I think this lady is indicating that she wants to see a supervisor – IOTW Report

I think this lady is indicating that she wants to see a supervisor

Is this the new tack that’s going to be implemented by anti-police drivers?

When pulled over for an infraction they are going to refuse to acknowledge the ticket and demand to see a supervisor?

Here we have another “shocking” example of police abuse… that could be avoided by signing the ticket and either paying it or going to court.

Nothing is going to be accomplished by being belligerent. The ticket is not going to go away… you are.

People are upset that the cops were so pissed at the woman, the woman who refused all cooperation. One officer screamed at her and used the “ef” word. Apparently this will get the officer in trouble.

(I’m a little sick of seeing these videos only to learn later on that what I was witnessing was “racism.” I thought I was witnessing a video of a citizen needlessly escalating a situation that didn’t need to be escalated. It’s also exactly how the situation would have played out if it was a white woman being an idiot. JUST SIGN THE TICKET and drive away. You’ll have your day in court if that’s what you want.)

24 Comments on I think this lady is indicating that she wants to see a supervisor

  1. It’s an old tactic, it’s just that everybody has a camera rolling nowadays. More than once I got a surprised look when I was a road patrol supervisor and my reply to the demand was “I’m it”.

    And Dan is right, I’m shopping for a dash cam myself.

  2. We used to explain to people that signing was not an admission of guilt, but a promise to appear. But, of course, that assumes you’re dealing with a rational human…

  3. In most states, refusal to sign a citation is considered resisting arrest, is it not? She resisted arrest by not signing and resisted again by refusing to exit the vehicle. That’s two counts of resisting arrest. She deserved to have her sorry, old keister carted off to jail.

  4. So damn stupid. Just sign the ticket and get on with life. Now she had to go to jail, get bailed out and go to court on TWO offenses. Stupid people shouldn’t be allowed to drive. As to the stupid people commenting on youtube who think the cop is racist: the cars windows were tinted; cop had no idea until after he pulled her over and she rolled down the window what color she was!

  5. Did she actually think a supervisor visit was a right? Well, with luck the Judge will suspend her drivers license for a year make mandatory drivers education a condition of getting it returned and attend and complete an anger management course.

  6. All these blacks screaming racism and automatically assuming the police are oppressing them is actually hurting their argument. They just assume the police officer is wrong and then overreact which causes the situation to escalate and the officer has to use force. On an uncooperative person so no the encounter gets way out of hand. Idiots, don’t they know they brought this on themselves?

  7. Although it’s been many years ago, I recall when issuing a citation, it needs to be signed or you just drag the perp to jail.
    If the perp wants to check out the limits of the law….well….let’s just say the perp probably can’t afford the lesson.


    Stop making pissed off drivers SIGN their ticket. In my state, no signature is needed. It’s like issuing a summons, as long as their is a witness to that they have been served, you just walk away and they are liable to appear in court.

    I don’t know who invented this “You must sign” bullshit. It’s completely unnecessary.

  9. This is what black men put up with all the time to get a little nuggie. When they handle it right the Bint gives willingly. These white crackas have a lot to learn. Look how many it took to get her to walk away when one black man like Sidney Potterfield could have fixed this in a heartbeat.

  10. A signature is not required in my state, but there is a place for the violator to sign; we never ask, as it avoids stupid confrontations like this…pay it or goto court…I don’t care, do as you like. As for demanding to see a supervisor, give her directions to the barracks/station house, period: “Thank you for your time Miss, and be careful entering traffic.” Back to your cruiser, and back to patrol.


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