I will join Team Cruz in a NY minute if … – IOTW Report

I will join Team Cruz in a NY minute if …

I will leave Team Trump and join Team Cruz in a NY minute if you can convince me how (detailed analysis) Ted Cruz wins more states than Donald Trump – State by State analysis. Give me a break down of the electoral map.

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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206 Comments on I will join Team Cruz in a NY minute if …

  1. I’m sick of having the “most electable” candidate shoved down my throat. Romney and McCain were, according to the experts, the most electable and they their butts kicked. Give me someone like Cruz who I can get excited about and I’ll put my time, money and vote behind them.

  2. That analysis has Cruz losing in all scenarios. Trump winning in his best scenario. And that’s how I’ve been analyzing it all along. But it’s a pro-Trump web site. I want a pro-Cruz honest assessment to get me over to the Cruz camp.

  3. None of this counts. It’s all inaccurate. National polling is about as reliable as knowing when my wife will get po’d at me. How many people use cell phones and don’t answer when pollsters call? How many people look at their TV’s when a call comes in and says, “Screw it, I’ve got more important things to do”? I’ll take my chances on Ted Cruz. Here in Ohio there’s a reason why Kasich won 80% of the vote and it had nothing to do his being unlikeable. We hate Obama and we hate Hillary.

  4. Go state by state – what state does Cruz take, what state does Hillary take – what state is up for grabs?

    Alabama 9
    Alaska 3
    Arizona 11
    Arkansas 6
    California 55
    Colorado 9
    Connecticut 7
    Delaware 3
    Florida 29
    Georgia 16
    Hawaii 4
    Idaho 4
    Illinois 20
    Indiana 11
    Iowa 6
    Kansas 6
    Kentucky 8
    Louisiana 8
    Maine 4
    Maryland 10
    Massachusetts 11
    Michigan 16
    Minnesota 10
    Mississippi 6
    Missouri 10
    Montana 3
    Nebraska 5
    Nevada 6
    New Hampshire 4
    New Jersey 14
    New Mexico 5
    New York 29
    North Carolina 15
    North Dakota 3
    Ohio 18
    Oklahoma 7
    Oregon 7
    Pennsylvania 20
    Rhode Island 4
    South Carolina 9
    South Dakota 3
    Tennessee 11
    Texas 38
    Utah 6
    Vermont 3
    Virginia 13
    Washington 12
    West Virginia 5
    Wisconsin 10
    Wyoming 3

  5. TOTALLY AGREE! Romney and McCain were shoved down our throats like Obamacare. Conservative candidates were thrown under the bus left and right the past two election cycles. This year it’s different. We have F.U. candidates steam rolling through. Let’s not blow it.
    Now we have a chance with TWO anti-GOPe candidates. I want to go with the one I think will win. I like BOTH candidates almost equally. I lean a lot more towards Trump because he upsets the apple cart more and, in my opinion, has the better shot at winning the White House. But, i have die-hard Cruz supporters saying we need the Constitutional Cruz.
    I have no problem going with Cruz if you can convince me he can win more states than Trump.
    COGENT analysis please. Thank you 😉

  6. That’s why I lean heavily more towards Trump.
    For once, put a non-politician in the White House just to see if it’s all bullshit or can someone really get things done.

  7. Absolutely – pro-Trump site did the work. I want to hear from Pro Cruz people – what their numbers / theories / opinions are. I want opinions based on facts, not faith, gut feelings , etc…
    WE’RE NOT DEBATING POLICY HERE! I’m on board with BOTH candidates policy-wise.

  8. I picked all four winners in the NFL this weekend but picking who wins Florida?
    Ever since Bush v Gore in 2000 it has been a toss up.
    Florida has a large turnover in people moving in and out.
    The Panhandle can be counted on but even in the last election a liberal was one of the few house seat pick-ups for the dems.
    Of course, many liberals flee tax-bastard states only to come down here and vote for more tax and spend.
    The good thing is that Rick Scott won as a republican.
    That was a close race too. Many people hated Charlie Crist like they do Hillary.
    My guess would be that Trump gets more people to the polls than Hillary or Cruz.

