I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas – IOTW Report

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas

I wish there was a way, in words, to express how much the readership at iOTWreport means to me. Readership is actually an insufficient word.

You’re not “readers.” You’re my friends, and that includes the silent lurkers who choose to observe in anonymity, but have seen it all.

We’ve had births, deaths, happiness, sickness, love connections, heartache, weddings, divorce, wins and losses together. That’s what friends are for.

Tonight I wish that you and yours are safe and happy and have a joyous time celebrating the most important birth of all.


90 Comments on I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas

  1. @Fur

    I don’t know how I could have survived these past 8 years without y’all.
    Thank you for shutting down the left every chance you had.

    I have some folks here that I call friends and others I call family.

    I include you two in my family.

    God bless you and Merry Christmas! Love you!

  2. Merry Christmas BFH!

    It is a good ending for a year of anxiety. IOTWR and everyone here helped save my sanity. I am looking forward to the future.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  3. Merry Christmas, everyone!
    And to the wonderful people who helped me out when I needed it (You know who you is)
    Thank you, and I hope your generosity is rewarded 10-fold in the new year. 🤗

  4. Merry Christmas BFH, and all of the rest of you too. I am fairly selective in who I associate with, I don’t talk to most of family because they aren’t worth the time, but everyone here is. Even when I am just lurking, I have a great deal of affection for you all. You can’t pick who you are related to, but you can choose who you hang out with. I count you all as friends.

  5. *grabs kleenex*

    Fur, I am serious when I say that I don’t know what kind of mental/emotional state I would have been in without iOTWr. Everyone from the first day I found you have been my friend, family and caregiver. From the happy to the wretched depths, you have rejoiced with me and prayed for me. Thank you all.

    God bless each and every one of you!

  6. Ya gotta admit FUR, we’ve all been through a lot since Jan. 09 when a lot of us first came together. There have even been some really good close relationships formed because of YOU and ADMIN GIRL, PINKO, IRONY CURTAIN…and the rest of the resident crazies. I thank you!

  7. Merry Christmas dude-you bring daily joy to me and for that I am most appreciative. I hope you and Ms Fur are having a wonderful evening. And also to MJA who brings me news from around the world on a daily basis-God bless you dear.

  8. May God bless each of you! Thank you for a blog that has made me laugh and helped me keep the fight going. Merry Christmas and may each of you be blessed with the peace, joy, love and hope the season promises.

    P.S. God bless Donald J. Trump and his family, too!

  9. The time I have spent with BFH and all of you here has been repaid a million times over. This is a unique group and I am both proud and humbled to be a part of it. Even when we disagree we (almost) always stay civil, or at least only temporarily uncivil. There’s a lot of love, respect, friendship, and emotional support going on here and this is staggeringly rare and valuable.

    Thank you all, especially Big Fur Hat, and may everyone have a joyous Christmas or Hanukkah or …, and a happy and prosperous 2017.

  10. I have such warm feelings of love for someone I’ve never met and can’t even put a face to! My very best wishes to all who have made me feel so welcome here. Love you all, too.

  11. I think Tiny Tim said it best:

    “Tiptoe through the window
    By the window, that is where I’ll be
    Come tiptoe through the tulips with me…”

    Oh, wait —


    P.S. – Merry Christmas, everyone!

  12. What lovely sentiment, BFH 🙂 You know, it’s funny, someone linked here a few years ago, which is how I came to find iotw. Straight away I loved it and have been coming ever since (a few gaps, sure, but I always come back.) Especially recently, every time I check out the news and what’s happening in the world, this is my go-to place. And this year has been a rough and tense year for all of us, and coming here–especially with all the laughs–has been a great cushion.

    I hope you all will have a really lovely, wonderful, blessed Christmas, and may we see each other for a long time to come here with our fearless leader 😀 God bless, all. 🙂

  13. Back at ya, BFH !!
    The past year has been a roller coaster ride, in more ways than one.
    But, with a little help from our friends here, we’ve gotten through it.
    Merry Christmas to BFH, Dr. Tar, Claudia, MJA, Mr. P, and all the gang.
    Looking forward to a very exciting, productive New Year, beginning Jan. 20 !!

  14. Merry Christmas and a big Thank You for hosting the wonderful party of friends and acquaintances as we all contribute to the big and small discussions of the day.
    Blessings Always to you, to your family and for the work you do for us all.

  15. iOTW is the first site I read in the morning and the last one at night because I love to hear what everyone thinks and feels about serious and silly things. I know what I’ll read will be funny, smart and heartfelt. Merry Christmas dear friends!

  16. Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday.


