I Think I Am in the Minority on This One – IOTW Report

I Think I Am in the Minority on This One

I know this was controversial at the time. It may still be.

But I don’t see this as offensive, or a slight, or sacrilege. On the contrary. I think this is extremely warm and expressive and heartfelt.

Don’t boo me.

46 Comments on I Think I Am in the Minority on This One

  1. The players at the game were divided on the performance. “I don’t think it was the proper place for that kind of treatment,” Roger Maris of the St. Louis Cardinals told The Boston Globe. “Maybe I’m a conservative.”

  2. But their teammate Tim McCarver said: “Why not that way? People go through a routine when they play the anthem. They stand up and yawn and almost fall asleep. This way, at least they listened.”

  3. I hate to sound like an asshole. Let me back up a bit. I was told on Instagram a couple days ago white wasn’t a race. So I asked if Black was a race then. I’m still getting hate messages. I feel “white” culture is trying to be erased. And therefore I have a problem with it. It’s my belief people with blonde hair and blue eyes are trying to kill off the heritage of people with blonde hair and blue eyes. WTF?

  4. I remember watching that as a 9 year old with my Grandfather.
    He didn’t bitch about it and that says everything.
    He’d throw down on anyone who anybody that disrespected the USA.

  5. He was the only Latino living large in Villa Park Ca. back then, so he had that going for him. I’m sure the rich Wienies On The Hill still loathed him in their snobbiness. Us people from Orange weren’t good enough for them.

  6. not my cup of tea … a ‘national anthem’, any ‘national anthem’ has a certain tune attached to it … otherwise, it’s just a bad rap song in waiting

    but, don’t worry Fur, within the next couple of decades most all US national anthem performances will be done this way … ay caramba!

  7. “Question: If you don’t like this version, what do you think of the people who do like it?”

    If that question was directed at me, I have no problem with that. I love every one here. Well, there is that Loco guy. LOL. JK. I think I’m being forced into defending white culture. Middle America. Even though I live on the bad coast. I’m sick of the constant attacks on my skin color. I could go on.

  8. I see it as a different interpretation of a classic poem truthful to F. Scott Key, who witnessed it in real time.
    It’s heartfelt and meant to be respectful.
    Most aren’t aware that the melody we all know comes from an old British pub song.

    And considering all the sickening melisma these self-important singers go on with at every game, trying to show their “chops,” this is quaint.

    (Although the sax player keeps looking around like, “when do I come in?”) 😆

  9. Not directed at you at all, Brad.

    I was just wondering how many layers deep it goes if someone really hates the tinkering with the song. Do you lose respect for the person who likes it?

  10. (Although the sax player keeps looking around like, “when do I come in?”) 😆>>

    Did you catch in the intro that he was supposed to be accompanied by those guys? They bowed out, it seems.

  11. “Not directed at you at all, Brad.”

    Well if you review this thread I’m the only one that’s gone against your vector Victor. So you can see why I would assume that. Right?

  12. I’m good with it.
    So long as the performer isn’t totally butchering or mocking the SSB, everyone has their own style of performing….and listening.

  13. I really liked it. I didn’t see it as his ‘culture.’ It was just a slightly different tune and it was good!

    You know we have heard worse, especially those women who like to practice their scales as they sing.

  14. I compare this version of our National Anthem the same way I view the Thin Blue Line flag. I understand the sentiment and heartfelt well meaning behind both, but you don’t alter the Flag and you don’t alter the Anthem. Both are sacred. Having said that, Whitney Houston’s version of our Anthem during the Super-bowel in ’91 is hard to beat, even though it was altered slightly from the traditional cadence and such. i just get annoyed when artists try to turn it into a top 40’s pop hit….

  15. I love the Traditional National Anthem.
    Jose Feliciano’s rendition was not off putting, it was enjoyable.

    !968 with the riots, anti-War sentiment, Large draft cards burnings, Tet Offensive, Martin Luther King murdered, Robert Kennedy was murdered, North Korea releases the Pueblo crew but keeps the ship, social and political upheavals across the Nation.

    Well, the Feliciano’s rendition, considering the times was mild. It’s not like he sang a totally socialist polarizing Anthem for one segment of the nation.
    You know like the piece of shit Black Anthem.
    But that’s another subject.

  16. Brad

    I told my parents in 1969 I wanted two 45’s for my birthday, they took me to a record store:

    “Mother Popcorn”, by James Brown
    “Whole Lotta Love”, by Led Zeppelin.

    I still remember their discussion about my understanding what those two songs were about, but they bought them for me anyway, and I still have them as worn out as they are.

    Later I taught myself the Hendrix version on guitar, even had the distortion pedal he used. Got shocked by it one day in my family basement. I totally wore out the “Woodstock” album.

    Jose Feliciano was a favorite as well but I always tended toward the harder stuff.

    Shame that we have such a rich history of music which ended for the most part when the industry was compromised in the 90s. I don’t bother with music anymore since I kicked my addiction to Dopamine 😁

    My point was it was just as good.

  17. I liked it. And it seems respectful. It was in English and he didn’t change the lyrics or announce it as the Latinx anthem.

    But then, I consider US Blues by the Grateful Dead to be a patriotic song…

  18. Jethro

    Good one. 👍 Mom was a Rifle tester for both Marlin and Mossberg, and a relative got blown up dropping a tray of Mercury Fulminate at Winchester a long time ago.

    First gun my mom encouraged me to get was a Colt Sporter 2, I miss that rifle. 3 years running shot 50/50 at 250 yards in Army qualification. It had a comp and the range staff always bitched about it.


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