I was going to email Hillary a ‘Happy Birthday,’ but it was deleted – IOTW Report

I was going to email Hillary a ‘Happy Birthday,’ but it was deleted



38 Comments on I was going to email Hillary a ‘Happy Birthday,’ but it was deleted

  1. Happy birthday you evil, misogynist, rape-enabling, sexual-predator-coddling, corrupt, anti-American, Marxist, master-criminal bitch! I am so happy that you’re one year closer to the grave. The would will be a much better place with you in it.

  2. Her gold encrusted copy of the Russian Dossier signed by Putin with the bill marked paid in full (and a book of green stamps for any new conspiracy document she would like)!!

  3. All of the scandals now coming to Hillary will be explained away as ‘opposition research’ and nothing will come of it all..the mess will be explained, massaged, repeated until we wish it would stop; twisted, ridiculed and ground into a ball of nothing. We have seen this a thousand times with travel offices, White water, death and suicides, retribution, lies, pretending to care while their policies maim, kill, allow genocide, decimate and suppress. Meanwhile she suffers only hatred by some and even that is used to show that She is a victim of unfair hate…In the early days of this country, Hillary would have been recognized as an evil witch and confined to a prison for rats to eat…but now we know that something is wrong but cannot act for fear of being labeled as a mere human…

  4. Federal warrants for treason, collusion, pay for play, causing the death of others, graft, etc & etc. But the box will have to be larger, because all the accessories of arrest will have to be included: handcuffs, an orange suit, and subpoena to examine and search EVERYTHING Clinton.

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