“I think he left a more dangerous world.” – IOTW Report

“I think he left a more dangerous world.”


Former Obama Officials Now Say that He made the World a More Dangerous Place

Ouch. I can’t imagine that this feels good for the former President to hear. However, it’s not our job to protect the feelings of the politicians who fail us, so here it is, two Obama era officials are speaking out and telling anyone who will listen that President Obama made our world a more dangerous place to live.

Barry Pavel and Gary Samore both spent years working in the Obama administration’s foreign policy department and both men now say that the former president’s inaction has made the world more unstable and dangerous.

Speaking to Fox News Pavel, who was the senior director for defense policy and strategy on the U.S. National Security Council staff said, I think he left a more dangerous world. In Syria, a major mistake was treating it like a humanitarian crisis, when it was a major national security crisis that has caused destabilization on our closest allies in Europe. Syria has been a source of terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States, and future attacks. I worry about that very much.”  

read the rest

13 Comments on “I think he left a more dangerous world.”

  1. In other news, Alec Baldwin admits he is a bloviating has given, Hillary Clinton says she really was a poor candidate, and Ashley Judd commits herself to a mental hospital.

  2. Complicit Obama administration personnel trying to distance themselves from the dereliction of duty, defeat and failure of Obama’s National Security Policies they helped develop, initiate and implement.

    Barry Pavel and Gary Samore were happy with the position and paycheck and never questioned Obama’s motives in destroying our allies, National Security policies and military during their tenure.
    Barry and Gary were a large part of the problem, you can’t erase your complicity by denigrating “your guy” after the fact.

  3. These folks are criticizing Obama, and this is racist. Yes, I know the preceding sentence is incoherent and illogical, but I do have “Progressive” in my screen name, so it’s o.k. because I feel better.

  4. At his 1945 Nuremburg, captured top Luftwaffe general Hermann Goering told the judges:

    “I’m so happy you Americans won. Really. In fact I’ve been on your side all along. Yes, really. Hitler was a terrible strategist. Just a little jumped up Corporal who should never have been Fuhrer. He probably wasn’t even eligible, he would never produce his Austrian birth certificate. The war was all his fault. I’m glad we can all now put this misunderstanding behind us, and move on.
    Now I’d like to talk about my release, with full pension, and a DoD consulting contract. I could be very helpful with postwar policies to your President Truman.”

  5. Rats leaving a sinking ship.

    The overt tell-tale sign of the future of the Obama Administration was the Ft. Hood massacre classification as work place violence. In other words, nothing to see here. Avert your eyes.

  6. I never trusted the basturd. From the first moment, he exuded a foul stench to my sensibilities. And the more ‘they’ pushed him, the more frightened and alarmed I became to the obama-disillusional disorder.

    His legacy: an overflowing outhouse. His presidential library should be a sink hole.

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