  17. I’m not around as much, but still appreciate what you all do. I placed our hand-painted Molon Labe ornament on our tree with a smile. Good memories. God bless & Merry Christmas.

  18. I love you like my brother, you’re always there what a mensch

    In Yiddish, mentsh roughly means “a good person”. The word has migrated as a loanword into American English, where a “mensch” is a particularly good person, similar to a “stand-up guy”, a person with the qualities one would hope for in a friend or trusted colleague

  19. Blessings and good cheer to BFH and all the rest of the “I Own-ers” not just at this glorious time of year but always.
    One of the faithful “Silent Lurkers”

  20. Merry Christmas, BFH and all iOTW family! Your words to us were kind, BFH. I certainly have appreciated your hospitality and hard work here. This place has to be better than therapy for all of us!

  21. Merry Christmas to you, BFH, and those that help you to make it tick. I’d name names, but I’d leave someone out and you know who they are. To you and to the friends here, have a safe, joyous, and Merry Christmas!

  22. Merry Christmas BFH and everyone here! I read this site everyday and comment every so often. I have had so many laughs here and always enjoy the comments section.
    Keep up the great work BFH and all the other contributors!

  23. Just past midnight-thirty here on the left coast and just settling in for the night. I’m glad to read that many others are here just prior to drifting off. I can honestly say that I’m going to bed with a lot of good people. Stay warm, jolly, and content my friends. Merry Christmas and Gods’ blessings be upon you. Have to go, just heard a bit of noise, need to go check it out.

  24. Thanks BFH. I’m here every day, every post, and damned near every comment. Been kinda mute for two or three years, but still, like everyone else, see this place as a way to keep sanity. Merry Christmas all and blow it out yer ass Barry and Mooch.

  25. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Big Fur. Thanks for creating an awesome site, and to Claudia and then rest of the people who make this site possible you do great and awesome work. Also Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of my brother and sister commenters. And a big God Bless You to EVERYONE who voted for Donald Trump. Merry Christmas everybody. May God hold you in his arms throughout the coming year and through everything you may face in your own lives -both good and bad, every single day. Amen. SWII

  26. Merry Christmas, BFH. I kinda stayed away from IOTW for some time, on the advice of my opthamologist. They sent me to him because of concerns about incipient glaucoma. He advised me that all those exposures to your photoshops of Nancy Pelosi had caused irreparable damage to my right optic nerve.

    So just to be safe, I stayed away. But I’m done with that. My new motto is “I regret that I have only two optic nerves to burn out for my country.”

  27. I was so moved by your comments above this morning I began to sing Hallelujah. Now everyone in the house is angry at me for waking them up. Family time!
    To BFH and the entire cast and crew of iOTWReport…Merry Christmas!!!

  28. bfh, as a semi-lurker i want to thank you for your hard work and shedding the light of truth with humor on the last several years, without my daily dose of rush and iotw, i believe i would have been relegated to the looney bin of history…have the merriest of christmases and the best new year of your life!!

  29. Merry Christmas to all @ iOTWREPORT! Great fun each morning. And Fur, here’s a special Christmas gift just for you: for the next week you don’t have to use “diet” as a verb . . .

  30. Merry Christmas Fur and everyone else here at IOTW!! It’s hard to believe the train wreck of the last eight years is almost over. We’ve survived it with good humor and cheer – a lesson the libs really need to learn from. We’ve won the battle, now the war is just starting. I think Donald will be fine – we’ll be here to hold his feet to the fire should he stray. Looking forward to carrying on Andrew’s legacy with you all in the coming months and years.

  31. iOTW has been for me an inspiration for almost eight years. Because of your bravery and humor, you inspired me to join the ranks of conservative alternative media. I owe you all a great deal.

    A very merry Christmas to each of you and to all my fellow commenters. We’ve come along way together and I’m sure we will continue to do so.

  32. Merry Christmas, BFH. Thank you for helping to create this community that somehow feels like family. It’s not a very Merry Christmas for me as my husband is very ill, but I am praying that 2017 will be better for all of us. Nov. 8 was a great start!

  33. I think I’ve said this in the past, but there has been a powerful upside to the last 8 miserable years and that has been the unbreakable bond that has been formed amongst perfect strangers United in our love of liberty and the Constitution.

    IOTW forum is just one of the bond’s manifestations. The best example.

  34. Merry Christmas, BFH!! And also to all of you contributors and commenters who have made this place so special and kept me sane during the administration of the man whose name I won’t write on Christmas. *hugs* xoxo

  35. Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks to all of you for your company, and to BFH & Co for hosting the room.

    As far as the outside world is concerned, this is the best Christmas for decades. As far as the inside, well I keep my own council & let faith keep working it’s will. Bless you all.

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