“I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again is anywhere near the Oval Office.” – Liz Cheney – IOTW Report

“I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again is anywhere near the Oval Office.” – Liz Cheney


House Republicans planted themselves firmly in the camp of Donald Trump on Wednesday when they removed Rep. Liz Cheney from their leadership team after her criticism of the former president.

In a closed-door meeting in the basement of the Capitol, Republicans voted to oust Cheney after she repeatedly called out Trump’s false claims he won the election and criticized his role in the January 6 insurrection.

After the vote, Cheney told reporters: ‘I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again, is anywhere near the Oval Office.’

There were a few boos after Cheney spoke to the meeting, according to lawmakers in the room.

36 Comments on “I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again is anywhere near the Oval Office.” – Liz Cheney

  1. Liz claims she’s doing what’s good for “the majority of Americans”… like any of these dirtbags on either side of the aisle give two craps about the “majority of Americans”… 6 Jan 2021 President Donald J. Trump pulled the curtain back and exposed the “Illusion of Choice and yet people refuse to believe what is happening before their very eyes.
    NOW HEAR THIS! If you are relying on ANY of these people to “fix” anything, If you still believe there are two parties, If you believe the elected are going to change anything about how they get and remain elected, YOU ARE A DUMB DUMB DUMMY and are screwing things up for the rest of us that know better. PLEASE STOP IT!

  2. Chipped Cheney on burnt toast is being served all over Wyoming. She’s shit on a shingle now. Lizzy will be living full time in Washington, District of Corruption in one year and nine months.

  3. I voted for Trump both elections and Cheney is supposed to represent me.

    FU Liz and get off your high horse.
    If your dad backs you on this, it’s good for the country that you’ve both been revealed.

  4. “I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again, is anywhere near the Oval Office.”

    Sounds like a threat of violence to me. In a fair country, the Secret Service would be interrogating that bitch.

  5. Liz made a name for herself after 911 speaking tough on islam. Then the tide changed with barack bowing to the muslims so she had to find a new enemy. American patriots.

  6. Bush/Chenny team was anti Rony 40 years ago. Now they are anti Don. They slowed Ronny down, but did not stop him. I hope they have the same results with Don.

    Don bashing Bush got a lot oof air time a month ago. Much less a week later. Were it not for the net I would not know Bush attacked Don this week. Point here is the Bush/Cheny team has little power. She will fade soon; as GWB has faded the last 3 weeks!

  7. This is why you don’t elect women or girly boys, they burn down the house when they don’t get their way.
    Women just don’t control their emotions.

    Now women are going to get pissed, I seem to always cause that reaction.

  8. McCarthy is now saying nobody is questioning the legitimacy of the election. Could they get rid of him now?
    Better yet get rid of all the RINO scum in DC.

  9. @Marco is correct. Except she will attempt to do major harm in her time left and no one will stop her but for the show vote just taken. And then there is her lobbyist career. Better to shoot her now and be done with it.

  10. It’s good that Lez Cheyney got shitcanned from the leadership.

    But she needs to lose all her committee assignments too.

    One thing I noticed is that McCarthy and Scalise made sure it was a voice vote and note a roll call vote with accountability. These two RINO-adjacent assholes gave cover to their fellow RINOs.

    Come next year’s primary here in my redneck of the woods, I am voting for any Republican running against Scalise and giving $100 cash money to their campaign

  11. Then there’s asshole garland, who claims our biggest terrorist threat is whitey McWhitewash – I’d bet he couldn’t name a single white supremacist organization outside the Klan.
    So many tools; so few locking toolboxes

  12. Local news (Tallahassee) lead in refers to her losing power for “standing up to former President Trump’s false claims of voter fraud.”

    The only “false claims” are from so called news media claiming 80 million people voted for Alzheimer’s Joe.

  13. Big Talk from Lizzie. There is nothing she can do to stop Trump.

    Only liberals and RINOS will listen to her and they hate Trump to begin with. Whatever she says will make no difference,. If anything, she’ll get independents to vote for Trump if she keeps prattling on about the Jan. 6 “insurrection”, the most famous non-insurrection insurrection of all time.

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