I thought he was gonna burp – IOTW Report

I thought he was gonna burp

Thirsty squirrel actually begs for water.

28 Comments on I thought he was gonna burp

  1. Tree rats are so freaking cute. That’s why we have so many in our yard playing clean up for the birds (under their feeders). They’ve actually knocked the birdbath over jumping up and down while getting drinks, too.

  2. I spend a fair amount of time on my patio and along with wild rabbits and hummingbirds I have whole squads of squirrels. They are way too determined to have any luck getting rid of without killing so I feed them too. Actually some of their antics are hilarious.

  3. The squirrels use my rooftop as their highway from the large maple tree on the West side of my house to the black locusts on the East side. They drive my daughter nuts since she lives upstairs and she can hear them running back and forth across the roof. I’d rather have squirrels than racoons any day of the week.

  4. Chipmunks are the conservatives of their type. They live in the Redwoods (and other rural areas). Squirrels live off the largess of others.

    (See how one can make anything a political statement?)

  5. My father made a rather elaborate feeding station for the squirrels and they loved it. They worked for their food, but left the multitude of bird feeders alone – I think they enjoyed the challenges my dad thought up.

  6. Tree ratz have given my mutt Gigi her moniker “squirrel girl”. They drive us 😜 cray cray. I hit ‘em with my Red Rider bb-gun but it simply doesn’t phase them.

  7. Here in the west we have grey squirrels. Back east they have black ones, which are better looking. I find them to be funny to watch.

    A couple of decades ago in the UK, two guys invented a noise or vibrating emitting machine that they claimed would attract homosexuals, so they tested it in a park. No homos showed up, but lots of squirrels did.

  8. For a couple of months I was entertained by two chipmunks running across my deck. After I started filling my bird feeder they soon found the feeder hanging below a tree branch. They could jump 3 feet from the tree trunk onto the feeder. Requiring me to move the feeder and rig a pizza pan above the feeder that would tilt and drop their little butts six feet to the ground.

    However, I haven’t seen them for a couple of weeks. They haven’t been cleaning out the entrance to their hole at the base of the tree. It’s possible they may have been given an invitation to dinner they couldn’t refuse from a snake. Or other critter that finds them tasty. Or maybe they found a new place with easier access to free food.

  9. Today a baby fawn ran up to me wanting a piece of apple. I don’t know where his mama was, she would have scolded her fawn for getting too close to a human. The apples sliced up are for the squirrels, but the deer eat them too.


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