I thought people paying to go see a “Charlie Sheen” concert were a-holes – IOTW Report

I thought people paying to go see a “Charlie Sheen” concert were a-holes

John Hinkley, who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan, and who can’t sing worth shit, has sold out a concert in Brooklyn, NY.

450 morons have plunked down money in an atrocious display of… assholedness.

ht/ illustr8r

13 Comments on I thought people paying to go see a “Charlie Sheen” concert were a-holes

  1. It’s a bargain compared to the price of a Hunter Biden painting.

    Why do people who fail elsewhere in life think they should be able to make it in the arts? Oh, right: because society buys notoriety and novelty and calls it art.

  2. Tried to kill a loyal Party member? Who swore his honor, his loyalty, his soul, to The Party? To be allowed on The Party list? As a loyal Party member? Swore to an empty throne, whatever may set upon it? For the opportunity to be listed as a loyal Party member? For a set on a throne?

    That bastid!!!leventy!!!

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