  9. Calling Trump a non-politician is ignorant. He’s been playing and buying politicians all his life. He knows how to lie and game the system better than most! To think he has had a change of heart and all of the sudden be an honest conservative is laughable. Trump has always been on all three sides of any issue. Why in the hell should I trust his “re-birth” as a conservative?

  10. Here’s how I was feeling this weekend…



    Trump swayed me more to his camp after the last debate because he actually made statements that made sense and showed some insights into a Trump admin (beyond ‘make America great again’ and build a wall). I thought he did a good job for not being a politician who is used to that format. Good for Trump!

    Now, I’m sick of Trump’s stupid “he’s a nasty guy” and birther attacks on Cruz. I completely understood Cruz’s “NY values” statement as I would if Cruz had said “Seattle values.”

    I think Trump has more cross over appeal (lofo celebrity appeal!) and for that has an easier path to win.

    How will he do in a debate with Bernie or Hil when they start throwing all well practiced millionaire billionaire and 1% crap at him? Or, when Hil says that he donated to her Senate campaign? I hope he is ready…it would be nice if he had Cruz behind him to prepare for the debate. Is that at all possible now? Trump’s one sentence rally points won’t fly against the old socialists. Maybe they will? I dunno.

    Politics is a blood sport and it dates back to Adams/Jefferson-but that doesn’t stop me from being fed up with this circle firing squad.


  11. In my opinion Trump saves our country just as much as Cruz does. WE ARE NOT DEBATING POLICY here. I want strict analysis state by state electoral college break down – NOT who is the BETTER candidate. They are both equal to me and I want to break the tie with the one who has the better shot at taking the White House.

    My opinion, Cruz and Trump will both do a fantastic job in the White House.
    I want to be convinced on which one of them has the better shot at taking the White House.

  13. No, what you are doing is demanding the readers PROVE to you how the electoral college will vote or you will not support Cruz. You are asking for impossibilities. I’ve read your comments about Cruz. You call him a Canadian among other things, and that is not helpful. It appears you cannot prop up Trump without denigrating Cruz, and that in itself is Trumps weakness. The only way to promote him is to make others look weak. That’s a mighty shitty way to go about promoting your dude. Stop it. It is not helping our side!!!!

  14. All you care about is winning, and all I care about is policy.

    A good policy should decide the winner.

    I’m tired of settling on policy issues just so we can win. That’s where we differ. This time around, I am not sacrificing my core issues just to win an address on Pa. Ave.

  15. Not sure if I’m reading your post correctly, but it sure sounds like you’re digging your heels into the “if I lose, I’ll lose with my ideology PURE!” camp.

    WTF do you not understand/appreciate about what WilliamFBuckley was saying about voting for “the most conservative candidate who can win“?!?

    Unless, of course, it means nothing to you that your candidate indicates/suggests/proves he cannot win?!? At this point, I’mm willing to bet anyone who says/thinks stuff like that is a libertarian, a GOPe troll or simply a naive, ideological slave to losing (redundancy acknowledged).

    Pardon, but MY old-fashioned thinking tells me that, if I want to change things (for the BETTER…I’m not a Democrat) via the Federal Government, I need a candidate that supports most (if not all…I’m realistic) of my priorities AND CAN WIN.


  16. Stay on point – CONVINCE ME to JOIN TEAM CRUZ. I LOVE CRUZ’s policies – you don’t have to sell me on that.
    CONVINCE ME how many STATES Ted Cruz can take in the general election. THAT’S ALL!

  17. Agreed Illustr8r.
    Harry Reid is a nasty guy.
    Calling Cruz that insults my intelligence.
    Cruz is a patriot.

    I think Trump needs to act presidential.
    Generic, vague statements like “we will be the best” doesn’t translate into anything. I know this is the primary but geez.
    I am tired of all the bullshit.
    I guess I will be happy when it comes down to the general election.
    Then the real fireworks will begin.

    Bottom line, we can’t have Presidency III of Clinton/Obama.

  18. March 15.
    Florida is WINNER TAKE ALL
    (given certain provisos)

    I say Trump.

