I Thought This Was CGI – It’s Not – IOTW Report

I Thought This Was CGI – It’s Not

26 Comments on I Thought This Was CGI – It’s Not

  1. He IS a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE like MOST Current World Leaders Now.

    Frankie is Too stupid to realize he was Being Mocked Just like the Lets Go Brandon Christmas Phone call a couple years ago.

  2. Today is comedy day at IOTW! The last 3 threads I’ve read I’ve LMAO! This one, my only thought was “I bet the Pope got a hard on.” The Great Harlot of Babylon sits in awe as they prance around him.

  3. If you are referring to Bergoglio, he is not Pope and he isn’t Catholic. In the case of the latter he is an infiltrator and as for the former, at best a usurper and does not rise to the level of even a cheap, crass and tawdry counterfeit.

    He disgusts me.

  4. How do you know it’s not CGI? I’m not sure I want to know but, I’m not finding the context for this short video or any other stories or posts about him watching Mardi Gras revelers.

    But then, maybe it’s lost in all the postings of the pachamama episode, some truly odd Nativity scenes, and many bizarre statements. So, I’m not finding that it’s completely out of character for him (nor for the Roman cabal that brought us numerous sex and finance scandals) and am cringing at my inability to refute this as CGI.

  5. Nothing new. Catholics have a history of incorporating pagan practices in an attempt to “convert” heathen populations to Catholicism. See origins of Holloween in particular and unfortunately, some aspects of Easter and even Christmas.
    Yet, God has been gracious and merciful allowing us the opportunity to focus on the Christ during these holidays despite their questionable origins.

  6. That phony POS isn’t the a real Pope…He’s just a commie poser installed just like biden was here. And he’d doing the same thing to the Catholic Church that biden is doing to America!

  7. A Church of Christ it ain’t and a true man of God he ain’t so what else is new?

    The Catholic Church has been corrupt for 17 centuries but the catholic church will live forever!

  8. If you can’t see that we are in the end times, I don’t know what more to say to you for you to realize it.

    The superman (anti-christ) that will create world peace is almost here.

    Come to Jesus while there is still time. Otherwise an eternity of regret is before you.


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