I Will Now Be Turning To the LFL To Fill the NFL Void – IOTW Report

I Will Now Be Turning To the LFL To Fill the NFL Void

The “Lingerie” Football League always felt a little wrong to watch. Now they are giving me a reason, and an excuse, to watch and support them. Turns out they are extremely patriotic.

Democracy! Whiskey! Sexy!

Our Aaron Burr has famously said watching the NFL is a little gay, and he makes sorta a point, especially when considering the LFL is available, yet men prefer to watch other men butt-slapping each other as they run around in what amounts to skin-tight leggings, while a grown man rests the back of his hand on a bent over sweaty guy’s nutsack. And he does it over and over and over again.

I’ll take the LFL.

The Daily Caller-

The all-women Legends Football League, previously known as the Lingerie Football League, issued a statement regarding the recent protests on Tuesday which said that its players will never take a knee for the national anthem.

“The LFL recognizes everyone’s First Amendment right to protest, but our nation’s flag and anthem are far too sacred,” the league said. “Too many fellow Americans have made the ultimate sacrifice, so that our flag and anthem continue in all its majesty.”

“It symbolizes all the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed so that we as Americans can raise our flag across our nation,” the organization said in a video posted to the LFL’s official Twitter account. “The LFL salutes all those who make this the greatest country in the world and we stand in salute of our flag.”


Here’s a sample of the LFL (I think the classical music is a nice touch.)

(The taunting at 4:38 is a move I’ve never seen in the NFL.)


20 Comments on I Will Now Be Turning To the LFL To Fill the NFL Void

  1. I can see the Super Bowl advertising now…
    The scene opens with NFL players in locked arms.
    The national Anthem begins, “Oh Say Can You See”…
    then the tune changes to…”I’d like to buy the world a Coke”…
    and everyone is HAPPY>>>>>>>>>YEAH!!!! EQUALITY IS IT!!!!!!

    PUKE, PUKE, PUKE……..

  2. Keith Bullock and Vince Young have already retired.

    The Dems wants to replace American voters with illegals.

    Republicans want to replace their voters with Democrats.

    The NFL wants to replace their fans with…who exactly? Recent college grads steeped with selfhate and victimology?

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