“I Walked On the Moon” – IOTW Report

“I Walked On the Moon”

In case you missed it, because I did. Last week, in honor of the anniversary of the moon landing, Buzz Aldrin released a pretty amusing and interesting document.

It was his travel voucher submission for his trip from Houston, to the moon, and back again. (You’d think the voucher would be much higher.)TravelVoucher

Also, Bill Burr did a podcast where he discusses the famous Buzz Aldrin youtube video where he slugs a jerk who keeps hectoring about “never going to the moon.”

It has some salty language, but it’s worth it because Bill Burr would be funny reading the phone book.

Also, the title of my post was inspired stolen from by Brian Regan, another amazingly funny comedian. It’s worth a listen.

23 Comments on “I Walked On the Moon”


    Oswald, L H.
    November 1963
    Bus fare, Oak Cliffs to Downtown–$0.10.
    “I shot President Kennedy.”

    Oh, I could do this shit ALL day.

  2. It ain’t no crime hittin’ a surley Pillsbury Doughboy. I hope Buzz broke his jaw. The punch looked sound enough The doughboy was solid on his feet. I hope Buzz didn’t hurt his wrist. Anyone know the outcome?

  3. Don’t forget “Iron” Mike Collins had equally large coconuts-he stayed up in the capsule circling the moon, alone, while his buds landed. Imagine going around the dark side, wow. Pitch black, no comm, no sound, all alone. He was the most alone any human being had ever been.

    The stars must have been incredible.

  4. I remember at the time I was an active duty Air Force officer. Some of us were discussing what it would be like to file a travel voucher for that. The discussion got to the fact that it wouldn’t be much.
    Government provided lodging
    Government provided food
    Government provided air transportation.
    The perdeim rate drops considerably when lodging and food are provided.

  5. When I was 22 and saw man land on the moon, I was SURE we would be on Mars by the millennium……………NO…..The “government” led mostly by democrats created a welfare state and spent trillions creating generations of deadbeats………..hell, we’ll never walk on the moon again………

  6. That is my very favorite Brian Regan riff. He’s perfected the act of fake eating and “Oh, wait, we’re the only ones on the moon!” line. Perfect.

    Trump will have us all walking on two legs again, instead of slinking around like guilty dogs.

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