    And, the ultimate BWAHAHA is
    that it “was” a Bush/Rubio state!

    for all “winner take all” states
    (they’re on/after March 15!)
    to vote for Trump to avoid

  19. Let’s stay on point with the post 😉 – I still need a state by state analysis from a Cruz supporter. What states does Cruz win, toss-up, lose?
    Get me to 270 with Cruz.

  20. I am sick of something. I am sick of people who have done no serious research, who only get their “info” from sources that support the candidates they are interested in, calling people who are genuinely in search of an answer that is true to the original intent in the Constitution – “birthers”. Your guy is born in Canada, and the President has ALWAYS been a person who is native born in the US – and WE are the “birthers”? The people who did not even know the clause and restriction existed in the Constitution simply ask why it matters, and they are “birthers”! People that point out the many attempts where the elected congresspeople have attempted to amend OUT of the Constitution the natural born requirement expressly to open the office of Commander in Chief to people who are foreign born immigrants, but oh, that’s NOTHING like the situation where one candidate who IS FOREIGN BORN is pretending like this is settled law – yet we are the “birthers”? Do any of you know why people were called “birthers” over the obama thing? CLUE- because they though he might have been born outside of the US, on foreign soil! That meant they questioned his birthplace, hence the term “birther”. Well, how about cruz? We know for a fact he WAS born outside of the US, on foreign soil without a doubt.

    How are we “birthers”? Huh? How does that work out? Wouldn’t we be, oh, Constitutionalist? People who want to maintain the original intent – NOT people who think cruz was born in Kenya. Bunch of people being manipulated by those in government who WANT our Presidency open to foreign born. So, why are we the “birthers”?

  21. I’m a Trumper. and I love Cruz. But it will take two generations to correct this fucking mess we are in with. Same sex marriage, Gays in the military, jerk off booths on NYC streets, disability social security for unvetted refugees, no borders, political correctness, affirmative action, assholes galore in government
    Rules of engagement that favor an enemy, constant apologies for “American Atrocities” world wide, and on and on.
    So I will not be around for any results no matter what happens in 2016. But I wish y’all the best of luck.

  22. First of all (but of secondary importance), I can’t see supporting any ticket with AHOLES like Rubio or Christie. That’s ANY ticket. Cruz or Trump.

    Secondly (and of primary importance), the “birther attacks” schtick is PROPAGANDA.

    Yes. PRO. PA. GAN. DA.

    Yes, Trump wants to win, but he isn’t attacking.
    UNLESS you (and I doubt you are) are of the ilk who sticks your head in the ground and says, “la la la la, if I don’t hear it, it doesn’t exist and isn’t a problem”, then you know the Natural born Citizen (NBC) issue is REAL and LEGITIMATE.

    *I* for one am 99% sure (1% because I’m not a lawyer) Cruz is a NBC. NEVERTHELESS…do you really think the Dems will *not* use this, should Cruz become the nominee?!? OF COURSE THEY WOULD! So, what is happening now is that Trump is (and I suspect, with the foreknowledge of Cruz) raising the matter to have it somewhat “settled” at a later date, before the Dems get their hands on it.

    My ONLY problem with the NBC issue is *not* the “attack” aspect (which it ISN’T!) but rather that, should Cruz (a great guy, and I’d support him if he were to) get the nomination, his NBC issue would take all of Hillary’s criminal behavior/indictments OFF THE TABLE, just as Romneycare took Obamacare off the table in 2012.

    AS FOR THE Trump VS (Dem) DEBATES:
    IMHO, he is THE ONLY candidate – including Cruz – who CAN and WOULD ceaselessly go for the jugular. Cruz makes for a fine “debater.” F*CK THAT. THIS IS WAR. WE NEED A WARRIOR!

    Check out the “master persuader” series of the Dilbert cartoon creator, Scott Adams: http://blog.dilbert.com/

    forget the soapbox. I need a drink.
    LOVE YA!

