I Would Have No Problem Issuing the Death Penalty For Whoever Did This – IOTW Report

I Would Have No Problem Issuing the Death Penalty For Whoever Did This

We beat it 2 death lol’: Horrific note left on top of a Pomeranian that was found dead with 10 cracked ribs, a broken spine and missing teeth by his distraught owners

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Ronald Boisvert and his girlfriend became concerned when their pet Pomeranian (inset), called Fox, went missing last Friday after they let him out to exercise on a grassy area outside their home in Pembroke Pines, Florida. The following morning, their worry turned to devastation 

Horrific note left beside Fox the Pomeranian beaten to death in Florida and repulsion after their ‘frantic’ neighbor arrived at their door and told them their pet had been returned to them – in a truly shocking way. The owners walked to their back porch to find the broken body of their beloved dog dumped on it, alongside the sickening note: ‘We beat it 2 death lol HAHAHA!’ (main). A vet later determined that Fox had been kicked to death and had suffered 10 cracked ribs, missing teeth and a broken spine. Police are now searching for the dog’s attackers.


37 Comments on I Would Have No Problem Issuing the Death Penalty For Whoever Did This

  1. I still have sorrow about a dog that died too young, years ago, from disease, I can’t imagine what those people are going through, knowing their beloved family member died a violent, horrifying death. I would have no problem at all sentencing the perpetrators to death, without losing a wink of sleep.

  2. I saw a scruffy looking, suited, half-breed, with jughead ears step out of a limousine and do it. Was wearing golf shoes. He may be responsible for a lot of other callous cruelty next year………

  3. Sad. Once – ten, fifteen, twenty years ago? – a little child was born, a blank slate, but allowed to live, without love, care, emotional sunshine. He evolved into this young monster, as he grew.

    Today, because he has “only killed a dog” and is “young,” the sentence won’t be awful, long. But, he is beyond salvation, destroyed, for life; it will get worse…… torturing children, kicking homeless old men to death….?

    Ironically, it is not his fault. Once he was a cute, pretty, baby-to-be with weetle weetle baby toes and feet inside the body of a woman who didn’t want him, didn’t care. What he is, today, is what he was made into, just like a dog trained to kill for blood sport. He knows – has been taught – nothing different.

    Now, you want him punished, the victim of a loveless childhood, a nurtured young sadist performing exactly as he has been trained? He is suffering as well, although, even that does not matter. Now.

    You forced birthers created him, demanded that he be given a chance …..to torture a dog to death and, probably, soon much worse.

    If he had simply never been, a dog would not have suffered to death, now. And what’s coming, ahead, the result of the naively unrealistic forced birthers will probably be much much worse, more expensive, sad and bad all ‘round.

    He is a Frankenstein born of your unrealistic expectations for all babies and all women at all times. ….Lady in Red

  4. Beating a dog to death is never a good thing, Paul, …..except perhaps in your mind….? You are hard to follow…..

    If that “deformed” human being had not been born to a woman who did not love or care for him, the dog would be alive. Yesh!

    And that suffering young sadist (and, yep! I think he’s not a happy soul, either) would not be a problem for society for the rest of his entire life.

    Can you parse all those pieces, eh? ….Lady in Red

  5. Iniquity tolerated is never mitigated. It only compounds. The founders, even those who can’t be called Bible believing Christians or even particularly religious, knew this.

    The Left has spent 100 years convincing us what both the founders and ourselves knew to be true isn’t true at all, and they’ve pretty much succeeded. This is just one tiny fruit of that terminal rot.

  6. It must be a sad life to be willing to justify the killing of unborn children with the brutal death of someones pet.
    Most psychopaths start with killing small animals then perhaps advance to higher creatures.
    If you are to believe the professionals, and I see no reason not to, psychopaths are born, not nurtured.
    Seems your argument, like your little head, is full of straw.
    Bless your atrophied Grinch heart.

  7. I call bullshit…Dog went missing then showed up dead? No collar, but returned to the proper home? Note looks like it was written by different people, different penmanship. How many sadistic dog beaters co-author murder notes?
    On top of that, some poster assumes to know the perp and their background. Writes a screed about a non-aborted tortured lonely soul. Then supposes that if fewer babies were force birthed, fewer dogs would be killed…WTF?
    Stop the planet, I want off.

  8. you mean punishment for the dr’s at planned parenthood right?

    I am saddened over the inhumanly cruel death of a dog but I still wouldn’t wish for any human to be aborted to prevent it.

    I want off too. we have become morally unhinged as a society.

  9. I love dogs, so don’t take this wrong because what the perps did was cruel. I am willing to bet the dog was a barker and the owner did nothing to keep the peace in the neighborhood. Someone in the neiborhood lost.

    I partially blame them.

    Put the dog in the house when you aren’t home!

  10. Cruelty should be punished with cruelty
    Swiftly, publicly, and horribly.
    Something’s fishy on this story, but someone hurt that dog.
    That person should be fed to Hyenas
    Oh, and Lady in Red or whatever: Stop being such a stupid idiot
    If there never was a planet Earth there would never be human suffering and misery.
    Is that preferable?
    Think before you type.

