I thought she was going to hit him ๐Ÿ˜‚ – IOTW Report

I thought she was going to hit him ๐Ÿ˜‚

Little Girl Defends Herself as Joe Biden Creeps on Her (VIDEO)

21 Comments on I thought she was going to hit him ๐Ÿ˜‚

  1. The Secret Service AGENT literally Forced Himself to look away.

    In his previous job he would have been arresting the Filthy Old Sniffer.

  2. It’s common knowledge the Pedo is a huge child molester yet people still allow him to sniff, stroke, poke, and touch children during public WH events.

    A toddler fights off this frightening monster and the only thing that kept her unmolested was her tenacity and her dumb ass mother holding her in her left arm instead of right.

    Parents who just stand there while the Pedo stroked the arms and face of a little boy abd then Pedo invites the child on a private tour of the WH.

    It’s either they know and feed their kids to the lions or they know and are just rubbing it in our faces. I go with the later.

    You would think his handlers would keep him away from these public displays of child lust but they are just flipping us the bird at this point as they do with all the other issues and behaviors he exhibits.

    That’s why I’m convinced the fix is in for the midterms, they act so brazen like they just know there will be no repercussions for their overt actions.

  3. Makes steam come out my ears when I see
    this sickening creep. He stroked and caressed
    this little boy the other day on his head and back
    then wrapped his filthy right hand entirely around
    the boys face.He extended the boys head and neck as
    far back as it would go without breaking his neck then
    he kissed the boys forehead at least 3 times.I must be
    gaslighted inside the twilight zzzone……

  4. Itโ€™s pretty obvious by now that bringing a child as an offering gets mom and dad up close to the Phresident. It could also get an enterprising terrorist up close to the Phresident. And donโ€™t think that those who would do him ham havenโ€™t noticed.

  5. Who else on earth but Biden would poke a little kid he never met with his index finger? Not once but twice.

    Biden is as weird as it gets. Wonder what he said to her. Kootchie-koo maybe.

    “hey little girl, kootchie-koo – hey, pull my finger and I’ll do something funny…you wanna smell my finger?…here it is again.

  6. We’ve been watching this guy’s mental decline in real time. I’m gobsmacked that his handlers even put him in situations involving the target of his sexual perversions. How long before he forgets that cameras are on him or that there are people looking at him? You know what I mean?

    It’s a terrible thought, but we’ve watched him do all kinds of weird things.

  7. “What would happen if a child Biden was attempting to fondle or sniff were to deal him a good whack across the face, possibly even breaking his nose? What would the Secret Service do?”

    They would wrestle the little girl to the ground and beat the shit out of her.
    I’ve seen the SS in action.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Here’s hoping one of these kids pokes the Pedos eye out. Maybe then the nation would finally get the message.

    All a terrorist would need to do would be to shove nitro up a kids tailpipe and let the Pedo come in for a smooch, a sniff, or a stroke and then blow the fuckers head off.

    Hey NSA and SS. Since you both monitor this site get your heads out of your collective rectums and for fucks sake keep the old pervert away from children.

    Or don’t, maybe the kid can get a twofer like the little boy who was standing between both Commiela and the Pedo the other day. Boy you SS boys are stupid to have them within 5 feet of each other.

    Your choice. Or do the nation a great favor.


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