I Think BLM Thinks They Are Going To Get Money and Property From White People – LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL – IOTW Report

I Think BLM Thinks They Are Going To Get Money and Property From White People – LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Listen to this “thing” spout on and on about horrible white people, while dopey white people applaud “it.”

At some point in its rant it simply starts demanding that white people turn over their money and property to blacks.

Uh huh.

That’ll happen soon. Real soon.

Are thugs getting too lazy to rob you, they now want you to mail it to them?

ht/ bad brad

51 Comments on I Think BLM Thinks They Are Going To Get Money and Property From White People – LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  1. Got half way thru it. Every other word was the Fbomb. She demanded that I give her everything I worked for.
    I’ll agree to an installment plan. 40 calibers at a time. If you’re not satisfied with the first installment insist on the next one. Eventually we’ll reach an agreement.

  2. The Anti Trump media is emboldening these assholes. I hope they take responsibility when the bodies start piling up. The left is whipping itself up into a frenzy and bad things will happen.

  3. Someplace in that 5 minute mess she supposedly advocates killing people. I never made it all the way through either. I made it about half way and had a sudden urge to fondle my Glock. I said Glock.

  4. She would be much happier in Cuba.
    No capitalism, everyone is poor.
    Did she say she is tired of working 40 hours a week to get by?
    Hell, that makes her one of the lucky ones in 0bama’s rotten economy.

  5. Did she say she’s tired of working 40 hours a week to get by? I’m The owner of my business and I worked over 100 hours last week. That’s what I work to get by. And no, can’t have a fucking red cent of mine. Get a job you lazy piece of trash.
    If these lazy leftists want to beg for money, they probably do much better just getting a tin cup and doing a little dance on the corner. Oh, no wait. It would be too much like work. You’re not asking for money you are demanding my money.

    I’ve only got one thing to say to that. How do these poor people get so damn fat?

  6. Saw a flyer re sale on weapons. Seattle retailer bought a shit loada weapons, assuming Clintonazi’s win. So now he’s over stocked. Maybe, maybe not. If Soros keeps whipping those losers into a frenzy, things are going to heat up. Maybe 2nd Amendment types need to rethink their inventories?

  7. Well, then, seeing as how I was asked so politely, I believe I do have some property to donate to deserving persons at the right time. I have a number of metallic pellets, mostly lead, and beautifully partially wrapped in bright shiny copper. Each one isn’t that expensive so I’ll make up for that in quantity.

  8. MPS,
    I’ve only got one thing to say to that. How do these poor people get so damn fat?

    Jerry springer, Oprah, dr, Phil, Mickie D’s, church’s fried chicken, an anything that fits in their pie holes, plus lotsa soda pop.

  9. Anyone dare to mention reparations and my response is the blood of all the Americans that fought in the American Civil War paid for it in full.

    Oh yeah, and Molon Labe!

  10. “Give me your shit.” is the essence of socialism.
    “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine.”

    How refreshing that one would say so out loud. They usually couch their extortions and thieveries in lies and deceit, “for the l’il chillens,” and so forth. And do not kid yourselves: 47% of white people would be happy, indeed, bushappy (bull-shit happy), to hand YOUR shit over to them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Oh, I think reparations should be paid to any surviving slaves of America.

    As fir their descendants getting reparations: let’s see, you send an itemized bill of the slave held relative’s reparations, only, to America, MINUS all the welfare, taxpayer paid tuitions, subsidized rent amounts, food handouts, taxpayer funded medical care, and etc, you or your slave relative and his/her descendents haveor had received since that slave relative was freed!

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