  11. “Thou shalt not kill” applies to animals as well as humans. To kill someone’s pet is beyond awful to me.

    They took the Lord and the 10 commandments out of school and have reaped the whirlwind. No one knows right and wrong anymore. God help us.

  12. @LIR – Abortion teaches that life is cheap…don’t want the trouble of a baby? too much of an inconvenience?…just have your child killed, you could probably always have another if you want.

    Punks that commit acts such as this are a result of the abortion culture, not the lack of it.

    As usual, your argument makes no logical sense – except in your own mind.

  13. or, which is more likely in this day and age, the thugs are over zealous sons of Allah. (aka Muslims. apparently Moe-ham-id did not like dogs so the more devout types take pleasure in murdering dogs)

    Did you notice the “we” in the note before you went on your moral justification of murdering babies? And, by the way, we are living in a world that you want; whoever gay birth to these monsters could have aborted them. Those mothers all had their precious “choice” in the matter.

    But lets say I am wrong and these “Frankensteins” are not muzzytards but are a result of our culture. What particular aspects of our culture do you think would encourage such actions? A morality that says all ‘life is sacred’ or a morality that says ‘if it feels good do it because even if a baby results one can simply murder the baby’? And if its OK to murder human babies in the name of ‘having a good time and keep that good time rolling’ then why not any other mammal?

  14. Sadly, the editor of the bible deleted the eleventh commandment, “Thou Shalt Make No Retarded Assertions Concerning the First Ten Commandments.” Killing in “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” is a loose translation of “murder.” Methinks the commandment which applies is, “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” One no more murders his neighbors filthy poop machine, (i.e. dog,) than one murders the source of the yummy steak I ate last night.

  15. This is a pretty simple puzzle, boys and girls. Take one unwanted, unloved, abused baby and how does he grow up….? Albert Schweitzer? Not likely. …rather, as an emotionally deformed adolescent, and he’ll torture animals, whatever. He’s never experienced love, affection, emotional sunshine. What does he know?

    Then, he’ll get worse and, after he rapes or murders someone, he’ll live off tax payer dollars for the rest of his life. Win-win, eh?
    Loving humane and spiritual people kill animals who are suffering beyond imagination Loving people also “dispose” of unwanted animals, as well, cognizant that they will become vicious feral, starve or die of disease. (That’s why it’s called The Humane Society.)

    But, people? No. You only want to make this (also suffering) child endure *your* torture, now that he didn’t “turn out right.” You blame him with the same mental stupidity that one might blame a pit bull trained for blood sport. You helped make and form this person….. Now, Bad Brad wants to crush his little head. How humane! ….smile….

    You also contend there is a logic here, a logic that allows/demands that you prohibit a woman who doesn’t want a child to birth it, and, when she performs as predicted with regard to her mothering capabilities – zero – you’d convict them both. Wasn’t the daisy-filled meadow you saw in your mind’s eye, eh?

    That was puzzle one. Here’s a tougher one. Things are not pleasant in Europe these day vis a vis feral people invading from Africa. Do you think your God is going to be happy with you when tens of thousands of folk – for which there is no abortion option at all and hardly any birth control option – drown in the Mediterranean Ocean? Can you imagine how annoyed Mother Nature will be with you, leaving 100K decomposing and rotting bodies stinking and polluting her oceans, making a mess of the shores?

    Why? All because you love to coo over ultrasound weetle toes and naively think every woman should be forced to birth every time all the time because of your supercilious arrogance imposed on others from the comfort of your American air conditioned home and stuffed refrigerator. ….Lady in Red

    PS: Trust me: Progs with their speech codes and obsession with anti-gun laws ain’t the only side of the church who insists, “My way or the highway.” Sadly, you will destroy more lives – in so many creative ways you’ve yet to imagine! – than the progs will ever pull off.

  16. I took in a child whose mother was an abusive, crazy, narcissistic drug addict, and he turned out great. I have a friend for life, and if he had been aborted, the world would have one less decent, caring person in it. I’ve yet to meet anyone who had such a horrible childhood that he wished he was never born. The “forced birth” notion kind of ignores the choice a woman (and man… who has no reproductive rights at all these days) made to have sex in the first place, so I’m not buying your rationalizations. In cases of rape, incest, and medical necessity, I’m pro-choice, but when it comes to a matter of convenience, I find that inhumane and selfish. It’s a shame some people are so cavalier about killing the most innocent and vulnerable people of all: a baby in its mother’s womb.

  17. We make choices.

    Loved children, unloved children, ignored children.
    We choose to torture animals or we choose not to.
    We choose to cut off our friends’ and neighbors’ heads, or we choose not to.
    We choose to become pregnant, or not to.

    Only the dead have no choice.

  18. What a load of absolute prog drool; a contrived fantasy twisted to support and excuse murder. Start with a tragically sick, mysterious outcome, without any facts to hinder you, and work it backward to a scenario that supports your philosophy of baby killing for the sake of convenience. Not a particularly taxing mental challenge, and a complete waste of time, here. Much like my wasting my time, trying to reach your fetid soul.

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