I volunteer to be the first admitted – IOTW Report

I volunteer to be the first admitted

Trump calls for reviving mental institutions.

I should be inducted because either there is something wrong with this world (men are women because they say so, people sneaking into our country illegally have “constitutional rights”, access to guns means people will turn evil, higher taxes equals prosperity, Obama’s healthcare bill is characterized as “affordable”, poor voters can’t obtain ID, but poor gun owners will have to get certifications and go to classes) or I have severe mental illness.

I need tests.


24 Comments on I volunteer to be the first admitted

  1. “We’re going to have to start talking about mental institutions, because a lot of folks in this room closed their mental institutions also,” he said. “We have no halfway. We have nothing between a prison and leaving him at his house, which we can’t do anymore. So I think you folks have to start thinking about that.” -President Trump

    Slight revision:

    “We’re going to have to start talking about mental institutions, because a lot of folks in government are criminal and off their rockers,” he said. “We don’t have enough resources to arrest and prosecute them all. We have nothing between prison and leaving them in office, which we can’t do anymore. So I think you folks have to start thinking about that, if you still know how to think.”

  2. I think I’ve come up with the perfect place (places, actually) to send the loonies. There are these places in the Pacific called the United States Minor Outlying Islands. They include Wake and Midway and several more, with over 30 km² of land area. Most are tropical, and, Hey!, who would object to living on a Pacific tropical isle?

    Prefab housing, diesel generators, food and medical supplies air dropped every few days, and NO COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. Or at least no OUTGOING communications.

    I might even fake being crazy to be sent to one. (Keep your comments about whether I need to fake it or not to yourselves.)

  3. @BB RE: homeless camps

    Here in central Colorado, a TV station went to several such camps to interview the “residents”.
    A slight majority were Millenials who were there “for the experience.” Only about half of them were from in-state. [Note: In CO, recreational weed is legal.]
    Depending on how much of my tongue is in my cheek at any given moment, this may support your inference.

  4. Poor Lazlo posits a three prong approach to homelessness.
    1 First and foremost: Any Veteran discovered living on the street will receive the finest treatment available for whatever ails them, be it addiction or otherwise, until they are well enough to live on their own or are housed appropriately.
    2 The mentally ill, will be housed and treated until they are well enough to live on their own or are housed appropriately.
    3 Vagrants, addicts and ne’er do well’s will be housed and treated until they are well enough to pay their debt to society by laboring in the fields in farms retrofitted for just such enterprises.

  5. Sturge

    In Northern California they’re migratory and come back up here for the summer. And they are way post weed. Most of them are tweakers. When they abandon their camps, or are pushed out, the county sends in a hazmat crew to get rid or all the needles. They’re currently moving back up here. I saw one in the local super market parking lot last weekend, talking to himself loudly and occasionally punching himself in the head. Just about the time I was thinking this guy was a loose cannon he passed a mother and two young daughters and started screaming shit at them. I ran back and chased him off. I called the Sheriffs department. I don’t know whether they ever found him or not. With their 20 minute response time I doubt it. He scared the hell out of that woman though.

  6. Twenty centuries ago, Romans drained the malarial swamps which were the breeding grounds of the pestilential mosquitos.

    The schools are a major source of current insanity: Transgenderitis, Libtardedness, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Commieform Encephalitis etc.

    Drain the swamps! It’s worth a try…


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