  23. Mr. Pinko, please address this:
    Your arguments seem to be alike the old McCain and Romney arguments the GOPe makes about “electability”. First, isn’t it entirely possible that the way the economy is going and what Obama will attempt through executive order over the next 7 months before the election that pretty much any Republican candidate may be able to beat Hillary or Sanders in November?
    Second, Trump is out today and over the weekend saying that Cruz is a maniac and nobody likes him. That Trump himself is liked and will be able “to make deals”. Here is another GOPe as well as a liberal argument wanting bipartisanship. We don’t need bipartisanship. We need to forcefully undo all the crap that has been put into place that is ruining this country. If a republican president is elected, I think we all can be sure that the House and Senate will remain republican if not gain more seats. So who would YOU think would make more progress to overturn the bad laws that have been put in place under Obama? Trump or Cruz?

  24. “Trump is not a Conservative”
    And, HOW is that

    O’Care BYE
    Commie Core BYE
    TranPacific Trade Deal BYE

    “Conservative” enough?!??!!?


  25. About 1/3 of the country votes (D) right down the ticket; about 1/3 of the country votes (R) right down the ticket. It’s the (I)s who make or break a candidate. The real question is who can win the independents. I think Cruz would be a better president for internal affairs. I think Trump will bring the (I)s.

  26. I’m not following the polls closely, especially in the Dems race, but last I heard, Red Bernie was polling ahead of Hillary. So I think we’re missing half the facts for this discussion if we don’t also have the vs. Bernie projections. Pony up, guys!!

  27. I watched two videos today. One was the Trump speech at his rally, and one was Cruz at a stop he made in VT. Trump inspired. Cruz just talked for 5 1/2 minutes in a technical lingo which seemed dry and certainly didn’t inspire me at all. Trump has massive crowds at every event, and he seems to win new voters over at every event. Cruz seems to basically just pick up the random voters that Trump sheds when he ticks them off. Mostly the only thing people get mad at Trump for is … not being nicer towards Cruz.

    But that IS what Cruz said he was hoping to do, is get Trumps disaffected supporters. I think he hoped to have a lot more of them by now, but it is not working out that way from what I can tell. Trump is adding more than he is losing.

  28. Thank yous Czar, I think in a lot of ways we are making the same argument one of which is that the election is 7 months out and Republican voters in the primary have made the mistake of choosing an “electable” candidate. I have thought for a long time that what conservatives feel to be electable is not in line with this thinking that we need to conform to democratic ideals to gain voters. We are the votors who go out every November and we are here we just need them to hear us!

  29. I love you all, but I have been following Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) for quite some time. He says on his BLOG ({Go to Dilbert website and click on BLOG next to COMIC to see his thoughts)

    Adams is a trained hypnotist. He explains that he has never seen another politician as adept as Trump. He also believes Trump is now unstoppable from getting the Repub Nom….and then the Presidency.

    Check him out and argue with him…I don’t like or trust Rubio or Cruz so leave me alone (my view). I will vote Trump (NEVER for Jeb).

    Love this site, so pile on me if you want…I don’t care.

  30. OFF TOPIC – not discussing who the better candidate policy-wise. I want an intelligent analysis of state by state comparisons Trump vs Cruz – ELECTORAL VOTES ONLY! NOT POLICY!

  31. Well, I was CLOSER wasn’t I? 🙂 I guess I just don’t see how he can win. I have been trying to figure it from different angles, but I can’t get him over the finish line. No one on here has shown how he can, and I think that’s telling. (I won’t post more on this thread cause I can’t follow that rule you set, no hard feelings I hope)

  32. Mr pinko, you still have not addressed the fact that the election is 7 months away. That’s 210 days that Obama is going to enact executive legislation and Hillary is going to be floundering in her mess which candidate can’t win against this for Bernie?

  33. No – that’s why I can jump on Team Cruz – but no one here is giving me a CLUE how many states / electoral votes Ted Cruz can take in the General Election. I’m up for grabs.

  34. I guess that explains why you’re still flying the Stars and Stripes down there. LOL
    Northern Cali. (Jefferson) is all about Trump. I attribute this to the shit economy we’ve got going on nation wide and people sharp enough to know what’s causing it and what needs to be done to fix it. Don’t be surprised to see Trump carry some enemy territory.

