I still love these videos of leftists laughing at the thought of Donald Trump running for president – IOTW Report

I still love these videos of leftists laughing at the thought of Donald Trump running for president

This video is great, except for the end where the guy includes The Simpsons episode where they predict Donald Trump being president. The episode was made in 2016, not 2000, and they copied footage of his announcement. They didn’t “eerily” foreshadow the events where Trump descends on an escalator. They copied the events.

Nevertheless, this video of leftists guffawing at the notion of a president Trump is gold.

ht/ rob e.

21 Comments on I still love these videos of leftists laughing at the thought of Donald Trump running for president

  1. OK assholes, how do like your crow? Par boiled, Bar B Q’d or deep fried? Would you like a salad with that?
    : Yes Beckel is bolloxed. Hanks is acting like an idiot. I loved that guy in “Saving Private Ryan.” But they are only actors. Nothing more. Court jesters.

  2. I love those smug Hollywoodland heroes predicting Trump’s defeat almost more than the professional politicos showing how out of touch they were with the citizens of this country. Nothing beats President Obumbler’s arrogant attitude though. Just imagine how he feels knowing that his legacy belongs to the ashes now. This community organizer must know that his only lasting accomplishment will be was the first American-African elected President. Who will remember him for anything else?

  3. I believe every smug remark made by these arrogant ass-hats produced new Trump voter. Just like the libs say GITMO creates terrorists, I think smug liberals create Trump voters just by opening their mouths.

  4. What a bunch of dumbasses! From fat bastard Beckel to senile grandma Nancy. Who is the moron on the Colbert/Stewart type leftist dumbass program? British accent? Did that pussy ever write his check to President Trump? I had never seen or heard of that twit. “Do it.” Yeah he did it you stupid moron. All these people can burn in H as far as I’m concerned. Sorry, I’ve had it with these violent disrespectful pompous arrogant no nothings.

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