I Think To Set an Example, These Election Cheaters Should Get the Death Penalty — Too Harsh? – IOTW Report

I Think To Set an Example, These Election Cheaters Should Get the Death Penalty — Too Harsh?

41 Comments on I Think To Set an Example, These Election Cheaters Should Get the Death Penalty — Too Harsh?

  1. The ultimate Potatohead who couldn’t legitimately outpoll the asswipes in the 2022 Dem Primary was given the Presidency of the USA!
    Get your head around that and then be serious about the prosecution of election fraud.

  2. The Biden admin will come to their rescue, count on it. The first claim against Project Veritas will be RACISM! The Democrat party are street fighters, they fight dirty and they politic even dirtier. They own the Mainstream Media, much of big corporations, the education system, social media, the DOJ and FBI. No one is going down for this. There will be NO change in the system until the election process is reformed. That will not happen until Republicans hold both chambers and the Whitehouse. All we can do is keep exposing them.
    Sorry, it is what it is. Watch your back.

  3. Death penalty? I’d settle for just 10 years in prison. Some kind of meaningful sentence. But even when the cheaters are caught, sympathetic DAs release them, or judges (if there is ever a trial) give them a slap on the wrist. It just isn’t taken seriously.

  4. I don’t think they should get the death penalty, as they are too stupid to realize what they are doing. Instead, whoever told them to do what they are doing, the arguably smarter ones, that probably have at least 10 other people doing the same thing at other polling places and are more closely tied to campaign funds, should be the ones who hang in a public square.

  5. I started thinking this in 2020. Start with the smallest of cheaters, like the people driving the delivery trucks full of ballots. Offer them a deal; give us the name of the person who recruited you and you get charged with voter fraud and do five years in prison. Refuse and you get charged with treason and face the death penalty. Keep doing that up the chain till you get the top dog.
    I cannot believe that we’re going through this again. Truckloads of ballots being delivered after hours, voting machines, all the usual BS
    It is time for the US military to step and seize control of the country. Set new elections for every office in six months. Election day is voting day, NO mail in ballots at all, ID at the voting booth, paper ballots, hand counted three times for accuracy and winners declared the same day.

  6. Ever since IOTW was first launched, I’ve been saying that election/voter fraud should be made a federal capital crime equal to TREASON!

    Now it looks like it may be too late to change anything at all, we’re circling the drain.

  7. Election Fraud (Cheating) undermines the very core of the Republic – the very concept of Representative Government – of the People, by the People, and for the People. We simply cannot be represented by those whom we choose to represent us if the election is fraudulent – this should be self-evident. We are being denied our voice in government by these frauds – thus, disenfranchised – thus, denied – I think there are a couple of Constitutional Amendments which address the idea.

    Therefore – it is Treason – and MUST be punished with death if we plan to get fix it. Not as examples, but to rid the Republic of their noxious intrigues.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. You need to understand that the Republican establishment is integral to the cheating and stealing of elections. The 2004 broad daylight theft of the Washington gubernatorial election proved it to me beyond any doubt.

  9. Valencia county New Mexico saw the red tsunami. We voted for republicans in every county office.

    In the grand scheme God installs the leaders that we deserve. We started voting for our current leadership when prayer and Bible reading was dismissed from schools, when free love and drugs became common place, when abortion and homosexuality were legalized, when espionage was winked at, when corruption is condoned, when murder has no consequence.

    We’ve passed the point of no return. The next election has already been arranged and decided. Voting has no value anymore. The next president will openly support global citizenship and will single handedly surrender our national sovereignty to the global leader.

  10. Well, my thinking is this. We’ve taken 18 year-old kids and gave them guns and told them to shoot and kill these guys over there because they are trying to take away our freedom. And these kids have lost their lives defending against the threats to our republic.
    Stealing votes is the same damn thing.

  11. IMO, the Rosenburg’s treasons were less harmful to our Nation than those of the perpetrators of election fraud. Electrocution or shooting would be too good for them. Judicial hanging would be more appropriate – although I wouldn’t object to the use of trees, paracord and lampposts. Let the bastards suffer the fates of the system they would impose on us.

  12. I think we need an amendment, paper ballots only, hand count only, one day voting, photo ID, anyone convicted of cheating or breaking the law in anyway will be charged with treason, minimum sentence 5 years mandatory, $500,000 fine, maximum sentence death. Unless you’re a poll worker or government election employee then it’s either life in prison or death.

    I think this convention of the states that has been going around, needs to change just for an election amendment that is clearly written.

  13. I forgot all votes counted within 24 hours of polls closing, I figure even with the number of idiots we have in this country, they can manage that.

    Years ago before “technology” I remember being able to get our state’s results on the 10 o’clock news.

  14. JDHasty, I remember years ago hearing about an agreement the Republicans and Democrats had that both sides would look the other way and never expose it. I think that’s why they got so mad at Trump, he didn’t follow those rules.

    Republicans are damn good at cheating in the primaries. Smaller vote count, makes it that much easier.
    I believe every conservative group in Oklahoma was backing Dahm and Lahmeyer against Mullin and Lankford. With Mullin they got all of these idiots to run as well and it came down to two RINOS, one being the bigger RINO of the two. They ended up in the runoff together, these two who are all about 2A and grew up with guns both called AR-15’s assault weapons in their debate. Yes that is still grinding on my nerves.

    Anyway, every person I know and every person I talked to that lives near me and votes at my precinct were supporting those two. Those who had signs on their property were all Dahm and Lahmeyer. Yet Lankford won the primary with over 60% of the vote at my precinct.

  15. Last night, Kari Lake mentioned to Tucker that there were ~600K votes remaining to be counted in AZ. Hmmm. I just went to the CNN 2022 election site and about sixteen hours later, there are still ~600K votes remaining to be counted in the AZ gubernatorial race.

  16. nco77
    NOVEMBER 10, 2022 AT 10:38 AM

    “It is time for the US military to step and seize control of the country.”

    THAT would sure be interesting with China Milley and Lloyd “Jabby” Austin in charge.


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