  35. Trump is NOT my “Holy Grail”. My whole post is SINCERE! I’ll take either Cruz or Trump. To flip over to Cruz I need NUMBERS – a COGENT ANALYSIS – Trump vs. Cruz (NOT POLICY) – state by state –

  36. So you’re going with the Gilbert author because he is the Gilbert author? I can understand why people may be entertained by Gilbert but I can’t understand why does the author have any pull on your voting? I live in New Jersey and I like Bruce Springsteen’s musical sound but I don’t aspire to his politics.

  37. I’M EXCITED! We have TWO FANTASTIC candidates that stick it up the GOPe’s collective asses. I want to take the White House with EITHER ONE. I want to go with the guy who has the BEST SHOT at taking it. It’s no secret. I’m on TEAM TRUMP. But I can swing over to TEAM CRUZ if you could LOGICALLY get me the NUMBERS we NEED to get Cruz or Trump in the White House!

  38. I know we are all a little jumpy after having had our asses kicked twice in a row by the worst POTUS in the history of the USA, but I reject your premise.

    1980 was my first presidential election. I recall when pollsters and pundits predicted, at the same point in the election cycle we’re in now, that Reagan wouldn’t win but a handful of states, at most. In fact, I just looked up the historical Gallup polls for January, 1980, and President Jimmy Carter held a seemingly insurmountable lead over the much-too-conservative Ronald Reagan, by 62% to 33%:


    The last time a Democrat was elected after a Democratic administration had just served two full terms was before the Civil War. The two best candidates the Democrats can come up with for 2016 are an un-convicted felon under the dark cloud of yet another investigation, this time by a determined FBI; and a self-proclaimed “Democratic Socialist,” with a history of communist activity, who is a certifiable economic moron. I think the invincibility of the vaunted Democrat juggernaut is a little overstated.

    I think we could run the current president of the John Birch Society and win. So, in the name of William F. Buckley, I propose that we nominate the most conservative candidate who can win, and not just the next “most electable” candidate. I don’t give a rat’s ass whether we win by 1 electoral vote or 538 if we finally elect another conservative.

  39. So let me get this straight Mr. Pinko,

    If Satan can get more souls than Jesus, you’d convert to Satan?

    Why is it OUR job to convince you who’s better? Why should any of us give a darn how you vote, or why you voted that way? Why would YOU give a shit what WE think?

    Cruz impresses me as a much more God-inspired person than Trump might ever be. That is what’s important to me.

    Cruz has indicated to me that he is way more knowledgeable about the US Constitution and what the country was founded on than Trump has. That’s what’s important to me.

    Cruz impresses me that he’s more interested in regaining the losses of our liberties, while Trump seems more interested in “winning”.

    “Winning” isn’t everything, especially if it means trading off my liberties in order to reacquire financial stability.

    Trump is beginning to impress me of our friend Bill O’Reilly; always feathering his own bed with carefully worded self-serving statements masquerading as patriotism.

    Trump isn’t the only person who can build a wall, or kick out the musloids in the USA.

    There’s things America likes about Trump, and the same goes for Cruz. Trump’s attitude seems more and more cavalier – he’s admitted that if he doesn’t win that he’ll go back to building buildings – he didn’t even hint that he’d be interested in helping Cruz accomplish any goals to help make America better. Trump was only interested in such IF HE WAS THE ONE ON THE THRONE.

    Trump just pissed off a lot of conservatives this past weekend by the mud he’s been slinging at Cruz. In my opinion, Trump needs Cruz more than he lets on. Time will tell.

    All of the talking points that Trump used to paint Cruz as being disliked in DC and how he’s uncompromising with the establishment elite only made us conservatives love Cruz more than before – a huge backfire for Trump. Time will tell on that one as well.

    Just my opinion.

  40. An election that became a popularity contest is exactly what gave this nation arguably the worst president and most destructive administration in US history.

    I vote for the best candidate who stands on conservative principles to make national policies.

