The bad news for the Communists, two-faced Republicans, & all others who did not fight for @realDonaldTrump is that He Will Survive & serve as our duly elected President for 4 more years.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 23, 2020
Landslide re-election win!
GREAT news for We The People!!!
26 Comments on I Will Survive – Trump’s Message to All Anti-Americans
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The fight is not over even after DJT gets his 4 more years. He should get 8 more for what the left has done to us.
I guess exposing them for the liars and frauds that they are will just have to do?
the battle royale
Or was it already completed? That video of Chris Miller thanking Pence implies much.
I see the Greatest President Ever slapped down one of my rino senators today, john thune, aka mitchs bitch
he called him “mitchs boy”
I gotta say, Lin Wood is coming off like a raving lunatic. I mean, has one inch of progress been made in overturning/invalidating Biden’s election win?
Sidney Powell has been booted out of the WH, she said she was banned from even speaking to Trump;
SCOTUS has not picked up a single challenge to the election (so far).
No special council named and no verifiable documentation presented to the public re: Russian/Chinese/Iranian interference into the election.
And for those advocating for implementation of the Insurrection Act, what chances do you really think this is going to happen? The Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings, not to overturn elections.
If Trump had won, the left, doing what they do when they lose, started rioting in the streets, then I could see the IA playing out. Is the thinking that Trump just ignores the election results and stays in office after Jan 20, then the riots start, which then gives him cover to pull that cord? The IA gives the president authority to send military and National Guard troops to quell local rebellions and violence, right now none of this exists, so when does he invoke it?
Rich, this was from Gen Flynn today. I would think he would know a thing about the weekend meeting. General Flynn Feed
Quals: .@SidneyPowell1
– Fearless
– a WDC outsider
– wrote the book on corruption
– singlehandedly slayed the deep state & exposed egregious levels of corruption
– has 4 lawsuits pending at SC
– requires zero bringing up to speed
– did I mention fearless
Quoting @GenFlynn:
.@realdonaldtrump you know precisely what my choice is @SidneyPowell1
Why? Because she will go to the truth and t…
After he is reelected, I h
ope the Dimwit “leadership” experiences pre trial prison for all the illegal crap they have pulled on PDT.
Charlie, Gen. Fynn may want Sidney involved but according to her, she was blocked by WH staff from even speaking to Trump, and was shown the door.
If we assume that Trump has control of his staff and knows everything that happens in his house, then we also have to assume that he wants nothing to do with Sidney Powell.
Now THAT was fuuuny and an editing MASTERPIECE. Thanks C.
@Rich Taylor and CCW – we are witnessing the fog of a non kinetic domestic WAR.
And misinformation, to the enemy, is GOOD.
We’re still waiting out here in flyover land with jaded hopes and dreams…
Yeah, Trump will survive.
Not sure about the rest of us and many Americans.
Isn’t it obvious by now you’ve been had?
Sessions, Barr, Wray, protecting Fauci, massive deficit spending including trillions in “Covid stimulus”.
For pete’s sake, U.S.A., you’ve been had.
Trust, the plan
Have patience.
Then the clock ran out.
Trump will do NOTHING, and the clock will run out and you’ll have been had again.
It’s Bush dejavu all over again.
@Mike_W – maybe? But what makes YOU so sure?
You compare Trump to…Bush? LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Call me dopey. I trust my instincts and research, not Q or anyone fucking else.
You appear to have not really paid too much attention at the battery of fire that the POTUS had to put up with AND achieved things no one time POTUS has done. PERIOD.
I’m comparing Trump to Bush in that both appeared to be conservative patriots.
We now know that Bush conned American patriots into fighting the NWO wars(intended to drive many millions of mohammedans into the West as “refugees”, as well as other aims) and was actually a dedicated NWO leftist living his daddy’s dream.
@Mike_W – not sure IF you are posting from this side of the pond or not, ‘the rest of us and many Americans’ BUT who exactly have I been ‘had by’? The rest of us?? Who is the rest of US?
Been had by Trump or the Swamp? You mean since JFK was offed?
Trump CHALLENGED The Swamp. And what is he rewarded with?
He gave the Swamp a VACCINE in SIX dam months.
I HATE people that are ungrateful.
