I Think Lara Logan May Have Gotten This One Wrong – Woke Candy Bar? – IOTW Report

I Think Lara Logan May Have Gotten This One Wrong – Woke Candy Bar?

It seems to me that this could be mocking Woke companies.

13 Comments on I Think Lara Logan May Have Gotten This One Wrong – Woke Candy Bar?

  1. Definitely mocking. From his website:

    Harry’s and the Daily Wire had a deal. They paid us. We advertised their razors.
    But after we said that boys are boys and girls are girls, they publicly condemned our views as “inexcusable” and dropped their ads because of what they called “values misalignment”. You’re damn right our values are misaligned.
    We embrace masculinity and the courage to uphold it. And since no other razors out there did… we built our own.

    And then there’s chocolate. For International Women’s Day, Hershey’s hired a biological male to be the spokesperson for their Women’s Day campaign. It’s humiliating. That’s why we launched Jeremy’s Chocolate. We have two kinds: SheHer and HeHim. One of them’s got nuts. You know which is which.

  2. Loved that send-up of the Woke® idiots in Pennsylvania.

    Found Jeremy’s commercial amusing, and while I share the sentiments I won’t buy a razor from a company using a fully bearded pitchman. (yeah, its probably part of the joke, but still)

  3. What Brown Eyed Girl said.
    It appears that Lara has no sense of humor, therefore she must be a DildoCrat/Socialist/Communist scold.
    “Change my mind”.

  4. Lara Logan’s just overreacting. She’s probably has PTSD from being targeted and hit by the left 24/7 and her awful experience she suffered as a journalist in Egypt.


    It’s affected her sense of levity because she’s had to takes things so seriously to survive. Yeah, she didn’t get this parody of the left’s agenda.


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