    For argument you wish to eliminate the best candidate and his policies off the table based upon a presumptive democrat opponent, questionable polls or someone’s best guess as to what the future delegate count may be. Mental masturbation at its finest

    And we wonder why this country is in the position we are in today.

  41. I’m not “DEMANDING” anything. I’m not asking for “PROOF”.
    So far you’re not convincing me to join Team Cruz by showing me what states you think he has a shot at winning.
    For example – who has a better shot in hell to win New York? Trump or Cruz?
    Who has a better shot at winning Florida? (a very key state in the election) Trump or Cruz?
    State by state – who has a better shot at winning the White House? trump or Cruz?

  42. We lost that seat (Fl Dist 2) because the liberal democrat was the daughter of former Governor and Senator Bob Graham. She had nothing to offer other than being Daddy’s girl and pretend work days she performed for the cameras, a trick learned from Daddy. She also had a made up phrase “the North Florida Way.” Bay county and all the rural agricultural counties voted for the incumbent republican, Steve Southerland, but the lefties of Tallahassee/Leon County voted for daddy’s girl.
    Leon County, with its high concentration of state employees and university types is as far left as the South Florida areas.

  43. You know what your response tells me? You’re not too confident in your candidate. You’re not convincing me to join Team Cruz based on confidence of how many states he can take.

  44. What is the number of months that Trump needs to hold his lead. He has too much crass to alienate the American people especially the base during that time. But Ted Cruz has the experience and proper crass to explain to the American people where we want to be. Donald Trump is about Donald Trump. Ted Cruz is better than that he is about America. The American people will see this over the next 7 months, don’t you get that?

    You don’t have to sell me on Cruz’s policies, etc… – I’M THERE! I support Cruz. I just want to know how he wins the White House.
    Stay on point! HONESTLY, how many states can Ted Cruz take in the general election? Where is the PATH to the WHITE HOUSE with Electoral College VOTES?

  46. I’m trying to pick who I’m backing in the primaries. The voting starts in 2 weeks.
    IT’S NOT an ARGUMENT. If you can’t answer the question, don’t get mad.
    The question is IMPORTANT to me. I’m looking for NUMBERS for Cruz. Nothing else. No one is providing them for me.

  47. Excellent analysis, TSUNAMI.

    And Mr. Pinko, I wish I had the answer. Maybe if I pilfered Karl Rove’s white board I could make a good go at guessing, but people that have jobs doing that shit can’t even tell you what’s going to happen (if they do tell you, they are just guessing, too).

    I know who I’m going to vote for when MN has it’s caucus on March 1st, but that’s the only thing I know. I can’t even tell you how MN will go because outstate is conservative, but the Twin Cities will vote D as they have since before I moved here in ’83. The only time I was surprised was Jesse Ventura.

    I could tell you my opinion; how I feel, but that is not the kind of analysis you want. I don’t have anything else.

    Oh, I’ll repeat this too: I will vote for whomever is the R nominated candidate, Cruz or Trump.

  48. Okay, you want to know if Ted Cruz could win the presidency in 7 months? Like I said look at Hillary and her FBI investigation, Benie, and all that The Donald will do to wear on the people’s annoyances over the next 7 months. Cruz is calm, cool, and is a lot of the non-Trump which are people are getting tired of. Cruz is the real deal. Trump is a flash in the pan that you are being fried in. Trump has/had his purpose. Time to move on to reality. Not reality TV.

  49. Let’s be fair, Mr. Pinko – Stompingriff gave you the link initially – it was just a December, 2015 map – the January, 2016 was updated – went a bit further – 🙂

  50. Everyone is a pointy-headed smarty pants.
    I don’t know much, but this I do know.
    Hillary and Trump, both have YUGE negatives and YUGE positives in their Q ratings.
    They have as many people who hate them than like them, and the passion for both is equal.

    This means massive turnout this election.
    Trump always brings the asses into the seats because of this love him or hate him dynamic.
    I know people who will walk on molten glass to vote for whoever is running against Hillary.

    (If Sanders wins the nomination the right wins.
    Sanders will not be elected president.)

    Is it Trump or Cruz that will inspire more anti-votes because they are hated so?

