I use MUST SEE Sparingly – This is a MUST SEE – IOTW Report

I use MUST SEE Sparingly – This is a MUST SEE


For those who don’t use Twatter.


ht/ czar of defenestration

50 Comments on I use MUST SEE Sparingly – This is a MUST SEE

  1. Some sniveling Leftist editor at The New York Times will take one snippet out of that diatribe and turn it into a negative … Fact Check: President Trump said the GDP growth rate is 4.3% but it’s only 4.25%…

  2. If the Op Ed author is so proud of being in the resistance, why is he or she anonymous? Sorry, at at this point “anonymous source” just means “we are making shit up.”

  3. Absoeffinglutelybrilliant:
    Oh. This just in. (Fake but possible)
    Yesterday at Lake George a young boy was drowning. Donald Trump jumped off the dock and ran to the boy and saved his life.
    Today’s New York Times headlines are: “TRUMP CAN’T SWIM.”

  4. All of that without a teleprompter, too! That’s what happens when what you have to say comes from the wellspring of the heart.

    The cheering, clapping and loud whistling in response as POTUS Trump made his decisive exit was extremely heart-warming. Like a fighter delivering the knock-out with energy to spare!

    They bring a gun….we bring Trump! Sorry fellas, game over.

    (Anyone else notice how beautiful those carpets were?)

  5. Remember the Star Trek pilot where Kirk’s buddy gets zapped and grows exponentially more powerful, to the point where they had to try to maroon him, then kill him, to save themselves?

    I’m convinced that they are going to try to murder the President. They’ve been trying to maroon him within his own administration but it isn’t really working. There will be nothing else they can do before long.

  6. UnFriggin’ Believable. The media and the RINOs will NEVER understand why we elected Trump. Which is crazy because it is SOOOOOOO simple: Trump promised to get this stuff done and Trump ALWAYS does what he says he’s gonna do.

  7. Just once I’d like to hear a Senator say to Snakey Dick, Stolen Valor,
    Lying Piece of Shit Blumenthal “you shouldn’t even be on this committee Senator. Matter of fact you shouldn’t even be a Senator. Just shut to hell up.”

  8. If little black jesus had accomplished what President Trump has (or even half as much) and had delivered a similar speech, it would be the lead on every network newscast in the country. But since it’s Trump, it will be buried fast and deep.

    Send a link to everyone you know, regardless of their politics.

  9. Dear DNC News Media Faggots,

    GFY. ESAD.


    People not on the take from foreign governments, multinational corporations, and the selfish, self-appointed US ruling class.

  10. First of all
    The anonymous source is not necessarily believable.
    We’re ta;king about the NYT
    and they have NO credibility.
    The chances that the story is total fiction without any source is very high.
    And why ?
    We’re talking about the NYT !
    That’s why !


    This is the only President to whom I have sent notes of encouragement (especially when the media attacks get especially virulent)… The notes are never about a particular issue, but just to let them know that they are on the right track.


  12. Loretta in Indiana — That is so wonderful that you take the time to send him notes! Thank you!! He needs all the encouragement we can heap on him.

    Fur, Idea: You should send POTUS Trump a big, fat, beautiful card from IOTWReport.com — from you, your “staff”, and ALL your crazy readers — by name (just attach a list). I’ll do the legwork if you want. I’ll bet money he will reference IOTWReport at some point because of it. And all our names will make him and the West Wing laugh out loud.

  13. AA — I’ve sent probably a dozen notes so far, since his inauguration. Usually write something in there about not giving up, and not to listen to the naysayers, and that he and his team are on the right track for this country’s future.
    I figure that President Trump must get tired of the constant criticism, so just wanted to do something to counteract all the negativity out there.

  14. As dee said, it’s so nice to hear we and us instead of the constant I, I, I, me, me mememememememeeeee!! we got with 0bama.

    I admire and respect this president as I have no other, and I’ve been around for quite a few of them.

  15. President Trump is incredible! The best part is he’s not reacting to sabotage like the Deep State operatives expect – it’s driving them nuts! Attack after attack President Trump victoriuosly rebounds. America is Great Again!

  16. Hey, libtards: The Art Of The Deal” Trump wrote it.
    Obviously he’s better at putting it to practice than the entire rest of the federal government.

    With all the fucking Bolsheviks around, I’m also concerned for his and family’s safety.


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