I thought showing ID was racist: deBlasio Says NYC’s Entrance Papers Will Require Vaccination Plus An ID – IOTW Report

I thought showing ID was racist: deBlasio Says NYC’s Entrance Papers Will Require Vaccination Plus An ID

Federalist: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that more than proof of vaccination will be required to go to restaurants, gyms, museums, and other indoor venues — an ID will be required as well.

“And it’s easy, all you have to do is show proof of vaccination — that could be a CDC paper card, that could be an Excelsior Pass, an NYC COVID Safe app, whatever works,” de Blasio said in an announcement. “All you got to do is show that proof and have ID as well, and it’s straightforward.”

The mayor announced his “Key to NYC” vaccine mandate earlier this month, which requires indoor dining, entertainment, and fitness businesses to “check the vaccination status of all staff and customers 12 and older.” De Blasio did not clarify how 12-year-old children and other minors will be able to obtain a valid photo ID.

The mandate creates a major gap between black and white residents’ ability to enjoy basic freedoms of assembly: only 42 percent of black NYC residents have at least one dose of the vaccine, compared to 57 percent of white residents. Thirty-eight percent of black residents are fully vaccinated, while 53 percent of white residents are fully vaccinated. more here

27 Comments on I thought showing ID was racist: deBlasio Says NYC’s Entrance Papers Will Require Vaccination Plus An ID

  1. I flew into JFK for a short hop to Canada in 1999.

    I will never see NY again, or Canada (Praise Be!).

    To hell with NY, (and NJ), and to hell with Canada.

  2. Chill. Ride it out. Before long, jabbed liberals are going to die off by the thousands then by the millions. Gullible fools trusted the democrat party, the MSM, their educators, and Hollywood. Libs we have to put up with are no longer defending the jab. Many do not want to talk about it. Most admit they have regrets.

  3. I’ve never been to Maui. But I flew to JFK to go see Niagara for our Wedding. And I flew into Stapleton Aerodrome for a hop to that shithole Las Vegas to go see Jennifer’s Uncle Dipshit.

    Actually he IS NOT a dipshit, I just can’t remember his name.

    I fucking hated aeroplanes back then. There was no TSA. I just hate aeroplanes and aerodromes.

    There’s the overhead-speaker, “MFF FF GG HAVEATE DEBARKFF PPPPFFFF.”

    Jennifer aid, “We have to hurry to gate 112!”

    I asked why. “Why? The layover is 4 hours.”

    “You didn’t hear the over-head?”

    “I heard some Japanese shit mixed with Russian. It didn’t make any sense.”

    “We HAVE to get to the gate…”


  4. When boosters are deemed required every single “fully vaccinated” person will be in the same boat as all the current unjabbed. Then you have to carry a binder to show all your shots.

  5. I just remembered, Uncle Jay.

    He made the machines that made your Ford parts. If you had a Ranger, or an F150 chances are his machines made your lower control arms. That’s quite a thing.

  6. When garbage is deleted it’s a bit touch and go. We fight idiots and MJA makes them go away. MJA, IOTW have deleted much of my aspersions to anon shitbags. It’s completely ok.

    They delete the shitbag, and they delete the aspersions. It’s ok. Although many of my aspersions were grand. I was proud of my aspersions.

  7. I keep saying this- No liberals allowed here until everyone EVERYONE is allowed on the loser left websites like faceblech and twitter without getting their shit deleted or banned.

    So, if you want to keep answering that one troll, fine.
    But you’ll be talking to yourself. lol


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