    It’s a tough one to call.

    I’ll say this again, policy-wise, Cruz and Trump are not far enough apart for the right to be shooting themselves in the dick. It’s not like Cruz is up against McCain in the primaries.

    It is very distressing to watch this. People are becoming unhinged. This is not good for us.

  51. With all due respect, I don’t think this is the wrong thread for this comment.
    There will be people who won’t vote for Ted Cruz because he is Cuban/Canadian.

    We’re not talking about the dyed-in-the-wool types that vote straight ticket. We’re talking about the people I encounter every day who actually vote across parties from election to election.
    These mofos actually exist!!

    The reason this isn’t off-topic is because this isn’t a statement about policy, this is a statement about the ability to win, irrespective of policy.

  52. No. No No. Just stop it Pinko the election is 7 months away and your maps are crap. Just understand that not a single vote has been cast in either a primary or a general. The market is tanking and the dems are putting their debates off prime-time. But in those debates they argue over who is the bigger socialist.

    Trump WILL GO TOO FAR at some point over the next months. The question is will he do it over the primary or over the general. That is the problem we’re having.

    Also it is better that Trump as he is doing now by calling Cruz a “maniac” is ousting himself as a lightweight spear chucker. He has nothing to bring. Just promises.

  53. If at all… It’s a toss up, either Trump or Cruz has equal chance on individual state issues, but in rallying other states it could sway opinion, still however unlikely, and I’d say Trump is best at that for the moment, for those 3 states (one of which I live in).

  54. Love that you love the site.
    No piling on will take place at the expense of either a Trump supporter or a Cruz supporter.
    We’re all carefully monitoring these threads to see that no supporter of either Trump or Cruz is gratuitously attacked.

    It’s not warranted in either case.
    I’m not going to box this site into being on record that either Cruz or Trump is a horrible choice because I am prepared to campaign hard for either.

    I think sites that are taking that approach, one way or the other, are painting themselves, unnecessarily, into a corner, and are setting themselves up to be part of the problem if they are the insufferable types who cannot eat crow and support Trump or Cruz in the general.

  55. I think he’s saying that these maps don’t mean a thing because Trump or Cruz will win in the general against Sanders or Hillary, so the notion of who wins bigger is moot.
    Cruz can/will win so why not let people vote for their principles?

    Just restating the point, not saying I agree or disagree.

  56. Who has a better shot at taking the TOSS-UP States?
    Go state by state:
    Nevada – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Colorado – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Iowa – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Wisconsin – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Ohio – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Pennsylvania – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Virginia – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    North Carolina – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Florida – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    New Hampshire – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither

    Any enemy states that Cruz or Trump can take?
    New York
    Rhode Island
    New Jersey
    New Mexico

  57. I’m FOR both candidates – this IS NOT a PRINCIPLES discussion. I DON’T NEED to be convinced with principles.
    I’m asking for BEST estimates on which candidate takes what states. THAT’S ALL I WANT TO KNOW! NOTHING MORE!

  58. I think Meerkat is answering the question without discussing policy.
    If you’re asking how many states can Trump or Cruz carry you’re asking someone to answer it as if Trump and Cruz are set in stone until November ’16.
    It’s fair to bring up that Trump is out their on a limb and it’s plausible he’ll say or do something stupid by then.

    BUT, if you’re asking me if everything is set in stone as of today, I think Trump has a better shot at winning than Cruz.

    No one wants to admit that because they want to inject their policies into it, which, is not the question.

    As I said, I do not think Cruz and Trump are so far apart with what they are saying they want for America that people have to get froth in the mouth over this.

    It just might come down to who is more electable, and it wouldn’t be that much of a sacrifice on policy either way it goes.

  59. This is a repeat comment because I think it went to the wrong place on the thread –
    I think Meerkat is answering the question without discussing policy.
    If you’re asking how many states can Trump or Cruz carry you’re asking someone to answer it as if Trump and Cruz are set in stone until November ’16.
    It’s fair to bring up that Trump is out their on a limb and it’s plausible he’ll say or do something stupid by then.