Go ahead.
Regarding that “battery of fire”.
Do you know about Trump’s background in pro wrestling?
Are you familiar with the term, “kayfabe”?
The definition of “kayfabe”:
(in professional wrestling) the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic.
@Mike_W – I have NOT one clue about the POTUS former wrestling career or the Apprentice bullshit.
Never watch ONE episode.
What does this have to do with the current price of tea in China?
Oh, I loved OLD wrestling days with Bruno Samartino…and Andre the Giant. Remember him?
By the “rest of us” I meant the rest of the formerly free Western Civilization.
When the U.S. is defeated and crushed by these monsters, the rest of us will be devoured piecemeal.
By “had by”, I’m referring to Deep state and the NWO cabal.
Personally, I don’t believe Trump ever challenged the Swamp.
Why did he appoint Kavanaugh to SCOTUS, a Bush lackey(his wife was Bush’s personal secretary)?
We see now what the supposed SCOTUS judges are really leftists.
Why did trump appoint Sessions, Barr, Wray
Why did Trump cover for Fauci as Fauci organized the destruction of the U.S. economy?
Why did Trump push this satanic covid vaccine?
Trump’s pro wrestling experience fits in EXACTLY with what I reckon he’s doing now:
Kayfabe, kabuki theater to entertain and con the masses.
@Mike_W – Thank you for the interaction.
“When the U.S. is defeated and crushed by these monsters, the rest of us will be devoured piecemeal.”
I agree with this 100%, like the saying we have here, “Where California goes The US goes”, and that’s NOT good.
Who did he con? 80 million KNOWN voters???
WE have been HAD by politicians that WE trusted to do the fucking job that we voted them in for, SO we could fucking WORK.
And NOW we can’t fucking work? Some of us?
How is your income? Is it down 40% like mine?
Is this “trump’s” fault???
How does one say, “Kayfabe, kabuki theater…” but in CHINESE?
Ah, so you are Chinese?
That would explain a lot.
Ghost, what part of California is home for you?
Assuming that Trump leaves office in a few weeks, what do you think is legacy will be re: combating/eliminating the Deep State? IMO, I think it has gotten even larger, more rapacious, more insidious, and more threatening in the last 4 years.
One of the biggest draws for me in voting for him (twice) was that he was an outsider, not beholding to anyone, independently wealthy so more apt to follow principals and not his purse. He was uniquely qualified in identifying and shedding light on the bureaucrats and the lifers. He declared war on them early, garnishing approbation with his supporters.
But like bacteria,the Deep State is hardy, tenacious and will kill for it’s survival and not even a truly great president like Trump even made a dent in it.
To quote the great philosopher ,”We are beyond screwed”.
@Mike_W – not to go ON and ON.
What president would call out his OWN party and the rest of those bastards on the 600 bucks and overseas spending BULLSHIT??? WE’RE TIRE OF IT.
“We see now what the supposed SCOTUS judges are really leftists.”
How can you say this? How long have they been on the bench?? THREE YEARS?!!!!! AND YEAH FOR THAT.
Vaccines are not satanic. What ‘the hell’ is THAT about?
You got vaccines as a child, did you not?
I don’t get flu shots, so maybe you are talking with the wrong person?
Are we being played???? Yeah we are actually, but NOT by Orange Man Bad that IS for sure…
And…I’m in a good mood.
@Mike_W – number one son says “You maybe right” but number TWO son says, “Maybe you WONG?”
@Rich Taylor – good comments, but not where I live now, but where I’m from, The Bronx.
”We are beyond screwed”. – RT and other philosopher
Screws can be reversed, with a hand held drill, 10P NAILS on the other hand? Much more difficult…
So, NOT screwed, but kinda just about nailed home and fucked. VERY difficult to remove when you have to.
IF you cannot? Cut the head or shaft off with a sawszall and metal blade.
That’ll do it.
It seems like we are being hit by a bot war here.
Mike W is a new poster and is trying to bring us down.
He is fake and a commie bastard.
Ghost don’t waste your time.
Lets see if he comes back.
Trust President Trump, not Mike W.
God bless Donald Trump.
Trump did all he could – which was amazing. Just remember the traitors: sessions, barr, mcconnell.