I Sense Sarcasm – IOTW Report

I Sense Sarcasm

10 Comments on I Sense Sarcasm

  1. Well in the aggregate the UAF has caused 260k deaths, wounded, and desertion losses, wiped out over 5800 Mech Inf combat vehicles, destroyed over 2000 tanks, including all of the most modern tanks in the Russain inventory, destroyed 1000 artillery pieces, 15 Naval vessels, 96 aircraft, 205 Chopoers, so there’s that.

    Russia will end up being only a Nuclear threat like North Korea after they lose this war.

    It will take 30 years for them to project power again, and China just drank a huge cup of STFU after witnessing the capability of Western arms.

    Every dead Russin is one we won’t have to face in combat. and Xi is pissing his pants because Taiwan is an order of magnitude more powerful than Ukraine.

    Presupposing Adolph Pedo McPussy does not ignite WW3 and Nuclear Armageddon we have just postponed the final battle with Gog and Magog by 40 years.

    So though I fully agree Ukraine is a totally corrupted nation and Zelensky is the glibal cabals bitch boy the facts are the facts.

    As callous as it sounds I’d rather send billions in weapons to Ukraine than see one American fighting man or woman die in combat.

    Had 3 decades of that experience and I don’t recommend it.

  2. It is unfortunate that the greasy pole of politics is just as greasy and difficult in shithole countries as it is in our once non shithole country. All humanity would be better served without psychopaths running things everywhere. Unfortunately the climb is so ardous that only a psychopath would persist through the ranks of the business. An outsider, that is different, and we see what the cabal of psychopaths running our nation did to the only actual outsider ever to obtain power in national office for the last at least fifty years.

  3. Cisco Kid……..hahahahahahaha…….you’ve been watching major media again. Russia is kicking Ukrainian Nazi ass all over Ukraine. Ukraine is Nazi territory since WWII and still is.

  4. Mark S. McGrew

    All true except “Russia is kicking Ukrainian Nazi ass all over Ukraine.”
    And the reason for the success the Ukes have been enjoying is our War College has been shaping the battle field for them. However the Russians have caught on to this and I believe will be victorious eventually.

  5. Eeevil Putin has been telling everyone that if NATO kept pushing toward his border, he would respond. Gaddafi told everyone that if they took him out, Europe would be over run by immigrants.
    The people who are making the decisions Knew what would happen in both cases and Chose to make it so. I’m not saying Putin or gaddafi are the good guys. Events we have seen were created.
    We continue to support Ukraine with money and weapons. Putin can not afford to lose and we are working to back him in a corner.
    I guess manufacturing a nukular war would take the heat off of the people who manufactured the disasters of how they handled the covid crisis that they used our tax dollars to create, the tyranny they imposed, telling us that was how we need to deal with it, the sabotage of the economy by biden, yeah, these things going on didn’t just happen, it’s Not unintended consequences. It’s evil people who want the useless eaters gone.
    I’m a bit reluctant to hit that button. Let’s see if I’m alone in my thinking.


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