    BUT, if you’re asking me if everything is set in stone as of today, I think Trump has a better shot at winning than Cruz.

    No one wants to admit that because they want to inject their policies into it, which, is not the question.

    As I said, I do not think Cruz and Trump are so far apart with what they are saying they want for America that people have to get froth in the mouth over this.

    It just might come down to who is more electable, and it wouldn’t be that much of a sacrifice on policy either way it goes.

  60. NO – VOTES START in TWO weeks to choose who will go to the general election.
    Without going into POLICY – I LIKE BOTH CANDIDATES – I don’t need any convincing who is better on POLICY –
    Just tell me who has a better shot at taking what states?

  61. I want you to convince me to join TEAM CRUZ by THE NUMBERS ONLY!
    I don’t need a POLICY argument. I want NUMBERS.
    Today – what states can Cruz take that Trump won’t and VICE-VERSA?

  62. I will be HAPPY as a PIG in SHIT if either Trump or Cruz takes the White House. I have TWO HORSES in this race.
    I want you to convince me to join TEAM CRUZ by THE NUMBERS ONLY!
    I don’t need a POLICY argument. I want NUMBERS.
    Today – what states can Cruz take that Trump won’t and VICE-VERSA?

  63. This is how I perceived your question (with some minor character changes for perceptional value):

    “I will leave Team Satan and join Team Jesus in a NY minute if you can convince me how (detailed analysis) Jesus wins more souls than Satan – Soul by Soul analysis. Give me a break down of the apocalyptic battle .”


    “Better” is a term that is somewhat relative at this point in time.

    I know that Jesus is the BETTER candidate.

    But I know Satan is very cunning and has lots of charisma – which might make him the better CANDIDATE to win.

    Your (our) job is to make the “right” choice, not necessarily the “better” choice.

    In my opinion, the SOUL of America is at the fork in the road, and we’ve become to used to making the wrong choice, and very pridefully I might add.

    Here’s another angle to ponder: Maybe the “better” choice is to not participate in the Bread & Circuses at all. In all honesty, I tend to agree with Ann Barnhardt on a lot of what she thinks of all of this. This refers to politicians in general which includes Cruz as well as Trump.

    The Barnhardt Axiom: “They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.”

    If we change our ways we have a chance to bring this country back, but human nature has convinced me otherwise – ultimately I think we’ll get more of the same in DC.

    Yes, these considerations are very depressing to me.

  64. Stompinggriff,

    that’s the WORST electoral prediction map I’ve ever seen in my life….You seriously have states like Kansas, Indiana, the Dakotas, and Tennessee up for grabs???
    And you have Clinton winning in Georgia????

  65. Who has a better shot at taking the TOSS-UP States?
    Go state by state:
    Nevada – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Colorado – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Iowa – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Wisconsin – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Ohio – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Pennsylvania – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Virginia – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    North Carolina – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    Florida – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither
    New Hampshire – Cruz / Trump / Both / Neither

    Any enemy states that Cruz or Trump can take?
    New York
    Rhode Island
    New Jersey
    New Mexico

  66. Pinko no one can do that. Cruz has tapped into the 50 million evangelicals that didn’t vote last election who will vote this time not to mention millions more that probably didn’t vote for whatever reason.

  67. I don’t know It’s too early maybe. I’ve seen a straw poll from California that has Cruz beating Trump by a lot~ California? And if I feel like trying to find it I’ll post it but it’s still too early.

  68. I’m NOT asking for who wins the PRIMARY.
    I want to know – WHO has the better shot at WINNING the GENERAL ELECTION?
    Who has the better shot at WINNING New York in the GENERAL ELECTION? Trump or Cruz? or Neither? or Both?

  69. Comments on Twitter:
    ¡Yeb! ‏@GovSugarDumplin wrote “Cruz will do roughly what Romney did, at best.”
    “NY is a stretch (for Trump) but Trump could force Dems to spend there, like Kerry in HI 04. Trump=FL easily, & very likely PA.”
    “I want an America where a Ted Cruz could actually get elected. Only Donald Trump can get us there.”

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