lot of visitors. Then my second eldest brother died this year, too, also not from covid. There are a lot of people we know who got the jab and they say nothing about it to us and except for the earliest months of the plandemic we’ve never been asked or harassed about getting it. And there are still people we know and like — decent people with confused politics — who are still getting boosters, but we don’t try to disuade them because they’re going to do what they’re going to do. One friend got (another) booster and a ‘flu shot on the same day. I’m grateful to say he seems to be in good shape still.

    Our government and the media and social media heads have blood on their hands. May God have mercy on their souls. That’s all I gotta say.

  21. There was so much reliable, factual information about how sketchy and dangerous the untested Covid “vaccine” is, immediately when it was released. The injured Vaccine-ites have no excuse. A job is not worth dying for – there was a choice to ignore the jab mandate – which I did.
    No amount of bullying by the leftist media or government socialists was going to convince me to get shot up with that CCP poison.


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